First Drop


Junior Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Green Lane, PA
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had my first drop today, luckily at a full stop, more luckily in the absence of any cagers. the road i was turning on to has a steep downhill grade, and the road i was on Ys into the other road on the downhill side. came up to the stop line, put my foot down, and looked over my left shoulder, uphill, for traffic. as i did this i leaned back ever so slightly, just enough to overcenter my balance on my downhill foot. im sure you guys know the feeling, once you go past that point of no return the bike just falls in slow motion, and you just have to set it down. other than landing on my knee, and possibly pulling something while trying to hulk the bike back up, im fine, i managed to get my leg out from under it before giving up on the battle to keep it from falling. the bike landed on the frame sliders i installed a week ago, no damage other than a scuff on the grab rail and a scuff on the slider.

i knew i would drop it sooner or later, and now that i have, i have a completely different feeling on the bike. i know that im not invincible, that it can happen to me. every time i look at that scuff, it reminds me that i couldve met the asphalt at 60mph, or more...
just seconds prior to this i was blasting along one of my favorite roads. i know the bike will perform but as a fairly new rider, i have to be sure to know my limits.

so i guess the moral of the story is know the amount of power you have in your right hand, and mind your balance! oh and gravity is a b!tch LOL:squid:
ah well, I dropped it for the third time already... first one I hit something while moving at 5-10 km/h, just couldn't put my foot down fast enough, major damage.
second time my rear wheel was on some wet leaves and it slid out under me, no damage at all.
Third time my paddock stand came down way to fast, shouldn't have asked my sister to help me lol.. fell against the wall, my mirror broke off..
It's not that I care less about the bike, or about falling, its just becomming normal :(
My first drop, was because I apparently didnt know how to use a kick stand :p, I parked it one night and woke up the next morning and found it taking a nap on the lawn mower....
:welcome: to the club!!! And a very BIG club it is!!! :D
I dropped mine 3 times the first 2 weeks I had it. And they were ALL at a stand still!! :rof: (well, technically 2 7/8 times. My leg kept it from going all the way over the second time!!) M/Cs are much more top heavy than one would expect! :eek:
That was a year ago and it hasn't happened since (knocking on wood here). It happens. Now you know what to expect, and how far of a lean at a stop is TOO far!! Live and learn! We all do! And thank you for sharing! :thumbup:
Good job keeping your head and getting it righted. We all drop at some point. Just know really well how to pick it up and you're good to go (not to mention the frame sliders).

I dropped my first bike probably ten times on grass, slick pavement, gravel, etc...nothing more than walking speed. Don't beat yourself up. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who has any riding experience who has not dropped their bike at some point.
I have heard that dropping your bike can be very expensive ....;)

Well, I have tried it too. Blocking front wheel during parking manoeuvre. It takes ages from you realize that you have a serious problem, to you actually hear the the BUMP. And you have a lot of time to think about "damn, what will this cost me". In my case it was 765US$.:banghead: