FZ-Forum Projector Retrofitting Group Buy

First, I want to thank everyone who participated in the group buy. It was a huge success. Some people have gotten their headlights back already, and I am working hard on wrapping up the ones that I have left. Here are the group buy results from all 4 forums:

FZ6-Forum: Some interest, but no one ever confirmed. Next time guys!

FZ6R-Forum: 4 confirmed

FZ8-Forum: 4 confirmed

FZ1-Forum: 2 confirmed

That is a total of 10 retrofits! That is $200 donated to Dennis for the forums! I couldn't be happier. Such a great thing to get mods, and help the forum at the same time! I am already hearing a handful of happy customers! Looking forward to seeing all the result pictures. Thanks again guys.

Doing this again:

My current price on a double projector kit is $260. First part of the group buy that I will be offering is to lower that price. I am offering $225. The next part of the group buy is where I think everyone is going to be excited. Current price for a double projector (basic:1 paint color maximum) is $130. I am willing to do it for $65. Add $20 for a second color paint (normally $30). Angel eyes will be my regular price, however I will install for free. Pod lights will be $40. I have never had my prices this low. Everything will still need to be quoted.

In order to offer this pricing, I will need 20 paid orders. Retrofits will be scheduled in the order they are received. I understand that most people don't ride in the winter, so I am looking at starting this in the next month, and by the time that we got it all finished up, it would be sometime in January I imagine. Really just depends on how many orders we get.

I am positive about being able to hit the 20 mark. Everyone has to weigh in on this, most likely not going to have prices like this again. In order to ensure that everyone is confirmed, please contact me with details of what you would like. I will quote you, and payment will need to be sent to me (fully refundable if we don't hit the mark). IF we don't hit the mark, I will still do the labor deal, just won't be able to offer the lower parts price, since I will be paying higher prices.

Let's start quoting and submitting payment!!! Faster we get to 20, the faster the retrofits can get done.
I'm interested. I've already planned to once again go "faired" during the winter. I've already begun to get everything ready. But just to make sure I understand this correctly, it will be $225 for the kit + $65 for service? And all I'd have to do is mail you the headlight?
I'm interested. I've already planned to once again go "faired" during the winter. I've already begun to get everything ready. But just to make sure I understand this correctly, it will be $225 for the kit + $65 for service? And all I'd have to do is mail you the headlight?

Those prices are correct. You will also have to add return shipping, and any other accessories if you wish. Decide what you want, and I will get you an exact price.