Do we go backwards?


Junior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Well since the people in charge of this site see it as ok to stump for Coakley, I feel I can add my thoughts.

Do we go backwards? I certainly hope every single American with half a brain and a modicum of common sense can see 0Bama, Pelosi, Reid, et al are taking us straight towards communism with government run banks, health care, motor companies, wall street....

Do we want to go backwards to Capitalism and Democracy. I certainly DO!

I'm voting for Scott Brown to try and stop this insane universal health care for everyone on the back of working Americans.

What happened to personal responsibility in America?

What happened to America period?

P.S. You couldn't pay me enough to sell out my country and run an ad for a communist agenda.
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Well since the administrators have the most prime web location for their ad. I thought it only fair I put this in General Discussions as the section for political topics has very low traffic.
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Not sure what ad you're talking about... and FYI, moderators don't have much to do with ads on this forum... the Admin handles that.

Independently, you should still post in the right section :) If there's low traffic in the political section it's maybe because people don't want to talk politics on their motorcycle forum? :)
Do you have something popping up on your screen? :confused: Maybe it's malware?? :eek:
Its not a pop up, its at the top of the forum page, endorsed by this site. Look up.

Also, if people don't want to see political posts, please forward your concern to the administrators so they can remove their Scott Brown slander attack ad.

The reason I started this post is because I don't think I should have to see Anti-American messages of hate on a motorcycle forum I enjoy either.
The add are automatically generated by Google.I can choose to block specific adds that I do not want but for the most part the google decides what to put in the add space that I rent them.. This basically coves some of the costs to run the site. Myself and donations cover the rest...

Please Post in the correct area. Inform Me or Mods of anything you find offensive or that goes against site rules.

"Well since the people in charge of this site see it as ok to stump for Coakley,"

What the hell is a Stump for Coakley?
My apologies to the administrators. My issue is with google then. To stump for a candidate means to campaign for them.
Relax! Google bought Obama long ago, they're just protecting their investment. This site has been very good about keeping politics where they belong, in the underground politics section :D Please make sure you do the same, those are the rules. And for the record it isn't communism, it's national socialism.
National Socialism = Nazism, so Obama = Hitler huh?

You guys are funny....

Very simplistic linear train of thought there. Educate yourself on the concepts of national socialism, which is a form of government not a specific governing body, then compare to the recent exploits of our current administration. It's true that there are undeniable similarities between the two, however I thought you would have picked up my sarcasm there. The OP sounded like some people did last year, when we had a communist vs. socialist discussion. Oh well, I still think we need to invent a sarcastic button next to the italic one.
hmmm I need to educate myself huh? National Socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As the name suggests, features of nationalism and socialism are combined to form an ideology, although the combination process is neither obvious nor straightforward. The term most typically refers to Nazism, which was the ideology of the German Nazi Party (National Socialist German Workers' Party), which was led by Adolf Hitler.
As a generic concept, National Socialism opposes capitalism, conservatism, communism, democratic socialism and liberalism.[1] It also opposes certain nations, ethnicities and other groups that are deemed to be undesirable. Several political parties other than the German Nazis have used the name National Socialist Party or National Socialist Movement, and the name has been adopted by neo-Nazi groups in various countries.
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You were actually part of that discussion weren't you? It was on the concepts of state control over banking (Citi group, Geithner forced mergers and forced borrowing of TARP funds, salary and bonus controls, impending taxation and regulation of the industry), and production (Chrysler/GM takeovers and subsequent firings, czar placements, but much more importantly cap and tax), printing money to pay massive debt (promise not to monetize the debt followed by immediately monitizing the debt), control of the media (Over saturation, attack on Fox News, control over questions asked during press conferences, shills, etc.), mass indoctrinization (Oversaturation, Obama pledge), creation of civilian political armies (Obama's plan for a massive militia that answers to him), state control over personal wealth (concept of spreading the wealth around, soaking the rich, massive taxation and subsidy, seizure of secured GM debt turned over to union supporters, etc.) creation of a massive welfare state with the people reliant on government handouts for survival (massive expansions of unemployment, health care subsidies, COBRA, food stamp increases and other welfare programs, impending Obamacare) Just a lot of interesting similarities there. It certainly isn't communism, but it is a form of socialism. Which form exactly? Not sure, but it does seem to have a lot of similarities to many of the concepts of National Socialism. What form of socialism would you call it?
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oh deer... I won't even touch that one it's so freaking ridiculous. :banghead: :shakehead:

Once you make that kind of amalgams, there's really no possibility for a reasonable debate anymore...
oh deer... I won't even touch that one it's so freaking ridiculous. :banghead: :shakehead:

Once you make that kind of amalgams, there's really no possibility for a reasonable debate anymore...

You participated in the conversation about this, I was just recapping here. Not sure how you could forget so quickly. What form of government is Obama moving towards in your opinion? Still afraid of the S word? :D
Cuba is right you know. Being intentionally obtuse doesnt make it not so.
Well since the people in charge of this site see it as ok to stump for Coakley, I feel I can add my thoughts.

Do we go backwards? I certainly hope every single American with half a brain and a modicum of common sense can see 0Bama, Pelosi, Reid, et al are taking us straight towards communism with government run banks, health care, motor companies, wall street....

Do we want to go backwards to Capitalism and Democracy. I certainly DO!

I'm voting for Scott Brown to try and stop this insane universal health care for everyone on the back of working Americans.

What happened to personal responsibility in America?

What happened to America period?

P.S. You couldn't pay me enough to sell out my country and run an ad for a communist agenda.

I promise the Admins of this site are not on the side of destroying either one of our countries.

Google helps pay the bills. They are and have been in the bag for the liberal agenda.
I for one could care less what google wants to use for ads on this site.. if it helps pay the bills then good. besides, im sure the admin doesnt want to ask for a "bail out" so its better to just let google put up whatever they want.. :)
Even though I voted for Obama, the more he says or does makes me kinda sick. What a dissappointment. Did you hear the latest, his response to the MASS election bombshell? He said people voted against the Dem candidate and for Brown was because, just as they voted him (Obama) in, they voted this time against the past 8 years and that's why Brown won. Huh? No, I don't think so, President Obama! (but, he knows that already, he's just too much of a coward to admit that MASS voters voted against the OBAMA agenda candidate) Duh! Oh man, what a disappointment Obama is. Obama thinks that all he has to do is cruise control though the rest of his term or something? How arrogant. I know, it's my fault because....I voted for him. Oh well, McCain probably wouldn't be much better. But, Obama is now, at least for me, insulting.