First thread from Qc

Hi everyone !

I have (finally) bought my bike !!! :rockon::rockon::rockon:

Very very happy with it so far.

I finally decided to go to Alex Berthiaume's.
No, I wasn't able to try it before I bought it. I took a chance. No regret so far :thumbup:.
I did so much research that I don't think I could be happier with another bike (unless it's the 6R, but then, I wouldn't have been happy with the insurance bill... so... :D )

So, FZ6er_FSR, I'm ready for a ride... Let me know when you're available. I work during the week... so weekends are better. It's supposed to rain all week anyway :mad:.
Anyone else want to join us in the Montreal area ? I live on the South shore. Only for a short ride anyway, since some of us have family responsibilities :) !

Have a great evening everyone !
Hi MotoMom,

Congrats on acquiring your new bike.:thumbup: Yeah, the weather is on and off this weekend, but at least you can take the time to register your bike on Saturday if you're too busy Monday to Friday.

The SAAQ service outlet in Brossard

2152, boul. Lapinière, bureau 106,
Brossard, J4W 1L9
Téléphone : 450 445-3666

is also open on Saturday from 9AM to 1PM.

Check out there website for other outlets and hours:
SAAQ Service Outlets | To Reach Us | SAAQ

I live on Nun's Island and also only free on the weekend. I will be free the weekend after (May 31).

We'll arrange it sometime next week.


Never heard regrets for an FZ6. Sometimes you hear the "it was time for me to get a liter bike but that FZ6 was a great bike" ;)
What do you think of A. Berthiaume's service btw? I know I and a friend were pleased, but just want to get the most feedbacks on this.
If you're living on the south shore and when you're ready, try to explore les Cantons de l'Est. Nice place to be, anytime, nice restaurants, nice views, nice roads, nice lakes, except in winter... well, on a motorcycle that is! I personally lived in St-Lambert in my childhood.
Hope you have a blast! This bike is simply great for everything.
Any "moding" soon? Or maybe you're not that type, which is good too! :)
Never heard regrets for an FZ6. Sometimes you hear the "it was time for me to get a liter bike but that FZ6 was a great bike" ;)
What do you think of A. Berthiaume's service btw? I know I and a friend were pleased, but just want to get the most feedbacks on this.
If you're living on the south shore and when you're ready, try to explore les Cantons de l'Est. Nice place to be, anytime, nice restaurants, nice views, nice roads, nice lakes, except in winter... well, on a motorcycle that is! I personally lived in St-Lambert in my childhood.
Hope you have a blast! This bike is simply great for everything.
Any "moding" soon? Or maybe you're not that type, which is good too! :)
Hi !
No, no "moding" soon... I like my new FZ6 just as it is !
About Alex Berthiaume: I haven't gone for the 1000 kms service/check yet, so I don't know if they'll live up to be as good as their reputation. I'll post a message here once I know... ;)

I'm really looking forward to going to the Cantons de l'Est. Just waiting for the right timing and a nice weekend weatherwise. And I agree, in winter, it could be cold on an FZ6 ! (I know it's a miracle machine, but still :p:D !

And yes, the bike is great...
I'll post some pictures soon.
Hi MotoMom,

Congrats on acquiring your new bike.:thumbup: Yeah, the weather is on and off this weekend, but at least you can take the time to register your bike on Saturday if you're too busy Monday to Friday.

The SAAQ service outlet in Brossard

2152, boul. Lapinière, bureau 106,
Brossard, J4W 1L9
Téléphone : 450 445-3666

is also open on Saturday from 9AM to 1PM.

Check out there website for other outlets and hours:
SAAQ Service Outlets | To Reach Us | SAAQ

I live on Nun's Island and also only free on the weekend. I will be free the weekend after (May 31).

We'll arrange it sometime next week.


Thanks for the info. Got my plates at Place Longueuil. Line-up wasn't too long. Although the guy in front of me started asking me all sorts of questions and wanted to sell me, from the trunk of his car in the parking lot, an automatic lubrifying (is this a word ?!) system for my chain.
It was too funny.
I know I'm a woman, and look like I'm 15 years younger than I am (which is not always an advantage, trust me !)... but come on !!! He also asked me who was taking care of my bike, for oil changes for example... asked if it was my husband... I answered that my husband never made an oil change on a bike, as opposed to me. I was getting more and more frustrated, but in the end, I just laughed about it... :)

Hope you guys don't have the same attitude with women motorcyclists ! No, if you really need to know, those are not good pick-up lines... !
(sorry about the rant... I needed to get this out of my system !!!)

Anyone want to go for a ride for a couple of hours on Saturday morning ? (I promise: no rant !)

