Bikers' Nod Types

What type of nod do you do?

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I usually give the standard two down wave unless I can't let go of the bars then it's the upward nod which to me always kinda signifies "wuzz up". :rockon:
2 finger peace sign wave, arm stretched out and low, almost pointing to the ground. Even Harleys can't resist that-so cool. If busy clutching, head nod down.
I only nod if the other rider is wearing full's my stupid little statement as to people being responsible bike riders....

Thanks (about avatar and explanation) :D

Now I understood!
Well... For me, depending on the situation. Custom/Chopper bikes are more friendly than speeder/sporter bikers here.

Are rare a SS Biker nod me so, a don't nod too :p lol

But when the other bike are a custom or have the same model bike than me, I always nod :D
I stick out my left hand, unless i'm at a stop light(hand on the clutch) then I look and nod up and down. Most harley riders don't wave back, especially if they're in a group. They are douchebags is what they are.
I always wave to cops on bikes, and most of the time they wave back(especially CHP). I onced wave to a city bike cop who was hauling ass and obviously busy, but he still waved back.

I do the same, actually, it's easier. I've also gotten waves from cops and i'll wave to them. So far, the police here are really cool...I rode past one a few weekends ago and I know I was over the limit by a good 10-15 on that road (its a fun and twisty road, and a wrench to hold 35 on it..). He just waved and went on his way.
i give the peace down low and a downward nod at lights, i almost get 100% waves back from harley's even when im on my drz or my buddies gsxr