Help Name My New Company and Win a NEW Stebel Motorcycle horn

Laza Glass Creations or Just Laza Glass

Good Luck, keep it easy to remember (short) but one could get creative with the script.
alot of businesses go with lastname "somthings" or region "somethings".
like Laza Glass Studio or Vancouver Glass Studio.

One of the local artists here does bronzes his is called High Prairie Bronze Studio, because, well we live on a prairie.

You could also do something generic like Glass Blowers. I teased my GF about that place cuz we went there on vaca and she wanted to buy the store, so I called it "Cash" Blowers.

Or, you could do something unique. Does glass blowing have any specialized tools or terminology that you could mash together to invent a word?

I was at one time a partner in a company called RescueMyPC. You might guess that we fixed computers, but it didn't say H3LR4ZR's Computer Repair. Our marketing was like an ambulance. the logo had a + sign and our slogan was "Rescue me!"

In the end, it has to be something you come up with at its a very personal decision and one you will be sticking with for years to come and maybe not the best thing to leave other people to decide for you.

In any case, if your selling to tourist types who mostly just see the shop and decide to stop in because its something to do, it probably won't matter too much what you call it, and you can always change it later by doing a DBA. Don't forget to make sure your name isn't already trademarked. You don't want to end up in this situation.

Oh my biz is Helwig Technologies. by lastname. Let me know if you need a website lol. Good luck with the biz, its a fun and exciting challenge, like motorcycling.
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Your motto can be:

I blow glass so you don't have to.

Love it! haha

No offense meant, congrats on the company!
Im still in the process of getting all my equipment together. Ive taken some classes and I have to say, I cant wait to get my studio rollin'. Still flip-floppin' on the name, but leanin towards Laza Glass Design. Simple.

Ill keep u posted
Here are some company names...

1. Laza Verre, Blown Glass

2. Huff and Puff Glass

3. Puff Puff Glass

Here are some slogans you could use...

1. "Laza Glass is Laza Good!"

2. "I blow but they don't break!"

3. "Blown to perfection"
I'm just starting to get into glassblowing and I was wondering if anybody could help me out with a name for the company name. My names Paul Laza so Ive thought of LAZAS GLASSWORKS or LAZA FLAMEWORKS....after that is all blank.....If I use your submission you'll get the pictured horn....:thumbup: you add the wires with this kit, relay and instructions included. So scratch your brains for me peoples and HELP MEEEEE...:D

Hey, I was just perusing the forum and ran across your thread. Did you get your studio going? I blow glass in St Louis (hobby, not job) and love it. Decide on a name yet? How about Dat's a Laza Glazz!! :D
put in a vote for laza glass... thought that was good.. also will you have a website soon.. any shots of current work???
I'm going with Laza Glass Design. Its going to be sometime, probably the new year before I get everything going. Money is an issue, as in I need 2x as much as I budgeted. I'm meeting with the bank the second week of Sept. to discuss a line-of-credit. Once that gets settled, things should start moving a little more quickly. Its too bad my full-time job is taking up so much well, gotta work for what I want I guess...:rolleyes:

It is alot harder than it looks also, so it maybe some time before I have anything saleable. The whole goal here is to get out of my current job. Warehouse work is making me a robot. thankfully I can drop my full-time status to Regular Part-time, which entitles me to all he fulltime benefits and I only have to put in 28 hours a week. I understand to make a living doing glasswork is VERY difficult, but if it gets me out of that warehouse a few hours a week, it will make it all worth while.

Anyways when I get some good stuff, I'll definitely post some pics.
I think it's important to ID what specifically you intend to do, as well. I like 'Glassworks by Laza'; 'Glassworks by Lazacraft', 'Craftwork glass'.......... Do you intend to do snifters, or ornaments? Decanters? .... 'Handspun glass'? 'Sand to sight'? 'Silica sights'?
not only dificult work.. but dangerous.. have you considered good respitory equipment... i have heard bad things when blowing certain kinds of glass... let me know when your ready.. i would love a custom canadian glasswork :).. maybe a glass fz6 :thumbup:
some input, and some questions...I see two separate issues here, Co. name and product name, very different things....long term, you have to think about the future of your enterprise, do you plan on incorporating? right now your looking at direct retail sales, as your Co. grows you may find other retail outlets for your products making you a manufacturer/wholesaler, I know it's early but do you think you'll ever grow to the point where you may need venture capital? What I'm getting at is that a name catchy as a retail product may not necessarily be what you want to incorporate under, it's difficult ($$) to change it and in the future it may not reflect what you have grown into, if it were me, I'd keep the Co. name very simple, and professional, then get as creative as you like with the individual product names as is suited to your current customer base

speaking from a language pint of view, your name is great, LAZA, catchy, artistic, impossible to spell wrong, I'd
certainly look at using it in a Co. name
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