Christmas Themed Scavenger Hunt

Well done Nelly! Your little ones are adorable!

I bet the patients at the hospital were wondering \"what kind of place is this if the nurses have to wear helmets???\"
Thanks Travis & Steph,
I will add the others as I have said. Now that I have a pocket camera its with me 24/7.


I only wore my helmet briefly in order to get the pictures lol. Last weekend there was a Christian biker rally doing a toy run. Apparently there were 200 Santas on bikes.
That would have been one great shot to get in on.
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Here is the next three in order. I don't exchange x-mas cards so no luck on that pic. Hope you guys enjoy and have a great holiday.
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the last 5....I know you're thinking what's the "treat" pic got to do the Garden of the Gods? Well, when it hits 52 in December in's a real treat! And since the bikes Santa letter was mailed already, I remember it asking for only 2 things:
courteous cagers & good roads!
Sorry I am so late getting on this. I just got home from holidays and promptly got the flu. I will tally up the pics tomorrow.

Does everyone want to do one for January?