Bye for now !
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There'll always be something special about girls and bikes (take it the hormonal way...). Just have a poor gal of 25 y.o. subscribing to a new motorcycle forum with a pic of herself and you'll see. You'll sure need to have a good sense of humor to look at some of the replies there. For my part, I wish there were more girls riding instead of sitting in the pillion. I'll be frank, there's something bold and plain sexy about it that I like. After all, you're entering another mostly-man-controlled world. Well, not that you already did that for everything else in the past few centuries... Oh, you did? Then, again, high praise to you all gals! :)
I just assume its in our nature, us guys, but not to the point of being a jerk.. or is it? :D Must agree though, you definitively hit a bad one! Hell! did he show you his bike, ahem! his "manhood" by the same time? Come on, tell us, he did? Was it big? ahahahah ;)
PS: Funny he didn't try to sell a GPS by the same time. Many of this "kind" lately around here. It's scary.
PSS: And, no indeed, the lubrification pick-up line never worked for me at the bar... Now, I know why!:rolleyes:
Hi Gigot 2000, I do like your sense of humour :thumbup:
Yeah, he was pretty bad :D

I've seen a few pictures on this web site that remind me that yes, boys will be boys !!! But usually, you guys are just nice and don't need to include your 'manhood' (;)) in discussions about bikes. Which I appreciate. I guessed that's why I've sticked around this site for the last month, as a new FZ6 owner.
I have two brothers... so I think I've heard/seen pretty much everything that is out there... ;) And my father used to go to Paré's, so I'm used to all kinds of stuff :D

And BTW, no, I did not get to see his "bike"... but I'm sure it was more like a Ninja 250 or maybe a scooter ;) I was just looking at him with a smile and thought how ridiculous the situation was !

No GPS sale pitch... maybe he thought I didnt' look like I was lost when I talked about my husband ha ha !

And about the lubrification line, glad to hear you now realize why it's not working. Show what you have instead (the FZ6 I mean, I'm sure you got that !!!) and the ladies will come running... (Of course, you'll have to buy a helmet for her, and a nice lady style pink jacket (beurk!)... but still, you never know !!!)... :rolleyes:

Hi everyone!

I'm back and I think I still have horrible jet lag. Aside from that, I had a hectic week. Anyway, anybody up for a ride this Saturday afternoon (June 7, 2008, after 15h00) or Sunday (June 8, 2008)? The weather may be bad, but I hope the rain will get pushed to another day.

I'll sent private messages when I get home tonight and we'll discuss it then. Remember, nothing too extreme, I'm still a new rider after all.

Hello everyone,
Here's a book recommendation for those who want to try a new path on your next ride:

TITLE: Le Québec à moto
EDITOR: Ulysse (guides voyage)

No specific author (although in the fine print, it gives the name of two women ;) :cheer: )

Hey Schumy, where are you ? :don'tknow:

FAST? Hey! I'm trying to get a place for the 5th of august and still waiting for an answer. Are you doing the Phase 1, 2 or 1&2? I would definitively like to know about your experience there! :)
I did phase 1, their classes are during the week, which is pretty inconvenient since i work full time. I would have done both 1 and 2 otherwise.

Impressions of phase 1:
(first off, i need to say that i knew a lot of the techniques involved in ridnig a bike, i read a lot of books, and i practice alot my body position, throttle control, even off the track)

So... first hour and thirty minutes is theory.
The instructor teaches you about braking, steady throttle, acceleration.
Then he moves on to what effects steering inputs has on how the bike turns.
He continues with how you can use throttle control to increase or decrease your turning radius
And finally he talks about body movement from the center of the bike off to one peg for more control
He then finishes the lesson with racing lines, entry points, apex, corner exit, etc...

Everything up to now, is stuff you should already konw if you ride a bike, the more advanced (not THAT much advanced, you should get from a book like sport riding techniques)

When the theory is done, you get suited up and get a bike (if you don't already have a bike and equipment) a the minimum i suggest you bring your own helmet.

You have a total of 7 sessions of track time, in each of them you work on a different technique.

1st one is racing line (follow the leader, pretty slow compared to solo)
2nd one is racing line + keeping your eyes at the right place on the track (follow the leader, a bit faster)

LUNCH BREAK (if you bring your FZ6, this is when you go to the garage and turn up your rear suspension preload to the max, because you noticed a lot of bounce in turn 3 :) )

3rd session is acceleration and smooth braking with upshift/downshift (boring, you should already be doing this as part of your monthly/routine)
4th session is solo (no leader) track time (instructors will be in one of the turns and taking notes on your technique)
5th session again solo, different corner
6th session follow the leader, this time watch for his body position, mimic his every move!!!!
7th session solo again, final time on the track. Don't push the bike too much, you're tired, and your mind is tired. You gain a lot of confidence during the day, it's not the time to ruin it now.

There were two accidents during the 7th session, one broken bone, one low side.

