Gas in Canada


Elite Member
Mar 28, 2008
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Shelburne, VT
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ok.. all joking aside.. I have nothing but love for canada... if you knew me you would know i think canada is cool as hell.... i have been to montreal like 50 times and have enjoyed ever second of it.. but i have never bought gas in canda.. i have heard things like in canada they put lead in the gas and other pricing/measurement issues.. i have stopped at places and then just have risked it to the border.. please forgive my ignorence.. but obviously it is way easier to type a question then to ask it.. right :thumbup:

i assume this is all stupid bs about problems/differences in canadian gas and it is just in different quantities for different prices.. can i still us my credit card at the pump??? is there an octane sort of difference?? is there some stuff i would want to avoid like leaded gas??? is it just montreal stations are difficult??? i only ask due to i was thinking of going through montreal and across canada to wisconson for a summer trip and really dont want to have a problem... any help appriciated.. :thumbup:

You won't have a problem with buying gas in Canada - it's not as common to find 93 octane but not an issue with anything else. A credit card should work just fine, debit cards depend on the rules of your bank although I would expect most of those will work just fine unless you use a piddly credit union like I do.
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ok.. all joking aside.. I have nothing but love for canada...

i assume this is all stupid bs about problems/differences in canadian gas and it is just in different quantities for different prices.. can i still us my credit card at the pump??? is there an octane sort of difference?? is there some stuff i would want to avoid like leaded gas??? is it just montreal stations are difficult??? i only ask due to i was thinking of going through montreal and across canada to wisconson for a summer trip and really dont want to have a problem... any help appriciated.. :thumbup:

Are you seriously asking those things or joking? What do you think what is going here? Same oil companies, same credit cards, cars, most of the food and actually same gasoline since Canada is biggest suppliers of gasoline to USA anyway.
Leaded gas hasen't been produced/sold since the late 70's, early 80's dude! Time to update your information!

Credit cards will work fine. I use 94 octane without any problem. Probably get away with using lower ones too. Canada even accepts US currency (wish that worked both ways!). If all esle fails we take beads, shiny bits of glass and wooden nickels at par!

Just remember where you park your dog sled on your way to your igloo and you'll be just fine! Make sure to try some REAL beer while you are north of the border too!! None of that pi$$ water Budweiser crap... (ducks and hides)
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Oh and remember:

0.264172052 US gallons = 1 liter (CAD)

1 miles (US) = 1.609344 kilometers (CAD) -don't get any tickets for doing 50mph instead of 50Km!!

32 deg Ferenheight (US) = 0 deg Celcius (freezing in
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ok.. all joking aside.. I have nothing but love for canada... if you knew me you would know i think canada is cool as hell.... i have been to montreal like

i assume this is all stupid bs about problems/differences in canadian gas and it is just in different quantities for different prices.. can i still us my credit card at the pump??? is there an octane sort of difference?? is there some stuff i problem... any help appriciated.. :thumbup:

My man , everything is ABOOT the same here as there . Credit cards are the same , currency is interchangeable , food ABOOT the same .Except you guys eat fries with mayo thats wrong :spank: . I've noticed some subtle differences but not to many. I wouldn't worry about culture shock.
Don't worry, the fuel in Canada is fine. We've got the most fuel reserves in the world except for maybe Iran, Iraq and/or Saudi Arabia. Make sure you get your passports arranged by June, because I think you'll be required to have one when you cross the border by land.
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thanks for the replys.. good to know that everything will work out fine...

i only asked due to i have been to canada and have stopped at several gas stations.. maybe it is just where i stopped or due to all the farms around, but i kept seeing little stickers that seemed to imply there was lead in the gas.. so it turned me off to the idea of buying gas in canada.. i never bothered to do any research or ask anyone, just assumed that it was a no no..

but thanks for setting me strait :)
thanks for the replys.. good to know that everything will work out fine...

i only asked due to i have been to canada and have stopped at several gas stations.. maybe it is just where i stopped or due to all the farms around, but i kept seeing little stickers that seemed to imply there was lead in the gas.. so it turned me off to the idea of buying gas in canada.. i never bothered to do any research or ask anyone, just assumed that it was a no no..

but thanks for setting me strait :)

No probs... Look at it this way, if there were lead in our gas my FZ6 which is identical to your FZ6 would be in serious trouble... All my other vehicles as well. As Homer Simpson says "Canada is basically America junior"....
dont forget a map of canada too
