Female riders how do you wear your hair in your helmet wife wants to know



My wife is going to the BRC in July. She is looking for a helmet and feels she can't wear a full face cause she says she can't breathe in it. So she is looking for an open face helmet. She wants to know how do you wear your hair so it fits comfortable in the helmet. She has a pony tail and it makes a full face helmet fit really tight on her. Any response would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
My wife is going to the BRC in July. She is looking for a helmet and feels she can't wear a full face cause she says she can't breathe in it. So she is looking for an open face helmet. She wants to know how do you wear your hair so it fits comfortable in the helmet. She has a pony tail and it makes a full face helmet fit really tight on her. Any response would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

I would love to help you out, but I don't believe many ladies on here wear an open face helmet. Just not all that smart on any bike, let alone a sport bike.

I wear my hair in a low pony, elastic right below where the helmet ends. Then I normally took my pink ball cap tucked in the windscreen. No helmet hair and cute to boot!
have her get a flip up/modular, its the best of both worlds... Thats what I want for my next helmet (yet I am a male lol)
I would love to help you out, but I don't believe many ladies on here wear an open face helmet. Just not all that smart on any bike, let alone a sport bike.

I wear my hair in a low pony, elastic right below where the helmet ends. Then I normally took my pink ball cap tucked in the windscreen. No helmet hair and cute to boot!

Steph, Thank you for your response. She will be buying a Suzuki Boulevard S40. I tried to convince her to wear a full face but she says she can't and wants an open face.
i'm not a lady, but did she not see the pic from your friends helmet that you posted here? i can respect being slightly claustrophobic, but the majority of hits are in areas that an open-faced helmet can't protect.

about the hair... i've seen most women just put their hair in a pony tail hanging out the back of the helmet.

can't wait 'til my wife has the time to take the brc. you're a lucky fella.
Well I have short hair now so I don't do anything except put the full face on. I do wear a Buff (BUFF® - The original multifunctional headwear) underneath though to help keep sweat and gunk out of my helmet. Even when my hair was shoulder length I still didn't put it in a pony tail.

I've seen pictures of women who french braid their hair low. That and maybe wearing the buff as well might make it comfortable. It seems I've seen somewhere some kind of special hair thingies for women motorcyclists.

Maybe this site could help some: Motorcycle Hair Tips and Tricks for Women Riders

I was also worried about wearing a full face helmet because I hate feeling like my breathing is restricted. But, somehow it ended up not bothering me at all. What helmet did she try? I have a Shoei RF-1000 and it's been great. I would hope she finds some way to make a full face work so that she can keep her face pretty for you!
i'm not a lady, but did she not see the pic from your friends helmet that you posted here? i can respect being slightly claustrophobic, but the majority of hits are in areas that an open-faced helmet can't protect.

about the hair... i've seen most women just put their hair in a pony tail hanging out the back of the helmet.

can't wait 'til my wife has the time to take the brc. you're a lucky fella.

Yeah she saw the pic and still wants an open face. I am trying my best to convince her to wear a full face. She's wearing my full face right now as I type. Hahahaha..... We are Military and all the MSF courses are offered to us for free so why not take advantage of it. Besides if I had to pay $250.00 for it I might never have even thought about riding.
Well I have short hair now so I don't do anything except put the full face on. I do wear a Buff (BUFF® - The original multifunctional headwear) underneath though to help keep sweat and gunk out of my helmet. Even when my hair was shoulder length I still didn't put it in a pony tail.

I've seen pictures of women who french braid their hair low. That and maybe wearing the buff as well might make it comfortable. It seems I've seen somewhere some kind of special hair thingies for women motorcyclists.

Maybe this site could help some: Motorcycle Hair Tips and Tricks for Women Riders

I was also worried about wearing a full face helmet because I hate feeling like my breathing is restricted. But, somehow it ended up not bothering me at all. What helmet did she try? I have a Shoei RF-1000 and it's been great. I would hope she finds some way to make a full face work so that she can keep her face pretty for you!

Well I have a Hawk and THH full face helmets and she tried both on and just feels so confined. But she has been wearing the Hawk one for a while now and I think she is getting used to it. I hope she is, cause I really want her to wear a full face cause she sure is beautiful.
have her get a flip up/modular, its the best of both worlds... Thats what I want for my next helmet (yet I am a male lol)

A modular helmet is still a full face once you pull it down.
I would love to help you out, but I don't believe many ladies on here wear an open face helmet. Just not all that smart on any bike, let alone a sport bike.

