first fall

wow!sounds like you were very glad you are ok.hmmm....freslin cagers! Sorry your bike is bent, I think that sucks the most once you realize you are ok. Hope you and your bike are better soon. :thumbup:
Damned glad to see you posting about it! Not good news about the bike but GREAT news about you walking away! WHEW! Make him pay for everything including new gear. Get yourself back to 100%!
almost 6k miles on the bike, and i took my first spill

I was glad to read through the report and learn that you're okay. Living in a busy, crowded city myself, I can relate to this situation. I hate finding myself in someone's blind spot on the right side, but sometimes on multi-lane surface streets it's hard to avoid, if I'm eventually going to be turning right myself and traffic is heavy. Take care of that sore leg, maybe get it looked at to rule out a more serious injury.
I'm sorry to read about the incident and glad to see you are physically sound. Although I have never been to NYC, all of the footage I've seen show continuous heavy traffic moving unpredictably. It seems to be a very dangerous place to ride a motorcycle.

As usual, be sure to get a lawyer to protect your rights.
Sorry to hear about the spill. Happy to hear that you're relatively ok. I'm also glad that you had a witness to verify the situation other than that moron trying to get out of the situation with a lie. I wish it were legal to beat someone to a pulp for being stupid. :spank:
Dang! Idiots are everywhere.
Don't forget to include pain and suffering when you settle with the insurance company. I'm not a "sue them" kinda guy, but I don't think you should suffer for someone elses mistake either! Since you have a witness, you should not have any problems with getting fairly compensated.
Glad to hear you are ok! I agree - stupid drivers. :spank:

You should have seen the idiots out driving in the greasy snow.
I walked from work to the train today, 40 blocks, and the streets that were open had tons of accidents

as mentioned, i forgot to say that yes, I did hit the horn, both brakes, and downshift. I actually lifted the back up alittle, and it turns out that my back wheel actually ended up leaving scuff marks on the passenger side door. He had tinted glass so I couldn't see inside, and no turn signals on whatsoever. 3 people in the car, so naturally he wasn't paying attention.

New York runs on comparative fault. So, typically you split a percentage of fault to both parties. My insurance says that at most I'll get 10-15% because I was passing in the right lane, and because the other driver says he was in the right lane as well. Based on the preliminary damage check, it's easy to see that he missed my front wheel, and went directly into my radiator, leg and clutch cover. We're checking the frame out at the shop now to make sure it's straight.

NORMALLY I would never pass a car like this, but he was slowing while I maintained constant speed, and at the time I was already next to him, so it didn't make sense to slow, but when he started his turn, I saw the wheel move, hit the brakes, horn, and tried to swerve as well, but didn't have enough time or room to complete any of this. There's little swerving that can be done when a car crosses into the side of you, and not much braking either. I don't thinK I could have avoided it once he began to turn, but I COULD have avoided the situation, by riding in a different lane.
--It was a decently heavy traffic night, however, so the options weren't major, and in a new york street, where everything is alternating one ways, riding in the left or right lane is identical, depending on which intersection it is, so there isn't a better option for the most part. It's a tough place to ride, but you learn alot more, alot faster, about anticipating others decisions.

as much as I love the FZ, i almost hope it's bent, because I never feel as comfortable on a rebuilt anything compared to new. Always in the back of my mind that at one time, a 3 thousand pound vehicle decided to hit me.

I'm actually feeling really good. I'm on a preventative 800mg ibuprofen, to make sure that the sore spots don't swell, and that they don't hurt too much, but I'm happy to be alright.

I wasn't wearing proper riding gear, but I was wearing a sub-zero cold rated North Face jacket, and matching pants. Together, these do act like a full suit in some aspects, notably the slipperiness of them. They slid remarkably well, and saved my from hat would have been a TON of roadrash. in one spot they did burn through, and y jeans began catching, luckily I managed to slide and roll into my feet to stand

I was checked by EMS on scene, and they gave me a clean bill, but I can get checked again until Monday, so I may just go to the hospital to get a look over. Once the adrenaline wore through, i've been soring alittle, but not terrible.

I haven't even had a chance to look at the bike yet. The guys from the shop came to pick it up, and they brought it to our Long Island City, Queens warehouse, since it was leaking too much to put in the showroom/shop at work (I work at a bike shop, remember), so I should probably stop by to check it out tomorrow, or soon if not tomorrow. Insurance is going ot b getting the police report soon, so then I'll be set with getting this covered.

If anything, I'll hit up lawyers and sue for more, but insurance is most likely going to cover most things

I'm happy to be alright, and, the witness was actually a customer at the shop, and a guy who I know well through others, which worked out well too.

It taught me some very important lessons about insuring that if I notice a car slowing, that from now on, I will slow as well, and one thing I didn't consider, was that I had one other escape option, which may or may not have worked better. I technically could have leaned hard right and tried to make the right hand turn, but becuase of the spot (almost through the intersection), I would have run the risk of clipping a curbed island, that could have easily sent me flying.... He was turning from middle lane of a 3 lane road, t to the left most lane of a 2 lane road. very disconcerting. He missed the turn and instead of going around to the next street and coming back, he took a reckless path.
I may end up on an early '09 daytona 675 next....the employee discount for working at the shop is a contributing factor in the decision however, and the 848 is still alittle out of my desire pricerange...I might even go used, but we'll see what gets covered and what doesn't.

How do I put my pants, helmet, jacket, etc on the claim? Does that get done when the insurance adjuster comes to assess damages?
How do I put my pants, helmet, jacket, etc on the claim? Does that get done when the insurance adjuster comes to assess damages?

Yes, and they should give you MSRP, the cost of the stuff new, so even if you paid less you'll get full price.
Glad you are alright and someone collaborated your version of events. Perception is a scary thing.

Cyclegear in Knoxville is handing out bumper stickers that say "WATCH OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES! PLEASE LOOK TWICE-IT COULD SAVE A LIFE" in black/orange and white/blue.
Finally getting this wrapped up. Insurnace called today, and the other driver was, as anticipated 100% liable. Currently the estimate is over $3300, which doesn't include the wheels, forks, my clothes, my transportation for the month, and potential damage to my well as accurate per-hour repair wages ($44 an hour is crazy low, especially for NY where most shops charge between 90 and 130 an hour).

Should end up being pretty close to, if not a complete loss (per insurance). I'm pulling for the buy back, and potential full track application, with possibly a Monster 1100 as my road compliment. Not nearly positive on this yet though, just giving the time being update.