Girls, girls, girls

Monica A

Junior Member
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score
Reno, NV
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OK Ladies (and gentlemen lurking on the ladies only site),

I had the opportunity to go for a couple of girl only rides lately. I loved it. It was so much more relaxing. We didn't have to keep going and going. If something looked interesting, we stopped. If we were hungrt, we ate. If not, we didn't. No competition to do EVERY corner at warp speed. It was terrific!!

I usually ride with all men. It's me and 3-10 guys on sport and sport touring bikes. I've learned to keep up with them and I do really well at that. New guys that join us inevitably say something like "Monica, you are really good" or "wow, you ride well", etc... They don't say it to the other guys. I guess they expect a woman to go slow, brake in every corner, and drag the pace of the group to a turtles poace. Not me! Hubby expects me to ride at my pace but encourages me to push it some.

So Ladies, what you think? Do you like riding with men or other women or both. What are your pluses and minues for either?
Funny cuz one of the riders I like riding with happens to be a girl and from the 1st day we rode with her she was a great rider. You can't always judge the goodness of a rider by just their speed but how they execute and carry through turns. She became way faster as time went on and I consider her one of the better riders I ride with. She's on this forum and her name is Verharen :cheer:

I learned a lot about motorcycle riding from my Granny Moto...
I had the opportunity to go for a couple of girl only rides lately. I loved it. It was so much more relaxing. We didn't have to keep going and going. If something looked interesting, we stopped. If we were hungrt, we ate. If not, we didn't. No competition to do EVERY corner at warp speed. It was terrific!!

Sounds like a great ride! Ummm, wait a minute... I think I might be a girl! :eek:

Nope, crisis over - they're still there. :D

But seriously, not ALL guys are so edgy / competitive. Though the percentage is probably much MUCH higher amongst sportsbike riders.

BTW - I was NOT lurking! This post showed up on the home page. Sheesh, maybe I should start lurking.

That's great that you found other females to ride with Monica. Because as you are well aware, there aren't that many of us to begin with :rolleyes:
I did manage to find 2 other women to ride in the dirt with, but as of now, I haven't been able to find anyone to ride on the street with.
And next time you go out with them, we expect pictures!
Please ;)
That's great that you found other females to ride with Monica. Because as you are well aware, there aren't that many of us to begin with :rolleyes:
I did manage to find 2 other women to ride in the dirt with, but as of now, I haven't been able to find anyone to ride on the street with.
And next time you go out with them, we expect pictures!
Please ;)

^^ Us too! The Dirty Ones! :spank::spank: Blah
I was wondering which one of our guys would make a comment on that after I posted it!

Bonus points for a VIDEO running through the woods getting Dirty!! :thumbup::thumbup:

Actually curious what kind of terrain you run through over there!
:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Now be honest Randy, when you posted your comment you were not thinking of girls riding in the dirt! :rolleyes:

Or is it Me that has the "dirty" mind?!?!?! :eek:

Well ..... I was resisting but the resistance was futile and I am now! :spank: Lol!
That's great that you found other females to ride with Monica. Because as you are well aware, there aren't that many of us to begin with :rolleyes:
I did manage to find 2 other women to ride in the dirt with, but as of now, I haven't been able to find anyone to ride on the street with.
And next time you go out with them, we expect pictures!
Please ;)

A picture for you.

View attachment 54538

My Sprint St on the left and her Gizzer 600 on the right. Top of Monitor Pass about an hour south of Reno, NV

She texted me last night asking if I was ready to ride this weekend. I am if this f*ing rain stops. We don't get rain in Northern Nevada in summer except for a 5 minute downpour every once in a while. It's been raining for almost 2 days straight. Did I go to sleep in Nevada and wake up in Oregon or Washington? Ugh!!!