Extending "Thanks" to 6 months


2 Da Street, Knobs R Gone
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Mar 16, 2011
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Dennis, is it reasonable to extend the Thanks option for a period greater than 3 months? When i stumble upon good information I'd like to at least give someone the little attaboy!

Also, under the "Search" menu item (next to "Quick Links" and "Log Out", is it possible to add the function "Find My Posts" and "Find My Threads"?

Thanks! And as always, thanks for keeping our community up and running!
Dennis, is it reasonable to extend the Thanks option for a period greater than 3 months? When i stumble upon good information I'd like to at least give someone the little attaboy!

Also, under the "Search" menu item (next to "Quick Links" and "Log Out", is it possible to add the function "Find My Posts" and "Find My Threads"?

Thanks! And as always, thanks for keeping our community up and running!

I don't know if you know this, but a quick way to access your posts and threads is to click Quick Links -> Your Profile, then click the Statistics tab.
I don't know if you know this, but a quick way to access your posts and threads is to click Quick Links -> Your Profile, then click the Statistics tab.

Thanks; I do, and I must admit i'm spoiled from other places using similar vb code which has it as quick easy access. It kind crazy as they also have the "Anti-Thank button!" And I know we all had that coming at some point in time myself included.

Its the "Groan"! Like so. . . View attachment 45875

Hint the mods at this place delete useless flaming threads pretty quickly. . .
i know theres a section under the CP that shows latest rep given, but it would be nice to see the latest thanks given. not as an egotist but because i recommend websites/products/etc. and sometimes people want a little more info after thanking for the first post.

id also like to know when some of my guesses on things are agreed with by people who actually have info on what im BS'ing:Flip:
Dennis, is it reasonable to extend the Thanks option for a period greater than 3 months? When i stumble upon good information I'd like to at least give someone the little attaboy!

Also, under the "Search" menu item (next to "Quick Links" and "Log Out", is it possible to add the function "Find My Posts" and "Find My Threads"?

Thanks! And as always, thanks for keeping our community up and running!

Under "CP", down below, there a subscriptions tab to find what you posted to.

I believe what you want to do is just extend the "Thank you button" on older threads.

I agree, that would be nice to have and also, somehow, find out as stated above, IF YOU RECEIVED any thanks for a post. The only way now to find it is to go back and search your posts...

Maybe an alert of some sort, similar, as if someone posts in a thread your subscribed to, you get notified...

And +1 as Randy posted on the great job keeping this forum up and running!!!
The mazda site I visit does tracking of quotes too. It can be overwhelming and from the server point, I see that eating up resources but its kinda cool as it'll sends a PM notification when you get quoted in thread.

I think the "thanks" usage is found per user the same exact way it is here through the user CP and then find all thanked. . . .

I'm not trying to make more work for the Admin, but if some changes is underway and this could piggy back a mod; I'm in!

1) Add quick access to find my posts, find my threads in the Search Menu
2) extend the honor periods from 3 months to 6 months for "Thanks"

3) Add the Groan! Just kidding!

Across the many forums I've traveled, this one is the most kind and respectful of them all. Not to mention the shear volume of people who no longer own Fizzers but hang out here anyway! :thumbup: