I'm having issues with search. The advanced search returns nothing, and even the global search at the top right of the page (usually too wide) only pulls a few posts even though I know there are others with the same words.
I think I have the search working now.. Let me know If it works on your end
I think you got it. Thanks. :)

I notice that it's difficult to get to the advanced search. The only way to easily search is via the global search box in the top right, and that only searches the entire thread. I often search titles only as searching the entire thread usually brings up too much. To do that, I have to run a regular search, then I get the forum navigation on the left in the search results (Search -> Search Results) and I can click Search. This will bring up the advanced search. Having a link at the top of the page for advanced search would be great.
Done... There is new button "Search" on the main nav bar that goes to advanced search

First of all, I like the new format! Thanks for making the change.

Second, I am not able to search the members list like I was able to do with the previous version. I've used the "search members" function before to try to find people near me or places where I've been or I'm going. When I try to use it now, it gives me an error that says that I must fill in some fields in my profile. It doesn't say which fields. I've tried completing some fields but that didn't seem to clear the issue.

Can you tell which fields I need to add? Or Is the feature not working?



EDIT: Seems the error message is intermittent. If I start from a new session it will work, sometimes.
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Is there any hope of restoring "original Attachments" from the other version/server or are they gone forever?

Many threads make no sense without them!

Thanks Dennis!
I see the forum got down for few hours? Is there any problem?
By any chance, may I know how/where our application is running? Did you tried AWS in terms of pricing, maintenance, speed, no data loss, sever will never be down. etc.

Just wanted to learn new thing for this day, not judging your work/job in maintaining the site all the time.
As far as I'm aware, Dennis our forum founder runs and maintains the servers himself.
I have no idea about the technology used.


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