Firefox issue?


Junior Member
Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
(Old) South Wales
Visit site
In the last few days the site has been behaving oddly on my pc, running Firefox. As soon as a page finishes loading it goes back to the previous page, really weird, and it's only this site that does it.

Can anyone replicate this bug? And more to the point, can anyone fix it? Typing on the mobile is a bit tedious if you have sausage fingers!
I can only assume everyone has checked for the latest FF updates. I would dump the cookies and history. If non of this works do a clean install. This would mean finding the Mozzilla folder on your computer and save your bookmarks folder. Get rid if the Mozilla folder and the re install FF.

Sent from Moto's Motorola
Running FF 43.0.1 and no issues posting or browsing. FF is asking to be updated tho so I guess I'll postpone that for a bit.

It has the add on pop-up blocker and mouse gesture for browsing.

As for mobile: O/T but Chrome on Android really sucks to post as leaving the active window blows away the text typed if not Posted. Meaning, you can't go grab links or open new tabs to gather info as it blows away everything typed. IT EVIL!!!!

^^ That said, it seems to be related to the sight always circling and refreshing itself.
Interesting this, ff installed update on the 26th, which is roughly when the problem started. Anyone know how to roll it back to the previous version?
This is a strange one. I have been able to replicate the issue and am trying to find the cause. The FZ1 site has the same software and same settings and is on the same server but is not having the problem. I will keep you posted
I think I have it sorted. It seems it is a setting on with our CDN provider cloudflare. That setting is tuned off on the FZ1 site.. Let me know if you still are having the issues