Hands still get numb even with looser grip

This is also my first bike and I only have about 1,000 miles on it.

There's your answer right there. You're almost certainly still thinking about it all too much. Even if you are able to take the very good advice to relax your grip, you are now probably tensing everything else trying to do so. I know, cause I did exactly this. Forget about the whole thing, do some miles, not too much at once, and start worrying if it's the same in another 2000 miles
I struggled a lot on the FZ6R with vibration, even with the heavy bar ends. Try the ProGrip 714. Need to do a bit of trimming since they are dirt bike grip but the diameter is a bit bigger and they damp vibration really good.

Thanks! I actually already have the ProGrip 714 grips on my bike. Going to put the grip puppies over them to see if it makes it any better. Love the grips, but still feel the buzz in the bars.
For me it was carpel tunnel and some nasty shoulder stuff. I have great core strength, and riding position was not the problem. I found my solutions, and posted it above. I also love my airhawk. I'm super skinny and even bought a gel seat from here and donated my pretty much brand new stock one to the forum as a roving loaner. And yes, I have no problem hanging off like the rest.

Mileage is something that is legit. You do build moto muscles. Hard to explain, but it's true. I live in a place with a very short riding season. I still put almost 20k on it last year. Probably one of the shortest in the lower 48.

My first ride this year, not joking, first, was 800 miles in one day. Was I a bit more tired than last year when I pushed her through the snow to rest for months, yes, but I could feel the nerves in my fingers and did it just fine. Like a first date with a soulmate.

Try some stuff, see what works. Start with the cheap fixes. And yes, I bought a carbtune from the owner in England, and it made a world of difference. I add them up to allow me to sit on my bike and point it anywhere for as many fuel ups as I feel is fun, and I'm not screaming. That would be like a very bad marriage where you think and you feel so much love, but just get pain, or worse, numbness, as a thank you.

/FZ6 bike counseling session. Leave a tip to the forum hosts.
I think another issue I have is the weather has been really hit or miss around here lately. It's been pretty rainy so I'm lucky to get a chance to ride once or twice a week. Even when I do ride, It's usually less than 60 miles at a time. I'm sure my body will get more used to everything as i'm able to ride longer and more often. Summer has to get here eventually!

So far my Saddlemen tech pad seems to really make a difference in the seat. The gel/memory foam combo definitely seems comfortable and takes away probably 90% of the vibes in the seat.
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I did about 100 miles yesterday, mixed highway and around town. It was enough seat time to really notice how much my new seat pad actually helps. By the end of the ride, my legs and whole body were sore from being on the bike, but there was no numbness or pain in between my legs, so that's awesome.

I also didn't notice nearly as much hand problems, at least not until the very end of the ride. By the time my brother and I got home, we were both beat, but it was a blast. I think I've been getting better at moving my weight around, and adjusting my hands. I still have the grip puppies to put on, so i'm sure that will just make everything even more comfortable. For now though, it seems like I'm finally getting used to the FZ.

However, I did make the mistake of riding a 2014 Raider at my local dealer. I could have dealt without all the chrome, but the Cobra swept exhaust made the thing sound incredible. Absolutely LOVED the test ride...probably not a good thing. lol.