HUGE Leo Vince sale!

:sinister: I got a little disappointed when the Leo Vince sale didn't work out for me, so I just did some online trolling. Found a website at Discount motorcycle parts, motorcycle accessories,yoshimura exhaust, shoei helmet that advertises price matching/beating. I sent them an email to see if they would match the new (updates) price of $454.35 offered by Leo Vince USA. They immediately sent me back a 15% discount code. Unfortunately, their FZ6 listing price for a CF exhaust system is $749.00, and with 15% discounted is still WAY above the Leo Vince USA price. So, I called them up. I got in touch with Heidi, and we were able to get me a CF Leo Vince exhaust for a 2005 Yamaha FZ6 for the take away price of $408.00 with free shipping in the USA. I had to pay $55.00 to ship to Canada. But, seriously, $408.00!!! She told me that this product is being discontinued, and that there would be no warranty replacements available, and no returns/refunds. The bad part is, there were only 2 left, and I just bought one. So, for anyone who missed out, call them and take advantage of this deal!!!!!!!!

Awesome! Good find!
damn this glad however we are getting stuff that no one else will have...atleast i know for sure..i have not seen any with the just excited...they should be in on thursday..
Just got off the phone with Louis from LeoVince USA, and got pretty much the same story as everybody else. Shopatron made a mistake, and LeoVince USA can't honour it. He also told me that they only have one (1) exhaust system left, and that there were five people who had ordered ahead of me. He is going down the list in order, offering a new price of $424.00. The first person (in order) who wants it gets it, and he is unsure when they will receive more in stock...

I got the same story, but there were two left. I went ahead and purchased one. Same price, should be here Thu or Fri.
Well I ordered the Carbons from Leo and got the phone call and the offer of around $425 OTD which I declined because I was offered like $379 on my internet order. And I was pissed at the time. Oh and this is for the 06 FZ6.

A few days go by and I realize that the offer they made me on the carbons was good maybe should have taken it. So I call them today. I get a offer of around $475 for the aluminum which isn't bad. Still more then the carbon offer they gave me a few days earlier. I ask can you do $450 shipped with tax since I am in Cal. Dude says let me see what I can do. A minute later he says $453 OTD. I say sold.

Still a good deal not the Carbons I had first ordered and I paid more but after shopping around a bit I feel ok about it.
I got my carbon today. Still debating whether to install it now or wait till after winter. I don't have a garage and not very mechanically inclined. I have to say though, the quality looks very good!

Mine doesn't come with that circular thing with 5 holes in it, how about the rest of you?
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I got my carbon today. Still debating whether to install it now or wait till after winter. I don't have a garage and not very mechanically inclined. I have to say though, the quality looks very good!

Mine doesn't come with that circular thing with 5 holes in it, how about the rest of you?

it is very easy i did mine and i dont have a garage either..takes bout 30-45 mins
Can someone tell me where the db killer is? I would like to remove it. This is all that was in my package, no circle thingy with 5 holes either.
If I am not mistaken the db killers should already be installed in the cans. There will be a small screw on the underside of the cap that keeps them in there tight
Nevermind, I found the answer. Simply remove the allen screw on the bottom of each exhaust and pull the baffle out. It was not hard to pull out, I did it with my fingers. I read that if you do many heat cycle, it would be very stubborn to get out. Just a warning.

My plan is to install it first WITHOUT the baffle(benefits: less weight, better sound?), then if it's too loud put the baffle back in. Should be easier than the other way around.

I still don't have the circular disk with 5 holes....
This whole business is completely erci's fault! Not only that, I have information that the October 17, 1989, 5:04 p.m. PDT, Loma Prieta (SF) 6.9 Richter earthquake has been linked, somehow, to erci's Leo Vince thread (somekind of retro, timewarp, bad karma transitional Lep Vince exhaust note vibration and seismic quantum, metaphysical connection).
Yup, I'm also blaming Erci.

Thanks Erci for being a great forum participant. We appreciate your posts and information.

I am expecting it comes with the EVOII restrictor, as some of the posts stated it was not in the shipment, and I think I will want to use it.

I ordered aluminum from Leo USA as they and the other sources are out of the CF. When I called the second source, they said they might have more in in a week, but I doubt it. I never planned to upgrade my exhaust, but for the price, I was seduced into purchasing.
This whole business is completely erci's fault! Not only that, I have information that the October 17, 1989, 5:04 p.m. PDT, Loma Prieta (SF) 6.9 Richter earthquake has been linked, somehow, to erci's Leo Vince thread (somekind of retro, timewarp, bad karma transitional Lep Vince exhaust note vibration and seismic quantum, metaphysical connection).

Now that's funny right there!! (and true :eek: )
My new cans arrived today!!!!!




I'll try to get some time tomorrow to install them, if that is not the case then I'll install them during the weekend!!!!

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