I wear my hair in a low pony, elastic right below where the helmet ends. Then I normally took my pink ball cap tucked in the windscreen. No helmet hair and cute to boot!

I thought you drilled holes in your helmet and poked your hair through them.:D
Steph, Thank you for your response. She will be buying a Suzuki Boulevard S40. I tried to convince her to wear a full face but she says she can't and wants an open face.

Ride your motorcycle with the face shield down through the country and dont clean it. Show her all the bugs that would otherwise be hitting her in the face. Maybe then she will reconsider. Plus it is just safer!:thumbup:
Ride your motorcycle with the face shield down through the country and dont clean it. Show her all the bugs that would otherwise be hitting her in the face. Maybe then she will reconsider. Plus it is just safer!:thumbup:

Well she wants an open face helmet with a shield if that makes a difference.
keep pushing full face. safety should come first. i understand claustrophobia, as i have a touch of it, but not so bad i can't wear a full face helmet. there are helmets out there that have a larger field of vision that may help her out and there are brands out there that sit further away from the face. she may also feel less confined if she wears her hair differently. i have short hair, but when it gets longer (shoulder length) i pull it into a low ponytail. i know many ladies who either braid it low, do french braids, or just carry a hair tie with them so they can put it up when the helmet comes off.

good luck, and let her know that we are all pulling for her safety first and foremost!!
my wife does low pony tail (tie right below helmet) then tucks it into her jacket. This keeps it from blowing around and getting a lot of tangles. There are also hair wraps that you can get that basically do the same thing.
I have long hair and I always wear it in a braid. If we're just out for the day, I wear a single braid that starts low on my neck. Sometimes I'll start it up too high and it will cause pressure on my forhead, so if we're on a long trip where we're riding for days in a row, I usually will put my hair in two pigtail braids that start just behind my ears. I find there's less chance of discomfort that way.

I have a problem with claustrophobia, and when I first started riding I was really concerned that the full face helmet would bother me, but I found that the movement of air accross my face if I left the visor cracked a little really helped with that 'trapped' feeling. Now I'm so used to it that I don't even think about it.
I'm a guy, but I used to have long hair until a decade or so ago.

I found that if I just tied it into a loose ponytail, it would blow in the wind and be a tangled mess when I got home and took a while to brush out. I would either get my girlfriend at the time to braid it, or use a hair tie in the usual position at the base of my neck, and a second one down near the end of the ponytail. No tangles!

As others said, have her tie her hair the way she wants it when picking out a helmet. At that time, I found that they all fit closer/further from my chin, wound up with a Shoei back then.
I have long hair and I always wear it in a braid. If we're just out for the day, I wear a single braid that starts low on my neck. Sometimes I'll start it up too high and it will cause pressure on my forhead, so if we're on a long trip where we're riding for days in a row, I usually will put my hair in two pigtail braids that start just behind my ears. I find there's less chance of discomfort that way.

I have a problem with claustrophobia, and when I first started riding I was really concerned that the full face helmet would bother me, but I found that the movement of air accross my face if I left the visor cracked a little really helped with that 'trapped' feeling. Now I'm so used to it that I don't even think about it.

My girlfriend does something similar. Or she does a braid and wraps it in this leather snap piece that my mom gave her.

Sometimes She Does This

One question: Has she ever been riding with a motorcycle?
Once you get a little bit speed, you can't breath anymore because of the wind when wearing an open helmet!
I would suggest to go to a helmet store, and there you normally can try helmets out before you buy them.
So say this: ok, you can choose an open helmet if you want, but first you have to try them both(when riding!!!)
Eventually she will choose the non-open version. ;)
Well it seems she has her mind 'almost made up'. Please try to convince her otherwise though....attached is some info on just where the force is taken in the event of a crash. And I have fairly long hair which I pull into a low ponytail which is then tucked into my jacket.

I took the BRC a month ago, and LOVED it, so I hope your wife enjoys it, too. I have longish hair, and wear it in a low ponytail, then braid what sticks out for longer rides. Otherwise I end up with some bad tangles. I also have a Shoei RF-1000 and love it. It is a bit stuffy just standing around, but once you are on the bike and moving, it's very comfortable. I have only been out riding for about 200 miles so far, and already got a rock thrown up onto my shield, so PLEASE tell your wife that a full face is definitely worthwhile. I hope she can get over her claustrophobic feeling. There were two people in my BRC that had the modular helmets, and really liked them. They easily flip up when standing still, and snap down during riding...the best of both worlds.