Girls, girls, girls

A picture for you.

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My Sprint St on the left and her Gizzer 600 on the right. Top of Monitor Pass about an hour south of Reno, NV

She texted me last night asking if I was ready to ride this weekend. I am if this f*ing rain stops. We don't get rain in Northern Nevada in summer except for a 5 minute downpour every once in a while. It's been raining for almost 2 days straight. Did I go to sleep in Nevada and wake up in Oregon or Washington? Ugh!!!

Great picture! We've had unusual rain this month. I have a Dopplar Radar app on my phone and looking at Northern Nevada right now. Crazy weather! Be careful out there. We ran into lightning last summer and got chased off the ride. One of the riders, Eng on our forum, is a flight engineer in the marines and he had the Dopplar Radar app so we had an idea of which direction to head. If you ever do get out and down this way please give us a yell so the SoCal peeps can hook up and ride with you! :)
A picture for you.

View attachment 54538

My Sprint St on the left and her Gizzer 600 on the right. Top of Monitor Pass about an hour south of Reno, NV

She texted me last night asking if I was ready to ride this weekend. I am if this f*ing rain stops. We don't get rain in Northern Nevada in summer except for a 5 minute downpour every once in a while. It's been raining for almost 2 days straight. Did I go to sleep in Nevada and wake up in Oregon or Washington? Ugh!!!

Very nice Monica! We've had good run on that rain thing too...but we love it!
I went for a ride today with a friend. Hubby was on call and got called in to work. Poor guy. He did manage to put it off long enough to go to the Triumph dealer for a free BBQ with me. After the BBQ, he headed home and my lady friend and I headed up a quick little fun ride outside of town. Virginia City and back. Fun road without the tourist, but you can't have everything. Anyway, we decided it was a milkshake afternoon since we are having unseasonably warm temps. As we were getting off the freeway to go to our favorite place, a fire truck full of firefighters were sitting at the stoplight headed straight. I gave a wave, and the entire truck full of men waved back with their tongues hanging out, not use to chicks on sport bikes. (my lady friend rides a Gizzer 600). lol. We had a good laugh over that.