Hitting too close to home


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Victoria, BC
I was informed last night by my parents that a relative in Toronto had died in a motorcycle accident on Wednesday. Kevin Mitchell was married to the daughter of my aunt.

I had only meet Kevin once or twice and strangely enough we were hoping to visit with him and his family when we go out to Toronto this August.

There is little to no detials on what exactly happened. Apparantly he was only about 5 minutes away from home too.

Brampton man dies following motorcycle crash
Updated: Thu Jul. 23 2009 4:01:49 PM

A Brampton resident has died following a motorcycle accident, and Peel regional police are asking for witnesses.

On Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., Kevin Mitchell had been driving an orange Honda 2008 motorcycle, travelling eastbound on Sandalwood Parkway west of Kennedy Road.

"As a result of circumstances that are still under investigation, Mr. Mitchell's motorcycle left the roadway and mounted the curb briefly, before returning to the roadway. The motorcycle then collided with an eastbound white 2002 Cadillac Escalade SUV," Peel police said Thursday in a news release.

The 46-year-old was taken to hospital, but died of his injuries.

Police want to speak with anyone who witnessed the collision, or who may have seen Mitchell in the minutes before the collision.

People can contact officers of the Major Collision Bureau at (905) 453-2121, ext 3710. Information can also be left anonymously by calling Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), or by visiting their website at Peel Crime Stoppers.

He leaves behind a wife and two girls. Now our visit will take on a much different tone. My thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and family.

"Let's all kiss our loved ones when we get home, and tell them we love them before we leave. Ride safe as you can."
I'm really sorry to hear about that. These kinds of things really do make a big impact when it's someone we know and should remind us all to be safe out there.

My best friend (27 years old) lost his dad to a motorcycle accident just a couple months ago... one year after losing his mother to a stroke. Do what you can to help your family out and remember your presence can be more valuable than any problem solved. We're here for ya!
Sorry to hear of your loss.

You folks are in our thoughts and prayers.

RIP Kevin. I'm very sorry for you and your family's loss. I do wonder how it happened... Seems like strange circumstances.

Gear up and ride safe out there, everyone.
Sorry to hear that Dave... I will keep your family in my prayers
Very sad. Last weekend, I attended the funeral of a man who died of cancer, and he left behind two children about the same as mine (5 and 7). It was so sad to see children, and think of how the wife was going to cope with it. It really put some tough questions into my mind about the wisdom of putting myself in harms way by riding, with young children at home.
Yesterday we had two motorcyle wrecks the first one a man hit a deer on his Harley. He later died from the injurys. Bad thing is he was on his way to work at the hospital were he worked with my mother. Then we had another one that a lady decided to make a U Turn in front of a motorcylist. They ended up flying him out and he lost his foot. I talked to one of his buddys that went and seen him, he is in good spirits and wants to ride again.
Very sad. Last weekend, I attended the funeral of a man who died of cancer, and he left behind two children about the same as mine (5 and 7). It was so sad to see children, and think of how the wife was going to cope with it. It really put some tough questions into my mind about the wisdom of putting myself in harms way by riding, with young children at home.

Like wise! Been doing a lot of 'soul searching' and asking myself is it worth it....

My answer is this. You can curl up in a ball and hide in your house so nothing 'bad' ever happens to you. Or you can go out and life your life. We as riders do take an extra risk for waht we do. So all we can do as riders is understand those risks and prepare for, minimize and reduce them as best we can. We can do this by learning good riding skills, wearing the proper safety gear and most importantly being aware of our suroundings and always scanning what's ahead and around us.