CONTEST!!!! Submit Pictures!!!


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Shelburne, VT
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Ok.. time for another contest!! This time I am going to cough up $20 usd. I know its not much, but hey anything for a contest!!

It will be a Photo Contest!!


1. It must be your bike. I wont limit it to FZ6, but you must actually own / owned the bike (downed bikes count too!!) I do not care what year the photo was taken, so as long as you "owned" the bike at one point. I will determine the qualifications if they are called into question.

2. I will pick 3 photo's that I like the most, then the forum will vote the winner!! Worked last time so I assume we wont have any issues this time around.

3. you must have a paypal account as that is how i am going to send it to you. It will be for $20 in US dollars, as i live in the us and don't want to deal with exchange rates and such). If you do not have a paypal account, you can not play.. sorry..

4. Every one gets one picture. I don't want to sift through thousands.. if you post more than one, i will only rate your first post. lets not make this complicated!!

5. Contest will run from now (12/5/13 - 12/11/13) for submissions.. I will choose the finalist's.. and then voting for the winner will be 12/12/13-12/18/13) prize will be awarded 12/19/13!!!

Enough with the rules and GO!! :thumbup:
Train watching on Hill 582 off hwy 138 in Southern California.


The adventure ride with Cali rider on an unmarked, unmaintained road with cows in August 2013.
My security system....her name is Reagan.


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The camera had a hard time with the LCD display but I just turned 88,000 miles while riding the FJR in the Nevada desert on my way up to a buck 50 :thumbup:
These are all amazing...I really like the train watching, Jblk9695!

Motogiro's is also pretty sweet. Love that SV!
Taken this year on a trip taht kinda went off-road with my girl spent teh whole day on that field just enjoying nature!