Hot hot hot!

What do you do for gear when it gets hot?

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My Fieldsheer has an inner lining. I remove it. Much better. I also have mesh type gloves which help. and open up all those vents on the lid.
+1 I didn't do all of the gear all the time since if I remove my liner for later spring/summer...than it's not "all" the gear haha

I also have fingerless gloves I switch to above 65F
Learned how to embrace the "hot suck" in Afghan and Iraq but I normally cut down if it's smokin' hot. At least, I cut down around town. Helmet is always on, long sleeve shirt, over the ankle shoes, gloves, and I never wear shorts anyway. But, honestly, highway speeds (70+) with a mesh pants and jacket aren't bad. I do hate getting to a store or buddies house with a soaked crotch / back, however.

I guess my idea of cutting down is still fully covered, even if not covered by something that's really abrasion resistant.

Oh, and hot is over 92 with a humidity index over 100. That's just normal Southern Indiana summer.
Gets pretty hot down here in Aus during summer so I tend to go out real early in the morning for a couple of hours and get back home by about 10am. Its nice to ride into the city of a night time for dinner too.
When running errands around town I'll be doing jacket gloves boots helmet and normal jeans this summer. I won't likely go over 60 kmh so if I fall, it can't be that bad.. heck, I go faster on my mountain bike, and theres no way I'm strapping leathers on for that haha!

Any sort of cruising around though will be all gear for sure.
I don't do well with heat, so I have a full mesh jacket, and an ICON hooligan jersey with zip-off sleeves if needed. I will always wear helmet, gloves, and a jacket of some sort. I try to wear my TCX boots as much as possible, as they have good airflow. Pants-wise, I don't see myself ever riding in shorts, at least for anything more than "around the block." I might not feel like putting on my thick Duluth Firehose pants, but regular jeans at least.
mesh jacket, riding jeans, well vented gloves and boots

and i usually wear a bandanna under my helmet to absorb some sweat
So we are in autumn, or fall for the US based members and it should be strting to get well cool. Today started at 17 with a top of 27 in Melbourne, Victoria, Austarlia, thats Celsius.

Mesh jacket, summer gloves, cargo pants(w kevlar), helmet of course. But Monday I was in leather jacket and winter gloves, wishing I had my neck tube to keep out the chill
go figure? we can get 4 seasons in a day, so over a week I shouldnt complain!
I'm in Phoenix, yes, THAT Phoenix... Phoenix, D*** it's hot, Arizona. So hot the eggs can be cooked on the pavement. We're reaching well into the 100's already. And I wear ATGATT. The only difference is I wear light weight riding jacket. I also always wear my reflective orange vest (day and night). It was required of me when I was in the military. Now that I'm out, I still wear it because I have seen the difference in how the cages act around me. I still wear full length pants and boots. As for gloves, I have summer riding leather gloves. They still work well in the 100*+ temps and help to keep me from getting crispified from the sun.

I used to wear a black helmet because it was cool...except that it wasn't cool... it was HOT! I have since switched to silver or white (depending on the helmet). It's not hot to the touch and keeps my head a whole lot cooler! I was surprised at how much of a difference the color of the helmet made for comfort in Arizona!
Much depends on how far I am going. Going 5 blocks for lunch? Helmet, maybe gloves, at most. Riding home which is superslab, then everything. Though I remove the sleeves from my jacket as it has mesh sleeves inside with the armor. Open all vents too.
I also ride with the face shield up when in town. I wear tinted safety glasses under my visor at all times.
I have an Arlen Ness airflow jacket but sometimes it it is too hot for even that, so sometimes I ride in a t shirt and jeans but NEVER without gloves and full face helmet. Bad, I know....
I wear leather jacket, full face, gloves and boots all the time. Wear jeans when just commuting.

For the heat I open up the vents on my jacket and ride with face shield up in the city. When its really hot I open up my jacket half way to let some air in. Underneath I wear simply T-Shirt or a sports t-shirt (nike, addidas, underarmour, etc) to keep me cool and try when I'm just riding around. Just because its hot outside it doesn't mean you cant go down!
Being in S. Georgia it has been record highs this summer 100 degrees with a "real feel" of 110+ and 100% humidity. Right now I don't have a jacket that fits, so I typically wear an under amour type long sleeve shirt with t-shirt on top, jeans, boots, and gloves. Oh and a full face Icon helmet (duh)... You would think that a long sleeve under amour shirt would be hot (it is in heavy traffic). But, it's moisture wicking (and it stays in the shirt) so when you start moving again that 100 degree sweat turns into a 60mph cooler.
I wear it all. If I'm commuting home from work I drink cold powerade in the break room and take a stroll through the ice cream section of the warehouse on my way out and soak up some -30f goodness.

I see guys on gixxers wearing gym shorts and a wife beater doing triple digits on the freeway and I don't know how they do it. If a pant leg gets pulled up slightly in 110f+ I have to look down and make sure I'm not actually getting sprayed with hot coolant or something.
I see guys on gixxers wearing gym shorts and a wife beater doing triple digits on the freeway and I don't know how they do it. If a pant leg gets pulled up slightly in 110f+ I have to look down and make sure I'm not actually getting sprayed with hot coolant or something.[/QUOTE said:
Those guys have more than likely never been down on a bike other than dropping it in their drive way. That or they just don't care are being in the most pain of their lifetime due to road rash. Course on the flip side at triple digit speeds in shorts and T-shirts, death is about the only they have to worry about.
Mesh jacket (joe rocket), gloves, helmet, boots stay on. I have cheated and just worn jeans... don't really have good summer pants yet. Have a pair of covert pro kevlars, good for winter but sure to be too hot. Same for used pair of daineses pants. Will have to figure something out soon, it's getting warmer.
I always wear motorcycle boots, gloves, jacket, helmet...but I cheat and wear blue jeans all the time. My Dainese riding pants are really good quality but they're big like a ski bib and HOT!

Mesh pants sound like the solution I'm looking for...Maybe mesh jacket, too. Now I just need to find the money to buy that stuff, or just sweat it out when we take a road trip in August.