Hot hot hot!

What do you do for gear when it gets hot?

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Sep 18, 2008
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Fairport, NY
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So it's disgustingly hot here. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 90-95 (that's hot for us Yankees) with tomorrow being even hotter, potential record high.

When it gets hot, I've taken to ditching the riding pants, but keeping everything else. The thought of riding without my jacket is scary at this point, but so is boiling to death in my own sweat.

What do you do? Do you just suck it up and ATGATT? Do you cut down on your usual gear? Do you stop riding all together and cage it with the A/C?
Its been a cooler than normal summer in Calif but we still get into the 90s some days. I'm still in leather pants and jacket. While i don't love the sweat, i do love my skin more.
ATGATT. If I'm riding for pleasure, I just go for a ride early in the day or late at night when temps are cooler. Gear only feels really hot when sitting still so I try to avoid trafficy routes on extra hot days.
Its been a cooler than normal summer in Calif but we still get into the 90s some days. I'm still in leather pants and jacket. While i don't love the sweat, i do love my skin more.

+1 I ride in the LA area and when I drop into canyons on the inland side it can get up to 100 (rare but does happen) I still wear my armored textile overpants and leather jacket I switch up what I wear under the over pants to a pair of alpinestar summer under pants long leg

Alpinestars Summer Tech Long Bottoms - Street Bike - Motorcycle Superstore

Ladies please do not read this next bit or be aware it might be some info you really do not need.....

So I will just say this I am a guy who sweats alot and with sweat comes odor. I have found those a-star underpants help with moisture and odor in the "junk region" I am pleased with that part of them but the fit on the waist is a little loose I got the medium/large size becuase I am a size 33 waist. These are snug all the way up to the waist line where they are loose and constantly give me plumbers crack but much better than wearing jeans under them like I do in cooler weather.
Ride early. 0600-1000.

There's no sense riding with less gear when the temp's climb above 90. That's actually HOTTER than with gear. Once the air temperature get's over 90, it's warmer than your skin temp. So flowing more air over it just HEATS YOU UP. Of course, you can still get some cooling through perspiration, but that's not going to make a huge difference at that temp. And the more humid it gets, the less effective your perspiration is. If you skimp on gear, you'll also dehydrate faster. Lastly, exposed skin is subject to direct sunlight, further warming your body and potentially resulting in a sunburn.

All that being said, I rarely encounter other motorcyclists in full gear this time of year. They're lucky to have a helmet on. I'm sure they chuckle to themselves when they see me. But it's okay, I'm laughing at them inside my helmet.
regardless if it's 40 or 120 outside I'm ATGATT. It's not that bad if you stay out of stop and go traffic and keep moving.
I'll ride with all my gear on, but here in AZ it's been upwards of 115+ recently, so I just cage it until it cools off. I rode last night from about 8pm on and it had dropped down to105 and then 100 by the time I left. I felt sweaty and sticky from head to toe when I got home, and that was with perforated gloves, mesh jacket and all the vents open on the helmet. Probably just gonna keep it in the garage and take the opportunity to paint the rearsets since I won't be riding much. haha
ATGATT. if it's too hot to ride in gear, it's too hot to ride. I ride at 5:20 am so it's a pleasantly cool experience. Heading back at 7 is a little warmer, but still manageable.
I voted ATGATT, but I really mean ATGIHATT...All the Gear I Have All the Time LOL. Still no riding pants for me but everything else all the time, and always long pants.
Mesh is your friend!

I wear nylon running shorts under my mesh overpants. Same great protection, LOTS of airflow. Mesh jacket as well (well, the chest+back are mesh, the arms and shoulders are leather - RevIt Ignition).
Draggin' Jeans, Buffalo Coolflow mesh jacket, Sidi Vortice Airs, vented glubs. Feels as cool as riding in a tee shirt, but loads of armour and perforated cordura.
i normal wear my jacket, boots, gloves & jeans. when it gets hot i have a summer jacket, full armor but its mesh/nylon instead of leather. i wear this for commuting ONLY. when i go on a "ride" its AGATT no matter how hot
You have to have the right gear to ride in extreme conditions, this includes the cold as well. Therefore, as others have mentioned, you have to wear mesh for the hotter climates.

As you sweat, you want the air to hit your body. Similar to how it feels when you just get out the swimming pool when your soaking wet. As you dry off and start to sweat, you're accelerating the dehydration process because your sweat will evaporate.

Now with humidity, it's sticky and you probably will be soaking wet. I wear shorts underneath my Kevlar Air Mesh pants. I wouldn't be able to ride with jean underneath during the summer months here in Vegas. Yes, in general, we have very little humidity, two weeks ago, our humidty was 1%. Now that's dry!
Ride with gear on! I had a friend who was is a crash, he broke his leg in the accident. He was wearing shorts and a tee shirt. He laid on the pavement until the paramedics arrived. He ended up with a broken leg and second degree burns from laying on the pavement.
My Fieldsheer has an inner lining. I remove it. Much better. I also have mesh type gloves which help. and open up all those vents on the lid.
when i m commuting and running errands i wear my mesh jacekt and gloves but i wear 3 quarter pants and sneakers, otherwise i would boil in my armoured jeans and boots. while going for a longer ride i wear all the gear...mesh jacket and gloves, armoured jeans and boots and of course the helmet.... when riding i tend to go early in the evening to avoid all the heat of the sun. it gets up to 40 celcius here
Here in Greece, right now, we have about 40c in the shadow ... which means AGAT is not an option, unless you want to boil your internals...

Helmet is a must, sometimes mesh-gloves, and t-shirt and shorts for commuting inside the city... For longer trips, an additional light mesh jacket.

Armored pants, or motorcycle boots will make your trip a living hell ... besides, how focused can you drive, when you are sweating like a pig? You'll loose your concentration and then very bad things can happen.
Here in Greece, right now, we have about 40c in the shadow ... which means AGAT is not an option, unless you want to boil your internals...

Helmet is a must, sometimes mesh-gloves, and t-shirt and shorts for commuting inside the city... For longer trips, an additional light mesh jacket.

Armored pants, or motorcycle boots will make your trip a living hell ... besides, how focused can you drive, when you are sweating like a pig? You'll loose your concentration and then very bad things can happen.

I'd rather sweat than bleed my friend. It gets 100/105 here in California too, AGATT is always an option :Flash: