Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, anyone else excited?


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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Yeah Mod 3 and BF 3 are coming out, over hyped as usual (yes i'm a CoD fan, but yes, still overhyped), But the game i'm most looking forward to is Skryim.
Oblivion, to date is my favorite RPG, and i wish more game developers would do it the way Bethesda does....Non linear game play, maps that are actually explorable etc. Anyways i'm getting excited about this one as i liked Morrowind, and Oblivion (IMO) was 50X better than Morrowind....so on that logic, Skyrim should be 50X better than Oblivion (although idk if that's possible)...Anyways anyone else have any thoughts? :D
Waiting for second installment of Starcraft II lol. Sorry, Ima PC guy. Although I am addicted to CoD and SW the force unleashed.
Waiting for second installment of Starcraft II lol. Sorry, Ima PC guy. Although I am addicted to CoD and SW the force unleashed.

I've been waiting on friggen Diablo 3 for near a decade now.... Blizzard needs to get there heads out of WoW's Arse and start putting out some of their (imo) better sagas like SC and D3 etc...
Starcraft was actually my favorite game when i was like 8, was one of my first PC games and i loved it, even though i sucked :D
I've been waiting on friggen Diablo 3 for near a decade now.... Blizzard needs to get there heads out of WoW's Arse and start putting out some of their (imo) better sagas like SC and D3 etc...
Starcraft was actually my favorite game when i was like 8, was one of my first PC games and i loved it, even though i sucked :D

lol SC II is more fair by far, much much more balanced. I was really excited about the fable series on xbox until the (all too short to reach in the first place) crappy ending of fable II, so I didnt even bother on three.
you didnt miss out on much...3 was basically 2 with slightly different plot points... 3 wiill be the last in that series for me
Haven't preordered it myself... debating whether to do it in store and have to deal with gamestop traffic or order it via amazon and have to wait a day before i get it lol
Figured I'd throw this up here. Apparently they are working on a new Resident Evil for xbox and this time we are going back to actual zombies!