
Be nice i am
May 25, 2010
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Telford England
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Just finished watching this film. i thought it was alright.I give it 9/10 :thumbup:

Bit like a tank version of saving private ryan/band of brothers, which kept it fairly interesting and different.

Thought it fairly believable. Pretty realistic and grim in parts too. Definitely worth a watch if you like war films.
I enjoyed it too yesterday. Dark, quite realistic. Sad. A good one. And I just love Pitt's accent. :)
Personally i find it very disappointing, didn't come close to Saving private Ryan in my opinion.

I found the fight scenes good, but that was it.
The film fails to create any emotional attachment to the characters and you don't really care if they live or die. Most of the non fighting scenes are long winded and meaningless.
Lastly the last scene is just to over the top! I mean, how would an SS unite with boxes full of panzerfausts take a whole night to destroy a Sherman tank.

On a positive note, i saw it in IMAX and it was pretty epic! Just a little hollow and trying to hard for its own good.
The last 30 minutes or so, are anything but believable. The Germans were portrayed as nothng more than machine gun fodder. And no one hides out in a disabled Sherman tank.

Another thing, a sherman gets around 5 mpg. They were driving that thing too long, for that kind of mileage.

The movie should have been titled, "Funny".

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