Christmas Themed Scavenger Hunt


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May 9, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario
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This one is Christmas themed as requested. The end date will be January 6th as I will be away for all of the Christmas holidays. I realize most people won't be able to get some of them til closer to Christmas, so the late due date might be advantageous.

Winner gets 10 million credits

The rules are the same as last month apply to this month, you can do it on your bike or with your helmet. Some are exclusively helmet. Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas folks!

1. Helmet in a wreath or bike by a wreath
2. Bike or helmet with a nativity scene
3. Bike or helmet decorated for Christmas
4. Helmet under the Christmas tree
5. Bike or helmet with a snowman (real or fake)
6. Helmet on Santas lap or bike with Santa in the background
7. Bike or helmet with eggnog (rum optional)
8. Bike or helmet with your favorite Christmas treat
9. Bike or helmet with the first Christmas card your receive this year
10. Your favorite picture of your bike


11. Write your bikes wish list to Santa (should be easy) lol
PS. Do you folks know how hard it is to come up with 11 themed items??:rof: I hope you enjoy it!:thumbup:
Ummmm the bonus one could be tough to get, that list can be pretty long LOL.:eek:
Steph whats eggnog? never heard of it

Thought everyone would get that one, didn't realize its not worldwide.... hmmm I guess you Uk'ers can get the optional bottle of rum instead. That's the main ingredient anyway lol


I personally don't like it, but if you go 5% eggnog and 90% rum....
Is it a soft drink also know as a snowball? Looks very much like a drink :eek: my mum used to have when I was a kid.
Is it a soft drink also know as a snowball? Looks very much like a drink :eek: my mum used to have when I was a kid.

I can't imagine it would be a soft drink....carbonated dairy just seems wrong! It is just basically milk eggs and nutmeg
Eggnog is something you put a little Captain in! ;)

I like this one! Great ideas once again Steph! Thanks!
OK I'll go first:

Helmet in a wreath:

Bike with a nativity scene:

Bike decorated for Christmas:

Helmet under the tree:

Bike and helmet with a snowman:

Helmet on Santa's lap:
Helmet with eggnog:

Helmet with my favorite Christmas treat :D:D:D

Helmet with our fist Christmas card:

My favorite picture of my bike:

And of course, the bonus. My bike's Christmas list:

Who's next??
You have set a very high standard.
Very nice indeed.


PS your daughter is beautiful, obviously not as beautiful as my baby, but dam close lol.
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Wow! great job Travis!!! As Nelly said, your daughter is stunning and I love your favorite Christmas treat, very pretty lady!

Thanks for getting this hunt going!!
Nellys other half

1. Helmet in a wreath or bike by a wreath


2. Bike or helmet with a nativity scene


3. Bike or helmet decorated for Christmas
I am a reserved character and believe that under statement demonstrates a refined


4. Helmet under the Christmas tree


5. Bike or helmet with a snowman (real or fake)


5. Bike or helmet with a snowman (real or fake)
My 3 year-old gave me this one, she said "I know daddy you can use my snowman" She got it from Santa tonight at a carol concert.


6. Helmet on Santas lap or bike with Santa in the background

7. Bike or helmet with eggnog (rum optional) None off the above for me so you get whiskey


8. Bike or helmet with your favorite Christmas treat. See # 7

9. Bike or helmet with the first Christmas card your receive this year

We don't do cards with friends and family. Instead we give the money to a charity.


10. Your favorite picture of your bike


Bonus Picture

Chloe's 1st Birthday 07/12/2008


11. Write your bikes wish list to Santa (should be easy) lol

Wish List:
Dear Santa, please make Nelly remember to ride me nicely and not drop me on the cold wet roads. I would also like a bit of a wash now and again.
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Well done Nelly! Your little ones are adorable!

I bet the patients at the hospital were wondering "what kind of place is this if the nurses have to wear helmets???"