Cbzdel Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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Haha :D...cbzdel

What do you do for a living?
Structural engineering for the time being, I have been applying for a lot of Civil Engineering positions, so hopefully soon.

How long have you owned your FZ6?
I have a 2009 FZ6R and I bought it May 9th 2009.

What other modes of transport do you have?
I also currently own a 2009 Honda Ruckus which is heavily modified, a 1971 VW Super Beetle which I am rebuilding for autocross, and the woman has a 2003 VW Jetta.

If you could have any bike what would it be?
Right now I am really happy with what I have, but I wouldn't mind also having some sort of Dual Sport and a Cruiser just to add to the collection.

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
Rebuilding Cars has been taking up 99% of my spare time for the past year, but I also enjoy backpacking and road trips.

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
I would have to say Hawaii, usually I go on vacation and come back stressed out an in need of another vacation, but not to Hawaii, it was 100% relaxing the entire time!

How would you best describe yourself?
Easy doing about it kinda guy, that likes long walks under a moon lit beach lol.. Just kidding the easiest way to describe me is "Tim Taylor from Home Improvement" I am just like that guy, always wanting the best of the best then making it better only after breaking it a few times haha

What pets have you got?
My boss was going to give his pure breed long hair Chihuahua to the Humane Society because his kids refused to take care of it, so I told him I wanted it, I knew he paid close to $1000 for it. He told me if he gave it to me and he found out I sold it he would fire me, fair trade hahaha.. So I got it and gave it to my Mom, she loves it! So its licensed to me but its her dog.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
That I have no idea, something that would of made me alot of money, maybe the ShamWOW or the snuggie??

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
Smoking, I used to smoke, quit, still have urges, end up doing it when I drink to much, then regret it haha.. I hate the smell and just cant stand it anymore..

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?
Not really a talent but I can talk about engines all night long haha!

Snow or beach?
I wouold have to say beach right now, I used to love the snow and go build igloos and snow caves, but I am not in the shape I used to be in haha!

Windows or Mac?
Windows Vista, and I hate it, I used to have a Mac and I miss it haha!

F1 or MotoGP?
MotoGP, seems more entertaining

Which track or album rocks your boat?
If this boats a rockin', dont come kno....... Wait If this boats a rockin' call the coast guard!!! haha Anyways I am a huge Metallica fan, both old stuff and new stuff including the dreaded saint anger album :thumbup:

What is your favorite film?
I dont have an absolute favorite, I just seen Transformers 2 and The Hangover, and I have to say The Hangover is the funniest movie I have seen in my whole life, I was crying in the theater, and Transformers 2 was just freaking awesome!

Meat or Veg?
Meat, I have been on a huge chicken kick lately, red meat is almost becoming unappealing for some reason.

What is your favorite beverage?
Strangely, unsweetened iced tea, I figure all the benefits of water with a little flavor..

And finally, your number one rule in life?
This is what my dad used to tell me "If you hide under a rock your whole life you are going to die under a rock" not the best quote, but basically meaning get out and enjoy life regardless what your doing.. (e.g. ride a motorcycle if it makes yout happy even though your mother says you will kill yourself)
Great interview man, thanks! Somehow I missed all these new interviews over the holiday weekend.

Do you have Metallica S&M? One of my favorite albums, and is constantly in my ipod. I'm bummed I didn't get to see the show; it was right here in the Bay Area.
Haha :D...cbzdel

And finally, your number one rule in life?
This is what my dad used to tell me "If you hide under a rock your whole life you are going to die under a rock" not the best quote, but basically meaning get out and enjoy life regardless what your doing.. (e.g. ride a motorcycle if it makes yout happy even though your mother says you will kill yourself)

That is a great advise. I'll have to remember it!