All in all, i liked doing it with my bike, but that's because i wanted to show those show offs on supersports that my fat tourer can pass them in a turn with the knee grinding on the tarmac, while they're having a hard time controlling a bike that's almost 200lbs lighter.

A lot of the theory i already knew, but it's a GREAT opportunity to fine tune your technique, and the instructors are there to give you pointers, listen to them, it helped me a lot.

And, finally... the best piece of advice i can give you is, learn the race line, visualize it in your head, learn the turning points, don't go wide or too tight. One mistake i made was to push the bike a lot, i didnt take the time to really take it slowly and have the good race line. I wanted to consistently put the knee down in every turn :D that was my goal for the day, so the race line kind of took the back seat.

Oh, if you can, take both days, phase 1 and 2. You learn a lot more interesting stuff during the second day.
Thanks for your time and your in depth review of the day. REALLY appreciated!!! I'm still waiting for my inscription (they are not that "FAST" on the subject...). Your two days in a row advice was my first choice, but I'll keep the money and the extra day for a small trip in Gaspésie. So the phase 2 will be for next year.

Overall, teachers and students were great?
Any pics??? :)
Thanks for your time and your in depth review of the day. REALLY appreciated!!! I'm still waiting for my inscription (they are not that "FAST" on the subject...). Your two days in a row advice was my first choice, but I'll keep the money and the extra day for a small trip in Gaspésie. So the phase 2 will be for next year.

Overall, teachers and students were great?
Any pics??? :)

I don't know when you registered for the track day, but they're usually away at the track during the week, i got my confirmation on a Saturday.

Teachers were great, really good at pinpointing mistakes. The only think i would have liked more was for them to actually take the time to tell us how we did things wrong (going wide for example) and what to do to correct it the next time around. Instead they would just say, you went wide a couple of times, or you didn't shift your weight enough, or your position wasn't good, etc... You would have to specifically ask them something in order for them to get into more details (if you're not shy then it's not such a bad thing, i wasn't so i got a lot of feedback)

The students are ok, most people there were 30 and over, lots of 40+ too. maybe 5 people under 30 years old.

There will be 3 groups, advanced, intermediate, beginner. If you really want to get challenged, go in the advanced group, i don't think they ride MUCH MUCH faster than the intermediate ones, but they do go that extra bit further in terms of aggressive riding. I think intermediate just go fast, but there's no knee grinding, or anything close to that.

Beginners are really slow, they rarely or never hang off the bike. This group is decent if you want to stop peeing your pants when you hit a turn a bit faster then your usual 50kmh :)....

oh, and i would post pictures, but i don't want to link to another forum

so just go to in the forum, go to Activities, and there should be a thread at the top related to FAST (Slingky is the author) go to the 4th page and you'll see pics.

:D actually, i'll post one picture of me. This was taken the first time we went on the track, i'm kinda disappointed that the photographers stopped taking pics halfway through. That's when i started putting the knee down consistently

(i'm the guy with the taped up FZ6 :D)
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Hi everyone!

I nailed my 6A road test today, I'm now fully licensed. :Sport:
I couldn't legally ride my FZ6 to the SAAQ, so I rented a GS500F for the test. It felt weird at first because it was so much lighter; but I was able to do the turns alot tighter.

Hey Schumy, when did you get an R6? Did you trade in your FZ6?

Also, how long did you guys hold your license before you started those track day courses. Not that I'm interested now, but might be something I want to do in a few years once I think I've mastered my FZ6 on the road.

Anybody want company on an easy going ride, let me know!

See ya!
Hey Schumy, when did you get an R6? Did you trade in your FZ6?

Also, how long did you guys hold your license before you started those track day courses. Not that I'm interested now, but might be something I want to do in a few years once I think I've mastered my FZ6 on the road.

Anybody want company on an easy going ride, let me know!

See ya!

Hey FZ6er, well I got the R6 on last Thursday, i gave the guy my FZ6 and he gave me his R6. It had all the mods i wanted to do on it so it was a fair trade for me. I find the R6 a lot more comfortable contrary to what many people say. The FZ6 made me feel very slouched, and got very bad on long rides. I'm tall so maybe that had something to do with it. I took the R6 for some long rides and it felt amazing.

As for the track.... well it took me exactly 2 weeks after having gotten my first bike. And that's because there were no track days before then on the track i wanted to go too. I sincerely believe that EVERYONE should go to the track at least once, and learn to lean their bike with confidence. There are a lot of more experienced riders there that are MORE than willing to give you advice on your riding, and help you drop those bad habits.
Hi there!!!

Just bought this Saturday a black FZ6!!! Looking forward to try it out!!!! I am going for my 6R tomorrow so I can go with friends or others :rockon: :Flash:

Hello Guys

I'm from Montreal also. i would like to me other riders with FZ6 since my buddy has a gsx 1000. :)