did anyone else's insurance rate drop ?

how come insurance is so expensive for you guys?

I paid about £500 (750CAD?) for fully comp insurance, 1 week after passing my test, with no previous bike experience (aged 27)

my car insurance is a different story :(
in Ontario it went way up about 10 years ago when the
prov/gov decided that healthcare needs as the result
of an auto accident should be paid for through private
insurance rather than our public plan, so now we have
a thing called accident benefits, it's mandatory, and about
half the cost of the policy, it's total BS because we were
already paying taxes through the nose for public health
care and now pay again...my truck costs 1700/year, 800
of that is for accident benefits, and you know what? I pay
again on the bike :banghead:
that sucks, governments seem to love raping the taxpayers, if you can pay once, then you can pay twice. we have similar things with lots of other stuff