Fz6Sa Interview


Elite Member
Aug 29, 2007
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Birmingham, UK
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OK Interviews back by popular demand. :thumbup:

To start us off...

What do you do for a living?
I run my own IT-company.
I primarily function as a consultant, supplying Project Management and Development expertise.
Most of my work is done for Telco's in EMEA, and the public sector in Denmark.

How long have you owned your FZ6?
Since October 30 2008. This was the day I got my bike license, and as it happened to turn out, also my birthday :)
Best birthday gift I have ever given myself :)

What other modes of transport do you have?
I also own a cage (A Toyota Aygo).

If you could have any bike what would it be?
If it can't be a Fizzer, - I think I would go for a FJR1300AS.
FJR really appeals to me, and the clutch less gear-shifting system it seems intriguing.

What are your hobbies apart from the bike?
Sound, both HiFi and PA (I part-time as a Mobil DJ),
My Dog (8 months old Cairn Terrier),
My Drums.
IT (It's great to get paid for doing your hobby)
and electronics in general.

What is the best place you have visited on your travels and why?
Having been lucky enough to have worked all over the world, except South America and The Poles, that's a really hard question.
Every place have it's own pro and con's, so I find it hard to rate one over the other.
However, since I'm more or less forced to pick one, I would have to point at Svolvær, Norway.
The reasons are many, but the main one would be that my wife is from up there!
Every time we go there I am greeted by her whole family as if I was their own flesh and blood.
I have nowhere else meet people so giving, warm and friendly as I have in Svolvær.

How would you best describe yourself
Positive introverted optimist.
I'm the kind of person who always believes that there's a way out, that I will succeed.
Backside of that is that admitting defeat is hard so failure is not an option.

What pets have you got?
A Dog. He's a Cairn Terrier called Max.
And yes it's true what they say: Terriers are stubborn, independent, tempered loving little beasts.

Which invention in history would you most like to have come up with?
LEGO,- The level of world wide joy and entertainment Lego brings to the whole world is unsurpassed by any other invention.

If you ruled the world, what is the first thing you would outlaw?
Imagine a world without it, - imagine what we as a human race could accomplice!

If you were forced to entertain us all at the Forum Christmas party - what would your talent be?
I think I would give Stand-up a go, - since my ability to drink Vodka by the bottle might not work on a stage .....

Snow or beach?
Snow, - I was newer into just laying around on a piece of shattered rock.
Then again, I cant ride the Fiz in the snow .......
Im stuck on this one ........

Windows or Mac?
Both, - each platform have it's own purpose, pro's and con's.
Currently I have no work on Mac, so all my Computers run Linux or Windows.

F1 or MotoGP?
Again, - both.
Sadly we don't get MotoGP that often here, - but at least they transmit F1.
They are two different thing to watch, - the MotoGP is much more intence, where F1 is a good excuse for spending Sunday afternoon on the couch half asleep.

Which track or album rocks your boat?
Hard one.
Being a DJ, I listen to a very wide range of music to keep up with everything.
But I guess if I were to pick something I would go for:

Pink Floyd/Final Cut

Dumdum Boys/Slave

What is your favorite film?
Blade Runner - Directors Cut.

Meat or Veg?
Meat Meat MEAT!!!!!
Veg is food for our food. If we start eating the Veg's, the meat might disappear, - I'm not risking it!!

What is your favorite beverage?
In the Garage: Cold Beer (Any Pilsner will do)
When out on the town: Long Island Icetea

And finally, your number one rule in life?
To make sure I give more than I take.
Brilliant, interviews are back.

Great interview mate. Enjoy your new riding season.

I have a giant lego collection. I could spend hours on it as a child and totally forget the rest of the world (even still can at 21). Best answer I have heard for that question :thumbup: