Do you wave at Harley riders?

Do you wave at Harley riders

  • I wave at them every time

    Votes: 131 65.8%
  • I'll wait for them to wave first

    Votes: 68 34.2%

  • Total voters
I bet only motorcycle riders have these discussions about waving. I own a VRod and on that forum it comes up every so often if they wave to "Jap" bikes even though it might be a BMW or a Ducati, it's all the same in some of their eyes... Don't think Jeep guys wave at the Hummer guys. Or the Camaro guys wave at the Mustang guys. Personally, I don't wave unless you on an FZ or VRod. I will not wave at the ditch pump riders.

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What the heck is a ditch pump rider?

I wave at anyone, not really scooters or bicyclists, but yes, the attractive females always get waved at. #bachelorlife
I wave at him, but not them etc sounds a bit juvenile to me.

I wave/offer a nod to everyone I see on a bike, and a lot of cagers too. (especially if they do something nice, like give way (correctly!))

Sure I nod to harley riders, and most are too up themselves to wave, or even acknowledge you, but I know I've done the right thing.

You never know, that cager you just waved to, is now conscious of you, and might just see not all motorcyclists as impersonal heathens.

Do unto others is my personal moto!

I personally wave at everyone riding a motorcycle. I really don't care if someone doesn't wave back, I don't take myself too seriously, but I think it's cool when us motorcyclists wave to each other just sort of as a show of respect/brotherhood almost. I don't wave at scooters unless they wave at me first, or if they trick me, some of those scooters look similar to like a BMW touring bike from the front. Most the scooter riders around here are clueless dingleberries, I've probably had 2 wave in 3+ years. I've also been known to accidentally wave at bikes while I'm in my car, that get's the weirdest looks.

How do you guys feel about waving on the freeway? I normally don't but some riders wave on the freeway so I tend to try and throw my hand out there at 70 mph in the 3 second window that we can see each other.
I used to work with and sometimes hang out with a guy that is strictly Harley. He liked when I first got my FZ6, said he could hear it several blocks away (thanks to the Leo Vince pipes). Then when I moved on to the BMW I have now he commented on how nice it was. Then I heard second hand how he later called it a commie bike. Ignorant.

I wave to most but usually not scooters. I used to but quickly discovered in Austin they're hipster fascists that look down upon motorcycles as being wasteful of fuel as their Vespa gets XX miles per gallon... :shakehead: They're the Prius folks on two wheels.

I wonder for every Harley rider that doesn't have the Harley edition Ford F-Look-At-Me truck they drive foreign cars. As long as their wardrobe consists of 80% Harley branded crap and the rest makes 'em look like Jack Sparrow pirate, they're fine.

They still get a wave from me if they're on a motorcycle. I've ridden with almost all brands including a Ural but not an MV Agusta, few have those. There's been a time or two where I missed a cyclist that is/has waved and I didn't return it. Oops. I've also waved at bicyclists now and then.
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I wave to most but usually not scooters. I used to but quickly discovered in Austin they're hipster fascists that look down upon motorcycles as being wasteful of fuel as their Vespa gets XX miles per gallon... :shakehead: They're the Prius folks on two wheels.

I own (and ride) two scooters along with my FJR. I also drive a full-size pickup. My neighbor has a modded scooter that scared the crap out of me the one time I rode it. Maybe sometimes people do something simply because it's fun.

And I play no favorites or discriminate against any rider. I don't wave at anyone. :Flip:
+1 on this too (or a big nod if both hands are busy shifting).
+2 i always make sure to acknowledge a cager moving over or being polite. As much as I love motorcycles, I also love cars, and i definitely wave to people driving cars i like, down here in socal I see a ton of Tesla S's, amg's, bentley's, maserati's, etc and i usually throw a thumbs up or a "shaka/hang loose" to let them know i like their car. probably looks really lame but i appreciate a nice car when i see one.
I JUST got my motorcycle license....and on my first cruise I got waved at by a harley rider, I waved back, and waved at everyone else on a motorcycle too, and received a wave back from everyone. It's like I'm now part of a special club...feels good. :D
I think alot of the waving think is associated with where you live / ride.

If your in an area, where bikes are not as prevelent, the waving is more likely to happen.

As noted earlier, at least down here, bikes are very prevelent and the disparity between HD riders and others (especially "Rice burners") is very wide, thus the lack of a wave from /to a HD rider..

When I had my 04 Goldwing, always got a wave from another Wing..
I wave at cagers that are turning left but waiting for me to pass by and the folks pulling out of driveways or cross streets that wait, thanking them for not trying to kill me.
I wave at cagers that are turning left but waiting for me to pass by and the folks pulling out of driveways or cross streets that wait, thanking them for not trying to kill me.

I would do the same if I EVER saw a cagerr that was not out to kill me. The best cager is a motorcyclist that is in his/her car. Which brings up an interesting question. Is a motorcyclist in a car a cager?
I wave at cagers that are turning left but waiting for me to pass by and the folks pulling out of driveways or cross streets that wait, thanking them for not trying to kill me.

Maybe a little strange, but I do the same and have the same thoughts - thank you for not turning in front of me :thumbup:
Yep! That's included. And they probably think "well that damn motorcycle always hauling ass." But lord knows if they would have killed you.

I really dislike being merged into also, I will literally kick the piss out of the vehicle and then haul ass before they can figure out that they are In fact in a giant box and can easily take me out.

The only exception was a semi on the interstate. There is really nothing to kick. I should keep pennies in my pocket to pop off their windshields. One merged me onto the shoulder. It's one of those times you just want to drag them out of their trucks and brawl because most truck drivers drive fatigued which is just as bad as driving drunk.
I wave at cagers that are turning left but waiting for me to pass by and the folks pulling out of driveways or cross streets that wait, thanking them for not trying to kill me.

That's kool but I'm still not at ease in these situations (even if driver "looks" aware) and don't take my hands off controls---too concerned about having to make an emergency brake/horn blast.