Enjoy your ride

dean owens

Elite Member
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
pittsboro, nc (near raleigh)
Been a while sense I've been here. Not even sure any of the people I know are still here, but I was thinking about y'all today. Weather has been nice, people have been riding and I saw a nice FZ-6 today. I just wanted to say, enjoy your rides and ride often. You never know when you won't be able to.

Maybe two years ago I failed to do the basic maintenance on my bike. Never got around to it and it sat. No riding that summer. Same thing happened last summer. I just didn't have time to change the chain, oil, other fluids, etc. I'll get to it some day. Then in November I was diagnosed with t-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma. That's a stunner... but what can you do but go through treatment. Oh, and sell the bike to pay bills :rockon: The big stunner now is one of the chemo drugs has given me neuropathy so I'm numb from the waste down and the doctors don't know how long. Some of it could be permanent. And if it is... no biggie... plenty of people deal with much worse. BUT, it means there is no way I could even dream of getting on a bike until this gets better. It's funny... I thought I'd eventually get around to getting my bike road worthy and get some riding done. Now I'm wondering when/if I'll ever be able to ride again.

Anyway, I don't post for pity. Plenty of people go through much worse throughout the world. I've actually grown a lot and learned even more. I've met some great people and my faith is even stronger. I've been reminded how great my wife is and how wonderful my two daughters are. It's not all bad. I'm just here to remind you that you only have two lives and only in one of them are we sure we can ride motorcycles. Although I'm quite sure there'll be bikes in heaven. Enjoy your bike. Ride often. Take the time while you can.
Wow I just saw you online and PM'd you! Great to hear from you brother! Sorry to hear about the tough spot but I do know about great discoveries that can be revealed to us through hardship. Get better and keep dreaming about the ride. I agree we should be grateful for the ability and ride the ride. Please keep visiting us! :) Are you playing that bass?
Are you playing that bass?
Yes I am. Now what was a big stunner and concern is at one point I had neuropathy in my hands from the chemo. It was actually so bad that I lost the use of my thumbs. I couldn't open jello. But that also meant I couldn't play my bass or my guitar. That was tough. Thankfully a friend bought me a ukulele. Turns out thumbs aren't so important when it comes to the ukulele. For a few weeks everyone in my house was walking around singing "Somewhere, over the rainbow". You can't be down and sing that song.
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Yes I am. Now what was a big stunner and concern is at one point I had neuropathy in my hands from the chemo. It was actually so bad that I lost the use of my thumbs. I could open jello. But that also meant I couldn't play my bass or my guitar. That was tough. Thankfully a friend bought me a ukulele. Turns out thumbs aren't so important when it comes to the ukulele. For a few weeks everyone in my house was walking around singing "Somewhere, over the rainbow". You can't be down and sing that song.
Wow! I'm speechless! Keep playing brother Dean! Awesome!

Sent from Moto's Motorola
I don't know what to say either. Speechless comes to the top tho!

I wish you and your family strength to push through the events in your lives and Great Job keeping a positive outlook!
You have a very positive attitude, you are much stronger than most, and certainly more than me. I hope things turn around for the better. You definitely have put things in perspective for me.
Like Randy said, I am pretty much gobsmacked too!
I have a rellie going through chemo for lymphoma and he has a similar attitude to you: Make the most of what you have!

hoping all things are positive for you!
Prayers will be said for you! A stunner of news for sure! Keep the faith and positive outlook, nothing is impossible for the Lord!
Keep the fingers on the strings:)\

Hi Dean, long time no hear for obvious reasons and bloody hell what a crock of ****e cancer is.
It's great to hear from you and your positivity is a lesson for us all. All I can say is that you will be in my most positive thoughts.
Next ride I go for will be for you buddy. Take care and pop in when you can.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Dean really sorry to hear that, hope the treatment helps. Positive thoughts coming your way. Oh BTW don't be a stranger and let us know how things are going.

A mate of mine from the UK beat Lukeamia twice, he's been "clean" for over 15 years now, he had a lot of side affects from the chemo as well.

Look after yourself best you can.
Hey Dean! Glad to hear from you...haven't seen ya much on the ole' Book Of Faces either. Hang in there dear :hug:

i stink at Facebook. i'm only 38 but i feel like a cranky old man sometimes on there. i get used to how it's set up and then they change mess. then i complain and get grumpy and don't get on for a while. then i give in and the cycle continues. :)

how are you doing?