Concerns about travelling x2


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Jun 11, 2010
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Athens (Greece)
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Hello guys!
The reason I’ve opened this topic is to get some answers on some questions that are troubling my mind for some time now and that have to do with the usage of my bike (fazer600 s2) for travelling with my life’s other half….
I used to live a normal and lonely life, travelling indoors and outdoors my country, all by myself, but the last two years I have reviewed many of my thoughts and I have come to the conclusion that travelling without my girlfriend is like enjoying half of the trip. :hug:
Luckily, my fazer is standing high to the occasion and we always enjoy every trip we make, every time.
Still, after all this “riding with passenger” situation, some new questions have emerged into my mind, questions that I hadn’t faced before, I didn’t even know about their existence or that they could ever affect me at some point. For some of these I have found answers in forums, reading about other people’s experiences, reading about couples taking on adventures all around the world, guides and generally in the internet.
I have two questions though that are specific to the fazer 600 motorcycle and I thought that they should be addressed to the fz6-forum community, to get some good answers.

So, starting with my first question, I have discovered a small problem that has to do with aerodynamics and the air flow, while riding in pair. The air flowing above my helmet, instead of travelling from the front, above our heads, all the way to the tail of the motorcycle and beyond, is actually staying behind my head, in the middle (gap) between us, creating some kind of a turbulence, a vortex, a swirl to describe it better. This is actually not nice because it creates unpleasant vibrations and movements to my helmet while riding that are very annoying and tiring for me.
This happens above 120km/h (74.5miles/h) and of course, it gets enforced on higher speeds, while it is also very much affected by strong winds. I had never faced that before while riding alone and the first guess I had was to tell my girlfriend to come closer with her helmet to mine. This worked a bit, but being close also creates other kind of problems, like helmet banging , back tiring, etc. Also, making our helmets touch is not a good idea, cause it makes my neck hurt because of the back force applied there.
Another thought I had was that maybe, if I change the bike’s windshield (normal, original yamaha one) with a higher one, let’s say the original Yamaha touring one, or an aftermarket, will this work? Which one should I look for? Which windshield is better and why?
What do you think?
Somebody ever had same problem, some experience on this?

Second question, is also a strange fact that has to do more with my girlfriend and her falling asleep sometimes while we ride. This scares me a bit and it usually happens while riding on long and boring highways etc. :shakehead:
After discussing the issue with her, I have come to understand that the main problem is her not being able to look at the road in front of us, mainly because my head and shoulders block her the view (I am taller and much bigger than her). Of course she can look at sides, but after a while it gets boring and brings heavy eye lids, I understand that, I guess I would feel the same in her place.
This problem doesn’t exist when we ride on twisty country roads, cause while leaning she is perfectly able to look at what is coming above my shoulders and adrenaline kicks in…, instead on straights, she is not. We tried to fight this problem with an mp3 player, hearing some music partly solved the problem, but not completely.
Now, I know that some of you will give solutions about strong coffee, red bulls or better, an intercom, but the first are not good solutions, while the last is very expensive for me.
One thing I had noticed on a trip, was another couple riding on a multistrada, where the girl was actually sitting on a pillow! Yes, it was an interesting idea, that way not only it was more comfortable (even if the multi has a much comfortable seat, I guess), but also it was raising her view by a few centimeters and she was able to look straight ahead above the shoulders of her man.
The idea bulb lit and my thought was why not to take the bike’s seat to a workshop and have it stuffed in the behind, in a way that it rises at least for two or three fingers. That way we would achieve same effect, without having to use the embarrassing pillow….
What do you think, such thing would be possible or it would be just a waste of money?
Has anybody had such a problem before, any other ideas, solutions?

I don’t know if these facts and solutions apply also to other bikes, like the Fazer1000 or the naked editions. In any case it would be good to have your opinions and thoughts closer to the fazer600 on these matters.


Ps. I am 1.80cm (5.9ft) tall, in case somebody asks for advice about the windshield.
I think i can add to the part with the helmet and the wind behind the riders helmet. from my experience this is down to the type of helmet the rider is wearing. I sat on the back of my dads mates ZX6R for a short ride and his head was all over the place. turned out that the "spoiler" on his helmet was causing bad air between us. on his own he didn't have this problem.

As to the sleeping problem other then short and regular breaks to break the journey down and allow you to have a chat and a drink. not to much else you can do
I think i can add to the part with the helmet and the wind behind the riders helmet. from my experience this is down to the type of helmet the rider is wearing. I sat on the back of my dads mates ZX6R for a short ride and his head was all over the place. turned out that the "spoiler" on his helmet was causing bad air between us. on his own he didn't have this problem.

