Game Of Thrones


Be nice i am
May 25, 2010
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Telford England
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Anyone else Watching Game of Thrones ??:thumbup:

What a Brilliant Series it is ,In fact i would say its one of the best series i've watched on tele.
For those who don't know it's an adaptation of an award winning book by George R. R. Martin. It's high fantasy starring Boromir himself. It's made by HBO the network behind Band of Brothers, Pacific etc and is a stunningly pretty high quality series by anybodies standards. It's high fantasy but has more violence, death, and nudity than i think i've seen from a TV show. Some of the women in it are damn nice looking too.
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I watch it. It's an excellent tv series adapted from an even better series of books. George R. R. Martin has written 5 out of the planned 7-ish books in his A Song of Ice and Fire series, the first of which was A Game of Thrones.

Like any television or movie adaptation of a series of books, it does stray a bit, but since Martin works very closely with the show's producers (and writes one episode per season), much of it has stayed true to the books.

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I think it's great! Excellently cast, too. Peter Dinklage has been killing it as Tyrion. I think the current season is the second half of the third book. The book series itself is fantastic if Martin ever gets around to finishing it. :D
I'm a fan too, although the missus thinks it's too violent to watch. I've only seen the first 3 series (as I don't have HBO) but I'm looking forward to the next one :thumbup:
It is one of the best shows on TV. I can't stand most popular, stock standard tv shows but I absolutely love this and Fargo at the moment.

I've just started reading the first book in the Song of Ice and Fire series - A Game of Thrones - it's a big paperback, with lots of little words - gonna take a long time to read.

BTW, Jon Snow :drool::drool:
I'm afraid to like anyone on the show! As soon as I like someone I know they will be killed. I think the books may be my summer reading list. I've heard they are great.

All the deaths are tabbed (if the internet can be trusted in this case)

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My favorite quote is, "Hodor." Lol :ban:

Hahaha. In the HBO pre-season vignette, they asked several of the actors/actresses about their character's favorite quote or scene. The actor who plays Hodor said his favorite scene was that one where he said "Hodor". Blah
I'm afraid to like anyone on the show! As soon as I like someone I know they will be killed. I think the books may be my summer reading list. I've heard they are great.

All the deaths are tabbed (if the internet can be trusted in this case)


My kids had me hooked on "Supernatural" which goes down in the same way - i.e. the Attractive Hotties (WOMEN) always get killed! The less desirable ones live on for eternity..... It's so sad :(