Dragon's Tail/Deals Gap - 6/18


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Apr 1, 2013
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New Albany,Ohio USA
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Planning a ride to Deals Gap/Dragons tail on 6/18.

Tentative plan : Start from Columbus, Ohio on friday - 6/17 after 1.30PM to reach Nashville/Gatlinberg/nearby. Will be riding the `Tail on saturday - 6/18 and ride back home on 6/19.

It would be great to meet new riders at the Gap, and let me know if anyone wants to join the ride all the way and back - we are yet to book a place to stay.
Just got back from there. Was an awesome trip. We rented a cabin in teleco plains was comparable to a motel.

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I rode the Dragon once on my Gold Wing, a small dual sport would have been a better choice. ;)

Stay safe and post some pictures.
Sorry for not keeping this thread updated. We had been the the Tail last weekend, and it was a lot of fun.

We rode all the way from Columbus Ohio to Townsend TN , where we had our cabin booked. The ride was long and tiring due to starting at 3.30PM and reaching Townsend only at midnight. But the next day started off great with a heavy breakfast and multiple runs on the Tail, with pretty less traffic than the last time we had been there.Cops were always present at the Tail, though the only place I saw someone get pulled over was at Townsend, where I got my first speeding ticket last year.

I have the R6 forks on this time and can say that it was all worth it. Unlike last time, the front end was very stable in braking and acceleration, even while leaning over. Last year, I had a tough time with the diving forks and weak feeling with the dual pot front calipers. This year, the brakes were great and the front end didnot collapse on me during braking. I lowered the pressure on the front tire and that made a huge difference during the subsequent rides. The only thing I wish were different this time is the throttle response. The initial on-off jerk was keeping me off from carrying too much speed in the corner. Had to hold back because of the uncertain lurch while opening the throttle, to avoid running onto the opposite lane. Pics to follow.