Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2008
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Hey Boys & Girls,
Have noticed a couple of other people from Adelaide, South Australia in this forum, who is interested in trying to organise a lazy sunday afternoon cruise?

Would be nice to enjoy some of Adelaide's fine roads in the Hills, with a few proud other SA FZ6 owners. Might be a good way to catch up with likeminded souls, check out each others bikes, and "chew the fat" over a coffee.

Come on SA FZ6 owners, if your interested, PM me, and lts see if we can get something sorted.

Just an idea....:)
Could be up for it, Sunday arvo makes it tough for me though, I generally have a sleep before night shift Sunday night.

Also have to convince the missus that I wouldn't kill myself...lmao (she still doesn't like me having a bike again).
Let me know if you organise something.
Could be up for it, Sunday arvo makes it tough for me though, I generally have a sleep before night shift Sunday night.

Also have to convince the missus that I wouldn't kill myself...lmao (she still doesn't like me having a bike again).
Let me know if you organise something.

Lol, Yes i am sometimes less than 100% on Sunday's as i have just come off nightshift from the 4 previous nights....but Sunday seems to be the best time for most other "normal" people.

And as for the missus giving you a hard time about getting a bike again - SNAP....have just gone through the same thing, but i just keep telling her the fact is that with petrol the price it is, that it makes way more sensible than doing 80% of my travelling each week, by myself in a Falcon which is very thirsty!

Now that we are saving about $100 on petrol, my missus seems to see where i am coming from all of a sudden.

Still wont let me take the first born on the back, at nine years old. even though it would save us a crap load more money, and me time, getting him to and from school, from Blackwood to the City every day in peak hour traffic!

The nine year old is keen , he loves it!

Anyway, as for the ride, gonna wait and see whether i can get a couple more people interested, and then hopefully, we can get something sorted, will keep you posted via PM.

Lol, Yes i am sometimes less than 100% on Sunday's as i have just come off nightshift from the 4 previous nights....but Sunday seems to be the best time for most other "normal" people.

And as for the missus giving you a hard time about getting a bike again - SNAP....have just gone through the same thing, but i just keep telling her the fact is that with petrol the price it is, that it makes way more sensible than doing 80% of my travelling each week, by myself in a Falcon which is very thirsty!

Now that we are saving about $100 on petrol, my missus seems to see where i am coming from all of a sudden.

Yeah, I've got a VZ Calais.. same thing, costs me $15 a week instead of $60.

Still wont let me take the first born on the back, at nine years old. even though it would save us a crap load more money, and me time, getting him to and from school, from Blackwood to the City every day in peak hour traffic!

The nine year old is keen , he loves it!

I even got a helmet for my daughter, she was keen until she sat on the back and freaked out when she saw how high she sat... hasn't been interested since :(

Anyway, as for the ride, gonna wait and see whether i can get a couple more people interested, and then hopefully, we can get something sorted, will keep you posted via PM.


Cool, I'm sure I'll be able to talk her around if/when we can organise something.

sorry people didnt see this here, havent had anyone in the aus sight for a long time so havent been looking here. Bike is in having tps mod at moment but yeh a ride at sometime is good. I want to hear your pipes wolf.
sorry people didnt see this here, havent had anyone in the aus sight for a long time so havent been looking here. Bike is in having tps mod at moment but yeh a ride at sometime is good. I want to hear your pipes wolf.

Damn, forgot about the TPS. Must ring up Yammy world and see if they've got mine in yet. I booked it in straight after the letter arrived, and they couldn't get stock.

I want to hear your pipes wolf.
That's why I wanna go for a ride too, cant wait to see it in the flesh.
Looking a bit overcast out there today though?? Not too bad though.

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Hey Wolfman. I'd be up for a ride this Sunday if the weathers any better, forecast looks ok. I'm on holidays next week, so no sleepies for me Sunday arvo.

Just something to consider.

Well, that was great, had a ball, although, I'm not as quick as the rest of you...lol. 264Km round trip for me, and I was buggered when I got home... obviously have to get out on some group rides more often to stay fit...lol
I fell asleep on the couch watching the Superbikes, and my lovely wife did the right thing and recorded it for me.

I grabbed a photo (not a great one, I should have got one from the other end of the line where the FZ6's were), nice variety of bikes turned up.

Taking a break at the beach...

3 x FZ6 (2 naked and my faired model)
TRX 850 ... Sounds awesome with the staintunes on it
Z1000 ... Man, that bike looks nasty
ZX6R ... an old fav of mine
and last but not least..
The Hayabusa ... that thing is huge.

Great bunch of blokes, had a laugh.

Thanks for organising it all Wolfman, and for breakfast... or was that lunch.. 10/10.

Hey Dave, yes your right, yesterday was great fun...good mix of bikes, nice bunch of down to earth blokes, and an interesting mix of bikes.

Yes, breakfast was really lunch...but hey it was a Sunday, and things should happen at a more relaxed pace...

