**Fall 2011 Fz6 Forum Shirt Order Form**

sounds like there is ALOT of interest in the naked. and i'll take one wen they come around. regardless im going to order a norm. i'll hold off a few to see if they show.
Don't forget, tomorrow is the last day to get your orders in!

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Well maybe I should start a "naked" design thread? What do we think?

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Naked thread coming soon, just trying to wrap up one order before another starts, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to get the ball rolling

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I have the order submitted. Hoping they are done this week or early next. :)

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I have been calling about the shirts guys. Seems my printer got nailed with a massive order right before I put mine in, so it may be a few days longer. Sorry, but it wil be worth it! :)

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