Get your Cameras, here it is: AUG 2010

Okay here we go.... a quick hour's work this morning!

A 20+ storey building: what passes for a high rise in my town :)


A Coffee shop/stand: Cafe Rene... 'allo 'allo!


A dump truck.


A Windmill with 5+ meter blades: our local coffee shop/bakery


A military vehicle: Mirage III CZ outside my old high school


Bonus 2 point hunts

A 'signature' power plant (like a dam, nuclear plant, etc). Kelvin Power Station

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Would an aircraft carrier count as a military vehicle and a power plant? There are 8 nuclear reactors in there.
I'd say no. It's powered by nuclear energy, but isn't a power plant as such.

Just my opinion :D

I suppose you're right. I could take an internal pic of my ship (not a carrier) but I would have a hell of a time getting my bike in there! :banghead:
Would an aircraft carrier count as a military vehicle and a power plant? There are 8 nuclear reactors in there.

I would not count it as a power plant for it is not built for that application. But it would be a military vehicle.

Also remember one rule I had: A picture can not count for two hunted items, if it fits multiple items, make sure to label what hunted item it is fulfilling.
If you did that though, it would give you a heavy leg up for the 'creativity' of the picture, especially if you tie with another person.

Travis Walthall

Hah yea..that would be quite an evolution.

Here's one I took last night, might go retake it with a tripod or something.