As to the sleeping problem other then short and regular breaks to break the journey down and allow you to have a chat and a drink. not to much else you can do

Well, changing helmet ehh? hmmm....Though my helmet does not have a spoiler, I hadn't thought about trying that. Of course when you're travelling you don't take many helmets with you...hehe. Maybe I should test it with a different helmet..thanks man!
Do you have an intercom system ? that can keep her awake during the boring parts. And you can say whatever you want, it's not like she's going anywhere :p
1. 74 mph is pretty fast travel for 2-up riding on a small bike like the FZ6. It is bound to cause turbulence and aerodynamic issues. Perhaps you need to slow down just a bit and take in the scenery?

2. The passenger falling asleep while riding is a serious problem. My uncle actually had his woman almost fall off the bike while riding cross country when she fell asleep...somehow he managed to hold her up with his arm and shook her till she regained awareness and held on! Perhaps you just need to stop and get off the bike more frequently? More than 1 hour at a time as a passenger I'm sure can get really boring and tiring!
Guys guys, who said we don't stop frequently? Have you ever ridden with a woman on the fazer's back seat??? It is impossible not to stop, minimum every 30km(18miles) maximum 50(31miles)! Her bottom will grow rashes! Of course we do stop frequently, if not I would have lost her in some turn....or back at home! :shakehead:

Also, the fazer is not such a small bike, maybe compared to others that you have in mind it is....but anyway, 120km/h(74mph) is not such a high speed when you ride on the highway, for the fazer damn it's not and the road limit is 130(80)...also no scenery on highways but cement and asphalt. Anyway, the effect starts being noticable after the 120..
Don't worry about all of the problems with this idea - just think, if she falls asleep at least she won't fall off the back.

Don't worry about all of the problems with this idea - just think, if she falls asleep at least she won't fall off the back.


haha awesome idea lol

I would deffo consider trying another helmet and see what happens if you can could solve that problem right away.

As to the FZ6 being a bit small for two up at 70mph. I do that all the time and i have no problems with my partner on the back with our long rides. hell, i have done some stretches of road at 90+mph cruising with no wind buffeting on my helmet, well at least not from behind

I'm going to guess the helmet is the issue with the turbulence. My girl and I rode to the adirondacks last year, 7 hour trip for us, and neither of us had buffeting/turbulence issues. I'm 6'2", she's around 5'6". She also slept a good portion of the way, I don't see the problem with that. With the position we ride in, her arms are around me, and she's leaned slightly into me. As long as I don't accelerate hard there is no way she's falling off...

and 74 mph is too fast for two up on this bike? You smokin somethin funny? We averaged 90mph most of the way across New York, had no problems.
whenever I ride with my sister the buffeting starts at under 50mph:eek: i guess its because we are the same person, same build, im just 2 inches taller. I just move forward and she likes to stay on the far back holding to the grab rails...
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To the OP, while I have *very* little 2up experience, I'm throwing this out there anyway.

Try resolving the seating position first, and you may also solve/reduce the buffeting problem as well. Try a pillow on a short ride and see if it improves turbulence and her sleepiness. If it works, make a better fitting riser out of foam or something. Increasing the stuffing underneath the OEM cover by 'two or three fingers' doesn't sound feasible with the amount of material you have to work with.
I'm going to guess the helmet is the issue with the turbulence. My girl and I rode to the adirondacks last year, 7 hour trip for us, and neither of us had buffeting/turbulence issues. I'm 6'2", she's around 5'6". She also slept a good portion of the way, I don't see the problem with that. With the position we ride in, her arms are around me, and she's leaned slightly into me. As long as I don't accelerate hard there is no way she's falling off...

and 74 mph is too fast for two up on this bike? You smokin somethin funny? We averaged 90mph most of the way across New York, had no problems.

whenever I ride with my sister the buffeting starts at under 50mph:eek: i guess its because we are the same person, same build, im just 2 inches taller. I just move forward and she likes to stay on the far back holding to the grab rails...

Thank you both for the answers and suggestions. Just one question, by letting her come closer to you and lean on you, putting her arms around you, don't you have the "banging helmets" problem? cause we do a lot...even if I try to be gentle, like you said Z.

To the OP, while I have *very* little 2up experience, I'm throwing this out there anyway.

Try resolving the seating position first, and you may also solve/reduce the buffeting problem as well. Try a pillow on a short ride and see if it improves turbulence and her sleepiness. If it works, make a better fitting riser out of foam or something. Increasing the stuffing underneath the OEM cover by 'two or three fingers' doesn't sound feasible with the amount of material you have to work with.

Yes, it is a good idea to try the pillow first and if this really works, to stuff the seat. Why the two or three fingers don't sound feasible, I don't understand, is it too much or not? Maybe you meant that there will not be enough space in there to stuff more foam material?
Thanks pookamatic!

P.s - Ahhh, by the way, maybe you didn't catch this from the first post, we have been riding together for two years now, last trip we did was ~7.200km (4.473miles), before that ~5.000km etc, we are not totally inexperienced...but still these things are bugging me and I decided now, finally, to ask....
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