Hot hot hot!

What do you do for gear when it gets hot?

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When I commute (approx 10min ride) to work I wear my mesh MC jacket, gloves, boots, helmet and dress pants. If I was to go for an actual ride I would add my joe rocket mesh pants. I get uncomfortable when I get too hot and I loose my concentration even though I know leather would be better in a crash. Temp here this week was 36C with a 48 humidex.
just picked up some new summer mesh riding pants just for this reason... also picked up a new jacket and got both for under 100$ shipped it was awesome... :D
Rode in 101 degree weather today for 35 minutes. humidity was high and dew point at 76 degress which wikipedia lists as overbearing. We are really not used to those high temps in these parts. Humidity yes, but normally high temps are in high 80's and rarely even see mid 90's

My squidly moment? I ditched the gloves but kept the jacket and riding pants, boots.

Honestly with the mesh jacket at highway speed It didn't feel bad at all. Once I returned home and spent 3 minutes taking off helmet, jacket and rolling bike into the garage I was drenched in sweat and really felt the heat.
In winter its boots kevlar jeans/cargo pants and plastic over pants if its wet, the cordura jacket with lining over whatever, tee shirt/ business shirt and jumper (sweater) gloves, helmet and boots.
In summer, the jacket changes to a mesh AlpineStars, that has a wet weather lining that lives under the seat(just in case)
I only protect the bits I want to keep:thumbup:
AGAT, last weekend saw a young guy sitting on the ground next to his bike with t-shirt and shorts and a hurt leg. Cop was standing next to the bike - probably waiting on medics to arrive - didn't look too bad, if he had a good pair of riding pants on would have been OK - bike looked fine.

I ride a lot in the heat and as long as I can keep moving is not too bad. Whenever the urge to leave the gear off strikes I think about what bones are near the skin and what would happen if I fell off.
So it's disgustingly hot here. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 90-95 (that's hot for us Yankees) with tomorrow being even hotter, potential record high.

When it gets hot, I've taken to ditching the riding pants, but keeping everything else. The thought of riding without my jacket is scary at this point, but so is boiling to death in my own sweat.

What do you do? Do you just suck it up and ATGATT? Do you cut down on your usual gear? Do you stop riding all together and cage it with the A/C?
Lol, I can't believe that I am responding to this post. I have worn my mesh gear once this year and that was in the first week of May. This summer we have had consistent temperatures of <15 C. Rain every other day.
Still my winter gear is great.
I voted gear down because if it was hot I wear my mesh gear, which does not offer the same protection as my leather gear.


Even under wet weather gear. If that day happens to be the day that I make a mistake (nobody is perfect but hell most of us are pretty dam close), I want to have the most protection I possibly could.
Mesh is your friend!

I wear nylon running shorts under my mesh overpants. Same great protection, LOTS of airflow. Mesh jacket as well (well, the chest+back are mesh, the arms and shoulders are leather - RevIt Ignition).

Same here, I just bought tour master mesh riding pants. Coupled with a speed and strength mesh jacket you stay remarkably cool while still wearing armored gear. A few of my friends make fun of me but I know I'm making the right decision by gearing up. Look like your supposed to be on a motorcycle, not playing beach volleyball!
Rev It Air jacket and Rev It Rotor mesh pants keep me cool enough up to about 90 degrees. I do commute in a very trafficy area, so the roads give off a lot of heat at those temperatures, so I don't commute to work if it is going to be much above 90.
I have yet to get Riding pants, but always gear up for my rides, Stay out of stop and go and it isn't to bad. I feel pretty naked just sitting on the bike static without the jacket, bucket and gloves now.

I have a Joe Rocket Atomic 2.0 jacket, with all the vents open and the arm snaps, and zippers open it gets a pretty cool flow even on the 90 plus days.
Mesh is your friend!


i wear a tourmaster air intake2 and i was cold today and it was in the 70's, and that's saying a lot because i like the cold, as for pants i wear avg riding denim jeans, that are lined in Kevlar in all the important areas. i haven't had the chance to ride in the Texas heat yet. it will be over 100*, it always is, i may have to take a brake from riding, we'll see when it comes

to answer your question, ATGATT or don't ride for me
It really depends on the weather. I always carry extra gear for if it is cold - I can throw more on. BUT

If its hot - I turn in the leathers and bust out the mesh. No, its not as protective, but what good is protection if you're so heavily distracted by how you're pouring sweat and its beading above your eyes at a red light.

I generally wear all my gear, including leather chaps and a leather jacket with my reflective mesh jacket over the leather jacket. If it gets really hot, I take off the chaps, if it gets even hotter - I take the inner leather jacket off.

If its over 90 - I've been known to leave the jacket behind. I know this isn't the safest choice obviously - but hey to each his own. If i am not comfortable - I'm distracted - which is more of a safety hazard to me than actually not wearing the jacket.

On the hottest of hot days, the jacket and chaps are the only things that come off. I still ride with the helmet, gloves, jeans, and boots covering the ankles.

Flame me, whatever - I'm not riding with 30lb of leather on a 90 degree sunny day. It just isn't practical for me.

I still stand by ATGATT, 90 degree days don't happen often here - so this is a very rare exception I am willing to make.
One option i am thinking for summer is body armor like this