California helmetcam: Roadrager stops to slap rider in the helmet

For those who has watched the video and carry a CWP, what would you have done in this situation. Would you have pulled out your weapon? Is that the point, pulling out a firearm because you feel threatened as the guy walks towards you yelling and screaming? And if you did, what if he goes back and gets a firearm as well?

What role does a CWP come into play if they both had one?

Personally, I'm against owning a firearm, I am entitled to my opinion, as other will disagree, which is fine. But the point is, having one in this situation, would have it helped or make it worse? Isn't this the point of carrying?
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I wonder if the sight of the second rider was the reason this was only a slap. He looked like he wanted to do more, but decided against a 2 v 1 situation.

I think I would have waited until he got two feet on the ground and took off. There wouldn't have been much of a chase. Tough to say though... it doesn't look like the area for a quick and safe getaway. I can say that if this was as unprovoked as it looks (again, not sure what happened before the video starts), I wouldn't have been able to be the bigger man. There wouldn't have been more "slaps". A slapsies contest, if you will.

There's always an alley that leads back to another street as a getaway route in a town.
The VW owners forum have ID'd the guy. :rof:



Someone said that may not be him....Be careful now! :spank: :)

Kudos to this guy and his buddy for not getting off the bike and beating the living **** outta this douche. Seems like it is the GTI drivers who tend to be d-bags too.

The bikers obviously bruised this grunts ego and he had to do something about it... What a douche...
i'm not really sure what happened, he was in a different lane, right? I don't see anything wrong going on except him cutting the motorcycle off awfully close (if you were to be 'racing' and decided to accelerate, who knows what'd happen)

Does the left lane overtake the right lane over there as well (at least it does in europe, makes sense that the one in the left goes faster than right...) ? Most video's like that i can somehow picture the frustration of the other side but in this case i don't even see a problem...

Guess the guy in the VW was ... ;)
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For those who has watched the video and carry a CWP, what would you have done in this situation. Would you have pulled out your weapon? Is that the point, pulling out a firearm because you feel threatened as the guy walks towards you yelling and screaming? And if you did, what if he goes back and gets a firearm as well?

What role does a CWP come into play if they both had one?

Personally, I'm against owning a firearm, I am entitled to my opinion, as other will disagree, which is fine. But the point is, having one in this situation, would have it helped or make it worse? Isn't this the point of carrying?

A weapon, especially a gun is, in my opinion, a last resort tool for defense. In this case, I don't think I would have waited on the guy; if traffic allowed I'd have moved on ASAP. I'm not a LEO; I don't have to confront such idiots; I can walk/ride away.

I would be a different story if I was trapped or unable to extricate myself from the situation.
For those who has watched the video and carry a CWP, what would you have done in this situation. Would you have pulled out your weapon? Is that the point, pulling out a firearm because you feel threatened as the guy walks towards you yelling and screaming? And if you did, what if he goes back and gets a firearm as well?

What role does a CWP come into play if they both had one?

Personally, I'm against owning a firearm, I am entitled to my opinion, as other will disagree, which is fine. But the point is, having one in this situation, would have it helped or make it worse? Isn't this the point of carrying?

I have a CWP and legal use of deadly force is a big topic in the CWP world. What it boils down to in most states is that you cannot brandish your weapon to deter someone. In this case brandishing a weapon without a legitimate threat would have been illegal (someone walking toward you unarmed is not a legitimate threat). On the other hand if he had a crow bar, a knife or a gun in his hand, basically anything that could inflict bodily harm and was advancing aggressively, capping him would have been well without your right.

Personally I would never pull my gun unless I felt 100% sure that person meant to physically harm me or my family because they were armed with a weapon and advancing aggressively. If you pull your weapon you better be planning on using it. Brandishing is a good way to get yourself killed. 9 times out of 10 when a CWP weapon is pulled the attacker flees. Only the dumb ones who truly would have killed you would continue their attack or go for their own gun.

In the unlikely event that you did have to use deadly force to protect yourself chances are you are going into police custody and court over the incident unless the attacker had a large prior record and you have witnesses backing up your legitimate threat claim. is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
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I was headed to work one morning and a guy jumps out of his car and starts toward me. I dismount right away because I could see he was angry and yelling that I better watch myself crossing 3 lanes at once on the freeway. I started yelling back at him that it wasn't me and I think because I was now surefooted off the bike it changed how he viewed he would bully me. I yelled at him to get back in his car and repeated it wasn't me crossing 3 lanes. He got back in his car.

It's sad that people have such emotional problems.

You can hear the VW spin tire in the right lane as the bike pulls away and then the VW pulls past on the right comes into the left lane and blocks off the bike.
The VW guy is aggressive from the beginning and probably had something to prove a long time ago. Lol!
It's hard to know how to defend yourself in these situations and you or the other person can be hurt very quickly and unexpectedly in these situations.
If the rider bailed the VW may have given chase and the situation could have been worse.
I think being the rider was slapped in the helmet the only thing injured is maybe the ego.
Even if you know you can show this person who's boss, it's not worth the court time when you could be out on your ride! :)
As a one off encounter I would probably agree that it's not worth going through the courts.
However, people who act like VW guy may already have some previous dealings with the law. I would pursue it on principle.
The SUV driver might be a valuable witness, there is no evidence that the motorcyclist cut up the VW but something obviously annoyed him.

For those who has watched the video and carry a CWP, what would you have done in this situation. Would you have pulled out your weapon? Is that the point, pulling out a firearm because you feel threatened as the guy walks towards you yelling and screaming? And if you did, what if he goes back and gets a firearm as well?

What role does a CWP come into play if they both had one?

Personally, I'm against owning a firearm, I am entitled to my opinion, as other will disagree, which is fine. But the point is, having one in this situation, would have it helped or make it worse? Isn't this the point of carrying?

Agree with Itdillard, a firearm is a last resort tool when facing a life threatening situation. I don't see this as a life threatening situation. I see lots of ways out to this situation without pulling a CCW... One way is take the slap I guess, another would be switch lanes and distance yourself... List goes on and on. Your right a sidearm could escalate this situation but the way I see it, there was no need to use one here.

There was a guy in a similar situation, but was literally getting his ass beat... As he was taking a beating he warned the guy, stop it multiple times... Guy didn't stop so he shot him. Was in the news a while back.

Point of a firearm isn't to pull it out anytime you have a spat with someone, it's m for self defense when no other option Is available-last resort.
I have a CWP and legal use of deadly force is a big topic in the CWP world. What it boils down to in most states is that you cannot brandish your weapon to deter someone. In this case brandishing a weapon without a legitimate threat would have been illegal (someone walking toward you unarmed is not a legitimate threat).

Is it or is it not? Very subjective. The end result was that the rider was assaulted from a very aggressive person walking towards the rider. Even an assault can lead to death. Do that during a traffic stop with a cop and most likely the LEO will draw his weapon. Far as I'm concerned, same thing.
Is it or is it not? Very subjective. The end result was that the rider was assaulted from a very aggressive person walking towards the rider. Even an assault can lead to death. Do that during a traffic stop with a cop and most likely the LEO will draw his weapon. Far as I'm concerned, same thing.

LEO is a little different, they are legally obliged to pull to deter, that's why in the worlds wildest vids when they finally get someone who ignored the police pulled over, they are already drawn and yelling at them, giving them an ultimatum-do nothing but instructed.
Is it or is it not? Very subjective. The end result was that the rider was assaulted from a very aggressive person walking towards the rider. Even an assault can lead to death. Do that during a traffic stop with a cop and most likely the LEO will draw his weapon. Far as I'm concerned, same thing.

