Hi Everyone! Needing a little advice


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May 1, 2018
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So after a lot of prayer and deliberation over buying a motorcycle, my wife and I felt it necessary to "live within our means" and just go with a simple, cheap but reliable motorcycle. I feel as if it was a blessing but I did want to seek wisdom from other FZ6 owners before I pull the trigger.


If you guys and girls could help me out on if you think this is a good buy I'd greatly appreciate it. Mahalo!
That's a screaming deal if it's in good shape. Wish it were here and 2 days ago. I'd have saved some money.
Oh my goodness, what a beauty! 3K?! I like mine, the best bike so far after 60 years riding and nothing on the horizon either to beat it. It's not simple nor cheap by the way IMO. It's Goldilocks.
Mahalo folks for the replies:

The owner did say that the fork seals needed to be replaced and is taking care of that now. I did do some research prior to this and have seen that the fork seals can go bad on these bikes. Other than that (and a VERY small amount of surface rust in certain spots that can be scrubbed off with some coca cola or whatnot) it looks like it's in amazing shape.

I think this will make the PERFECT commuter bike.
He marked it as "Sold" to avoid people continuously messaging him lol:)

I bought it yesterday^_^ I'll post some pictures later!
About those fork seals that needs replacement even with that low mileage...

A buddy of mine bought a FZ6 from 2007 last year and he too had to change the forkseals (less than 15.000km on the clock). I am guessing this has to do with the bike not having been ridden and the seals not getting any exersize => Getting too stiff and leaking when the bike is ridden again?
Yes it's common for the seals to leak if the bike sits for an extended period, especially if not garaged. A new set is ~$30. Good time to change the fork oil and also change springs to suit rider weight if needed.
Yes it's common for the seals to leak if the bike sits for an extended period, especially if not garaged. A new set is ~$30. Good time to change the fork oil and also change springs to suit rider weight if needed.

Champion quote, when I got mine (had been in storage for 2 years) fork seals were gone , great opportunity to sort forks, heavier weight oil or and tailored new spring weight. There's a lot to this bike enjoy dude! be safe :)

ps This is a great site lots of info on here for your new lady, or slut fizzy does both and well :p
Holy cow that was a give-away! That luggage setup alone is well over 1k!!
Hello everyone and mahalo for all the support:

Here are some pics:)


So after riding it for a few days there are some things I love, and some things I NEED help with.

1. I love the simplicity of the bike. Not too crazy like a sport bike, not too "boring" either.
2. I love the upright riding position.
3. I LOVE the luggage.

Things I could use help/advice on:

1. The two brothers exhaust. . .I HATE them. . .I can't stand them. They (in my humble opinion) are just way too loud for my taste. I park in a multi level parking garage and it's very unpleasant for my neighbors. If anyone knows where I can find some bone stock cans, I'd appreciate it.
2. The clutch. I rode a Street Triple R before this bike, and I don't know if I'm just spoiled by it, but this clutch is REALLY unforgiving. The friction zone can probably be measured in nanometers - no really, it's THAT bad. I'm not too mechanically sound (actually, I'm not mechanically sound at all) so any advice on this would be very appreciated.

Once again guys, I love the bike - and I plan on keeping it for a very long time. Any help on the 2 matters above would be greatly appreciated!
I don't know if my thread didn't update or not so I'm uploading it again just in case lol. . .pics below:)


Okay so things I like:

1. The luggage - I kinda wanted the bike initially for just the luggage as I know they are like 400-500 dollars a pop not counting the bracket lol.
2. I hear these bikes are pretty reliable
3. It's a damn motorcycle lol.

Things I kind of hate:

1. The Two Brothers Exhaust. I could use some help here. I need a silencer or something because this exhaust is WAYYYYY too loud. . .I've heard loud exhaust before, but this is a different level. I'm debating on just buying stock cans. I tried ebay and couldn't seem to find anything. Thoughts?
2. The clutch. So I may have had test rider's luck, but the clutch feels very unforgiving. The friction zone could probably be measured in nanometers it's that unforgiving. Any tips for this?

Thanks for all the support!
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There is currently a thread discussing the TB exhaust and its loudness for street riding. They sell two tip options depending on the amount of db's that you want to reduce. I would recommend the P1-X tips. They are about $30 each on Amazon. As far as as the clutch engagement there are numerous threads on this, but I would start with cable lubrication and play with the adjustment until you find what works for you. Best of luck and congrats with the purchase.:thumbup:
Re the clutch engagement zone.

Here's a thread changing out the lower clutch lever with another Yamaha part (10MMs longer).

I bought and installed one on mine. It does make the pull slightly easier and the zone a little longer. Great for new riders

I ended up putting the stocker back on as you can shift a little faster with the stock one.

I think it was a 2015 or 2017 FZ-07

there is a recent thread ( about 6 months ago) about running the Mt O7 clutch slave lever on the motor that gives a good increase in the friction zone.
Bit o' history:
Killernoodle, a long standing member, made an extension to the existing lever that many of us bought and still love, but he stopped due to the cost and issue of accessing levers to modify.
So a while back back one of our newer members and I'm sorry I can't recall of the top of my head who- any way they discovered that the mt -07 lever is about 10mm longer than the FZ6 stocker and is a direct replacement and this will provide a nice alternative i.e. the friction zone is much more accessible. Now I have to say at this point that the only reason I went for a longer zone is that when my wife is pillion I have a bit more control over shifts and they are far smoother, but when I origially bought my FZ it took a few weeks to get used to the short friction zone but once I did I loved it- its pretty dynamite but it makes riding exciting and I would love to go back but the missus happiness is something I value- anyway I digress....
Scott (TownsendsFJR1300 ) has done the switch and gone back to the stock so he can give you a current comparison -before - change - and change back.

I guess I would say stick with the stock clutch set up its far more fun and makes you a better clutch/throttle manipulator, but alter it if makes life more comfy as is an accessible mod and a quickie too, just get yourself a pair of circlip pliers and make sure you read up on how to do the change and maintain return spring tension- its easy to do but also easy to get out of whack and then easy to fix----as long as you have the circlip pliers!

good luck whichever way you go
cheers ade
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FZ6 has notoriously short friction zone. It's like an ON/OFF switch. I've ridden FZ6 with Killernoodle mod and to be honest, I did not like it. Yes, it feels like the friction zone is extended because you're changing the pull ratio, but it also feels "dead", if that makes sense. My preferred setup (I ran this on my bike) is the inexpensive 6-click adjustable clutch lever, which allows it to be set up to engage/disengage relatively close to the bar. It becomes much easier because you're not trying to modulate the lever with your fingers nearly fully extended. I used a shorty lever .. just the index and middle finger. This allowed for super-quick, smooth shifting. However, if you find yourself in traffic often enough, standard length lever may be a better option.