Gas station issues, helmet off?

I keep full gear on except gloves, walk in, slap down some cash, get my change say goodbye, and off on my way. well ofcourse everyone knows me in my small town of 3000
Well, living in Montreal like you and never had a problem with my helmet on. Never had in: Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC neither. I see the point of having to remove the helmet but it's a PITA for me. I'm paying with my credit card anyway in advance (no special points), mostly
And I didn't paint a big smiley face on my helmet... yet. Would be GREAT though! :D
Here in Jersey we have Full Serve so i sit on my bike Helmet on and the attendant comes to me and hands me the nozzle. I pump the fuel myself but i never have to get off my bike! Ah the joy of full serve! :rockon:
Just got back from from the gas station. Swiped my card and filled up withoug taking my helmet off or getting off the bike. After I pulled away from the pump and into a parking space so I could go in and grab a drink. I took my helmet off to go inside.
Thanks..... I wasn't aware exactly what a burka is, but I see your point. Again I'm sure it's for the security camera. Unlike a burka that is worn for religious reason and shouldn't be ask for removal, our helmets can be removed without violating any religious rights. Unless someone starts a new "helmet always on" religion. lol.

I'm all for respecting religious beliefs, but if I have to show my face, they should too. They can walk around with their face covered all they want, but as soon as I get in trouble for covering up mine, then there is a problem.

Besides, I wear my gear religiously, so that counts, right?:D
I keep full gear on except gloves, walk in, slap down some cash, get my change say goodbye, and off on my way. well ofcourse everyone knows me in my small town of 3000

I keep everything on as well. I only take off my right glove so I can get my stupid credit card outta my wallet. I haven't yet been denied service at a gas station.
Well, living in Montreal like you and never had a problem with my helmet on. Never had in: Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC neither. I see the point of having to remove the helmet but it's a PITA for me. I'm paying with my credit card anyway in advance (no special points), mostly
And I didn't paint a big smiley face on my helmet... yet. Would be GREAT though! :D

That's funny, I am planning on putting a smiley face on the back of my helmet.. only with that reflective rim tape..
I'll post picks when I do

I'm wonder if anybody has this problem:

When I go fill up my car at the gas station, pull in next to a pump, get out, put the nozzle to the gas tank, swipe my prepay key, then select the octane and start pumping, no problem here.

When go fill up my bike, I get off my bike, keep my helmet on, nozzle to the tank and swipe my key, my transaction is cancelled and asked to go see the clerk. So, I wait, let the pump reset, and start filling up and going inside to swipe my key at the counter with my helmet on.

So, now when I fill the bike, I get off, take my time and take my helmet off and do the same procedure as for my car, no problems.

Anybody having this issue? Is it cause my gas station thinks I'm gonna do a pump and run eventhough I have a prepay key and points card? Or is there some policy about the gas station camera being able to see your face?
I had the same problem as you, it sucks...
The Burka is a female dress and only allows a small slit for the eyes to be seen. I have also had an argument with a petrol station manager for serving a guy with a hooded top on and someone wearing a Burka. Just my 2c worth.


edit (dumba55 sorry guys this was already clarified. Thats what you get for not reading the entire thread)
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When i fill up here i only take a glove off so i can get my credit card outta my wallet, i always use the credit card machine so i only go inside if i buy a drink or snack then i take the helmet off, i have been in once with the helmet on for them to turn the air compressor on so i could top off my PSI :p
On a side note i once went to my bank to make a deposit and didnt take my helmet off, and i had sunglasses (on the moment i didnt think much of it, lol), well the moment i walked in the security almost ran behind me and behind the counter i went to, but i just carried along, made my deposit with the teller and went back to my bike and back to work (i was in a lil hurry) but the look on the peoples faces in line in front and behind me were priceless, however i will not be doing that again anytime soon, lol! :D
I'm a cash guy, no plastic. I always go inside and prepay, I never take off my helmet. Never have been asked to take my helmet off either. There are even security guards inside and outside the station, they don't even ask me to take it off. I've only been asked once to take my helmet off, and that was at the casino cage, when I was cashing my paycheck.

+1 about the fire, I definately would rather have my helmet on if there was a fire. Why in the world would anyone rather have their helmet off in case there was a fire. More protection to resist any type of burns, I guess thats why the fireman wear the helmets too.
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Ricky Bobby knows to keep his helmet on during a fire.... even an invisible one...

[ame=""]YouTube - Ricky Bobby On Fire[/ame]
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Most stations here in Belgium you can just pay at the pump, so I do with my helmet on and never had an issue. If I need to go inside, I'll look for a sign on the door...


If it's not there I'll just walk in, but most stations here have the sign.
if there were a fire i would prefer to be wearing a helmet.. personally at least.

But back on topic, no i have not had that problem around here. if the pump won;t take my card for whatever reason i will leave and go to the next station, i refuse to inconvenience myself for something so petty. and if they don't like it then they don't get my money.

I hear ya. I let me money do the talking. If they want to play the petty games of remove your helmet then give your business to another.
I take my helmet off when fueling up... even though I live in the last state that has full serve as mandandated by Trenton.... New Jersey.

I have taken rider ed classes... beginner and experienced a few times.... Not only should the rider take their helmet off, but dismount their bike... If the nozzle doesn't act properly, then you can possibly get gas all over your gear! (This happened to me at a Shell on US46 in Little Falls. The lever stuck and I got a gas spill. I asked the attendedent who was watching me did you know about this? The attendent replied.. Yea. What a jerk!)

If you ride off-highway you should remove your helmet when talking with non-riders because it gives the public an impression of imtimidation!


Must be a Montreal thing. Never had a problem with it and if I did, I would find another gas sation...which is what I would do in your situation.

If a gas sation does not want me wearing my helmet, then post a policy and/or signs stating this. If not, they can f-off. Once again, this is jsut another example of the few (those who rob wearing a helmet) making the rules for the rest of us who don't do crimes waering our motorcycle helmets. I prefer my Richard Nixon mask anyway! ;)

If it's a security thing they are worried about, well they will already have my plate number on camera which I'm sure will prove more valuable than seeing my face. You already have a pay card and have to pay before you can fuel so what's their problem??

Personally I don't care if my helemt "indimadates people". I can't control what another person might ASSUME about me. I even use ATM machines (inside banks and gas stations) while wearing my helmet.

If I see a sign posted asking to remove my helmet, fair enough.
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I almost always take my helmet off when pumping gas, not for worry of being confused to be a terrorist or anything, but because here in Nevada in the summer it gets &*$&ing hot! I take the stop as a chance to get off the bike, stretch, get my helmet off, breath a bit, then refuel and get back on. As far as the centerstand vs sidestand, I usually put the nozzle in, standing next to the bike with the sidestand deployed, then towards the end of the fill up I tilt the bike upright such that if a spill were to occur I could let the bike go and step away with it simply falling back on the sidestand, thereby keeping me safe from spilt gas and a potential fire hazard.

As far as being asked to remove my helmet, I went into a gas station near my house once at about 3am on a weeknight ( I work swing shift) to pay for my gas with my helmet on and got an uneasy look from the clerk, so I took it off to make him more comfortable. Once I took it off we started talking and now we are practically friends so every time I see him I stand there and b.s. with him for at least 10 mins before heading home lol.