It is very subjective. However, judging from the video...I would not have drawn my weapon as the biker. I would not have felt like my life was being threatened by an unarmed attacker saying "you better check yourself".

A police officer has the benefit of the law behind him. He can draw his weapon if any possible threat is detected or to prevent a threat and encourage surrender.
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As a one off encounter I would probably agree that it's not worth going through the courts.
However, people who act like VW guy may already have some previous dealings with the law. I would pursue it on principle.
The SUV driver might be a valuable witness, there is no evidence that the motorcyclist cut up the VW but something obviously annoyed him.


I totally agree that legal recourse would be in order. As far as the VW rider being upset about something, why are you or I responsible? He'll have to grow a little and it looks like he's a ways back at ape level. :)

If the situation presented itself differently I would try to help a person who is distressed like this. Maybe offer them some cookies and ice cream(metaphoric or not)?

I know it might sound stupid but....Instead of cowering and submitting to the situation, offering the cookies and ice cream says something about your character. This person may realize you are not terrified and he may rethink his thought of hitting you. It really won't hurt the situation. It doesn't do you any good to be afraid when you could have presence of mind to defuse or better defend your self.

In this situation the rider says I'm sorry. Why? I'll bet he's been bullied before and his instinct is to submit and say he's sorry for whatever heat is upon him. That may be what invited the smack. Weakness and submissiveness. Bullies pick on people who they believe they can beat. You'll never see them pick on people they believe they can't beat. I don't believe this rider did anything wrong except roll on his throttle while Mr. VW couldn't match him.
Mr VW rolled out of bed with that slap already loaded and was going to deliver it to someone.

I grew up with four brothers in a sort of tough neighbor hood. I would say the majority of citizens never have to deal with violence, never learned how to take or deliver a can of woop ass but there are character building parts of the experience that are an advantage that will temper and help you enjoy life better as well as skirt future encounters.
To all my friends with bullets out there: Let's go make some beer and ice cream floats!:eek::rolleyes: :BLAA::rockon:
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Eh.. Anyone consider that the motorcyclist should have gotten smacked across the helmet?

Looks to me the guy on the bike accelerated to gain on the car not letting the guy change lanes. Then after the car goes behind him, he slows down/brake checks him?? So the car nearly hits him and has to weave around him to avoid an accident.

If the motorcycle wanted to go faster than the car he should have maintained his superior speed. If he wanted to go slower then just let the car pass and merge over in the first place.

The motorcycle guy is lucky he only got a gentle smack across his helmet instead of rear ended/run over by that van.
Doesn't matter, in my opinion. When you exit your vehicle (or dismount your motorcycle) AND put your hands on another motorists' person, you take it to another level that nothing I can think of justifies.
In this situation the rider says I'm sorry. Why? I'll bet he's been bullied before and his instinct is to submit and say he's sorry for whatever heat is upon him. That may be what invited the smack. Weakness and submissiveness. Bullies pick on people who they believe they can beat. You'll never see them pick on people they believe they can't beat. I don't believe this rider did anything wrong except roll on his throttle while Mr. VW couldn't match him.
Mr VW rolled out of bed with that slap already loaded and was going to deliver it to someone.
Good point Cliff was the "Sorry" remark a reflex response to defuse the situation or an apology for something?
I agree that you need to stand up for yourself. Bullies rely on their victims being submissive and not standing up for themselves. Either way VW guy is a complete twat and deserves to be prosecuted.
What a ass. Smack my helmet and walk off? How about my helmet smacks back. Destroying the structural integrity of the helmet/skull. No reason to get upset enough to attack someone. Because that someone may not be the someone you should have messed with that day. He is a bully. Sorry to say once he kicked the door open, I would have been off my bike or out of my car. I will not be attacked sitting down if a threat is percieved to me. Oh and if this would have been in my car with my family. Yeah he would have caught a .357mag to the chest. Done and done. He should have checked himself and just let it go.

Anyways. He is a puss. Only pansies act like that.