I had a blast, was a bit frustrated by the traffic getting to the good roads, but hey, they did decide to shut the express way on us! Took it easy till we got to Normanville, as i had that new front tire, but by the time we got to Delamere Rd, it was time for me to blow out the cobwebs, with my partner in crime, Gary, and his nasty z1000....am telling you we really did get on it, through to Victor...but i reckon that road is probably the safest place to do so, if there is such a thing.

Enjoyed the FZ6 only ride back to Adelaide from Victor....which was done at a sensible pace.

And yes we will have to do it again sometime soon...and am guessing that wont be too far away, as all the boys are very keen to get out on a Sunday.

And it's a good bunch of blokes....no hero's, and no ego's.

If anyone else from SA is interested in joining us next time, THIS IS THE PLACE TO PUT YOUR HAND UP.

The more the merrier i reckon! :)
Sweet day breaky was good, weather was good, range of bikes was good, in all real good. Have to agree the z1000 was a drool over piece, i have to say with driving for a living it was a bit fast for me the risk is too much with bills to pay, no saftey pants on and slime plugging a hole in the rear tyre, but i do enjoy the 190km/h. The bike started getting real rattly in the traffic on the way home, i think i will have to change the oil again which i only changed last week and try a different brand. The trip for me was just shy 300km, which after 6 months out of the sadle, and totally naked, has taken its toll on shoulder and crouch muscles. Im up for another one.
Yes some of us can get a little excited by an open road, which is seemingly ours to our own...that's why we ride it...big change from being such good boys everywhere else, ie: the speed camera infested roads of the Adelaide CBD...but hey you gotta let your hair down every now & then..otherwise i reckon life bec omes too boring, it does help, when there is someone up front who is prepared to ride shotgun, re any upcoming camera's etc.

The ride back to Adelaide from Victor was more in tune with a normal ride for me, sitting on the speed limit, with the occasional blat to get clear of traffic.

Glad you enjoyed. as i said before, am sure it wont be long, before that group gets together for another Sunday ride...will let you know.

But i reckon, now that Dave, yourself, and me are aquainted we should organise an FZ6 only ride soon too...at a pace that will keep our licenses in our pockets.

300km's in one day, when your not used to it, does take the crap out of you though, i was a very tired boy last night...as like Dave, i crashed it on the couch watching the Superbikes!
Hey Oz, we'll be doing it again, will add you to my friends list and let you know next time.
And yeah, it was a hell of a lot of fun, although, being a novice group rider, I was quite a bit slower than the rest. Mainly use my bike for commuting to work and back, and I need my license because I work nights, and there ain't any busses at that time...lol

Yeah Stumbles I know what you mean. I ride everyday to work and need my ticket too, or my family starve !
I always ride within my limits and if everyone else is quicker the so be it . :noworries:
Hey guys im in the same boat i drive for my job, but it was so damn hard not to twist that throttle when eveyone else is. We should organise just us like wolf said and do another one at our pace maybe around the 150km/h rather than 200, ha ha.
Too right mate,there is no way I will be doing 200 kph on the roads around here !

Lol...that's what i thought till i got behind a guy who wanted to ride shotgun....and the road was open, deserted, and with a degree of run-off on each side.

Seriously though it is a bit silly, but we got away with it, so no harm done. thankfully.

But for the next ride (FZ6 only), i was thinking a pleasurable cruise up through the hills - maybe start with breakfast at my house at Blackwood, then go through Upper sturt to the Freeway, across the Freeway, through piccadilly, to lobethal, to birdwood for a coffee, then back down to the city, via tea tree gully. I think this brings at least Auusiejules, and Stumbles to an end that is closer to where they live.

This is a nice route with lots of slower corners, and beautiful scenery, and if we feel the desire, we could also stop and check out the Birdwood Motor Museum whilst we were there.

Sounds good to me ,your not far from me then, I am at Aberfoyle Park.
Just hope we can all get a day that we are free, dont know about you guys but I have a wife and kids to work around ,lol
Yeah, wife and a daughter here too... And I work night shift, so Sunday arvo I normally have a nap from 1:00 - 5:00pm before work Sunday night.

Trip sound good though Wolfman. My wife will want us to stop at Melba's to get some lollies for her and the littl'un... (Traffic lights.. no less... lol)
I know it's still a month away, but we have a down-day on the 13th July, so Sunday the 12th would suit me... but... The weather could be crappy by then???

the long range forescast has seemed to be reasonably accurate lately, so next time it says that Sunday is going to be fine and sunny, i will be harrasing all those who frequent this forum about a ride....but the 13th sounds ok, but i could be indisposed, my 3rd child is due on the 15th!

I also have to DJ on the Saturday night till 3am, then back up for a Sunday night gig that weekend!

Ozfazer 6 will send you a friend requset also.

By the way, Stumbles, that RJays Jacket i told you i was buying, i now have, and it is as good as the leather pants, great fit, soft leather....and it zips to the pants with comfort!