How is the site speed right now?!

Thanks for the info extremity.. Good to have another Linux guy on the site....

The sites all used memcached.. Vbulletin is designed to utilize it and it does make a huge difference.

As for the back up I am doing pretty much what you recommended.. An Inital seed of the files and then a delta every night..... to an offsite backup server

Welcome to the site!....:thumbup:
Extremity, if you ever want to work in Sydney give me a buzz :)

Haha, I'd absolutely love to. Unfortunately even though I know more than enough to work in a professional environment I'm self taught and don't have any actual certifications, which has been a huge issue when trying to get a real job. Right now I pretty much freelance or work on personal projects, although a recent freelance job resulted in me being introduced to a highly successful guy who has me doing a bunch of stuff for him, which is nice since I can do it from home. I'd love to move to a different country and work, though!

If you ever need anything projects big or small done that I can do from home, hit me up. I develop on my own box and show a complete project before I ever solicit any payment to protect both parties. Thanks for the offer, it's very flattering :D
Having a lot of modules/addons installed will slow it down too, especially ones that load on every page or at least inside every post. For instance, the "similar posts" thing is an additional hit every time somebody reads a post. If 50 people are looking at a post twice a minute, that's another 100 hits a minute at least, and that's assuming it only runs one query. You could reduce it by modding the mods (lol) a little bit. For instance, what about a "Show similar posts" button that uses ajax to load the posts on the same page when you click it? Little things like that can add up and make a big difference.
Our server hardly breaks a sweat running the site.. we are limited buy our current Internet connection,, May finally be time to upgrade:eek:
Maybe we have too many features? I don't think the connection is slow or anything...I think there is just a ton of stuff that needs to populate.

ADVrider = 83k

SouthBayRiders = 100k = 339k

What's up with that?

Just asking...I don't know half of what goes into making a site fast.
Maybe we have too many features? I don't think the connection is slow or anything...I think there is just a ton of stuff that needs to populate.

ADVrider = 83k

SouthBayRiders = 100k = 339k

What's up with that?

Just asking...I don't know half of what goes into making a site fast.

If he's saying that the server load is fine, the only thing throttling it seems to be bandwidth. There are two ways to fix this: bump up your upload, or reduce usage. Getting rid of or applying a toggle to modules that load on every (or most) click(s) can reduce it pretty dramatically... and for free.
Getting rid of or applying a toggle to modules that load on every (or most) click(s) can reduce it pretty dramatically... and for free.

Are you saying users can do that on our end or that the site admin should consider getting rid of or applying toggle mondules?

I don't use anything other than the threads, thanks yous, reps points, and query/search functions so I would love to shut off the rest if I can personally do so. :thumbup:
Are you saying users can do that on our end or that the site admin should consider getting rid of or applying toggle mondules?

I don't use anything other than the threads, thanks yous, reps points, and query/search functions so I would love to shut off the rest if I can personally do so. :thumbup:

I was taking about the site admin doing it, but if you were determined to do it yourself there are Firefox addons and other things that will allow you to change how the page looks, but it's not going to stop the things from loading... it will just hide them.
I was going to brag on it and tell you that it's at least as good as ever but just as I was trying to send you this it really bogged down, (but that may be just my machine).