I have to keep telling myself its not a 600

No has here has never said they don't redline it.

Your blowing the whole thread WAY out of proportion. Your the one endorsing hitting redline everytime you go out, (you may want to read your earlier posts).

How I ride my bike is MY BUSINESS. How you ride yours is your business.

If you feel you have to ride the bike to its limits, have at it!!! We'll read about it in the obits! You can be the greatest rider in the world, it takes one cage to take your butt out!!!

Just because I don't, why do you care??? I'm enjoying my ride, if it doesn't hit 13,000 RPM's , so what????

My good ole Faltastan takes out bikes that push beyond their limits or the limits of their bike / road, etc.

This thread is going no where, even WFO, have fun with your bike, I will with mine..Blah

I'm still curous as to how old (roughly) you are, but I guess we'll never know (20's I suspect)..

Evidently you DO care how I ride my bike lmao and you and the newbie rider from canada are the ones blowing the thread WAY out of proportion. I am simply having a laugh while you uptight cruisers panic and freak out that others do not ride 1/2 the speed limit like yourself.

Have fun reading through the obituary's old man.
Here is exactly where YOU SAID YOU TAKE YOUR BIKE OUT TO REDLINE everythime you take it out.. LOL!!!!, no $hit..

Get your reading glasses on gramps:

lmao, who said i ran it to redline in 1st CONSTANTLY, i certainly did not. you are in flat as a pancake florida so you do not get to experience riding the bike in the corners. no one said to run your bike from the time you start it to the time you shut it off at redline. use some common sense you guys, what you are insinuating is simply silly. It really does sound like you guys are doing what is best for your riding skill level, keep running your bikes around at 3k to 5k and going in a straight line and be happy. I would not suggest running your bikes hard, they will explode if you go beyond 5200rpms. VERY dangerous to exceed that rpm level. Scary too!

Keep it under 5000 rpms and stay safe "riding" your bike in a straight line. My bikes in the meantime will be having fun seeing that redline.

It is absolutely hysterical how you think that means the bike is started, goes to redline, stays at redline the entire time it is ridden, is pulled into the garage at redline, then shut off. It is sad you can not comprehend reality but it sure is funny!
I did a little experimenting on the way home from work tonight, just to confirm my thinking, and to make sure I'm not going insane. I pushed it up to 13k in a couple of gears and got:
1st: 65mph
2nd: 94mph
3rd: 110mph
6th: 125mph at 10.5K (I ran out of road).

A few things I found:
Actual speed isn't actually effected, it just made more noise and saved some effort on the left foot.
The power totally flatlines at about 11.5-12k. Between two points on a map, you're quicker avoiding the very top end of the tacho. Especially if you're taking it all the way to the top and the rev limiter cuts your fuel off.
When rain stops play, it doesn't matter how good your kit is, if the flood is up to your footpegs you're getting wet feet whether you like it or not.

So yeah, if you're playing in the twisties, and staying in 2nd or 3rd, you're already high enough up the rev range for it to be worth going up a gear and avoiding that limiter.

Who's Canadian?

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk
Get your reading glasses on gramps:

Keep it under 5000 rpms and stay safe "riding" your bike in a straight line. My bikes in the meantime will be having fun seeing that redline.

It is absolutely hysterical how you think that means the bike is started, goes to redline, stays at redline the entire time it is ridden, is pulled into the garage at redline, then shut off. It is sad you can not comprehend reality but it sure is funny!

Its really hysterical how you have to insult others when you don't agree. But you know what, that's life, tough $hit!

Your nothing but a punk, your posts show it.. Your age, lack of common sense and childness shows it.. Blah

Might not even be in your 20's, likely early teens, trying show your a$$ And yep, you'll be in the obits way before I am!

Payneib, no ones Canadian he's screwing with. The thread wasn't started by a newbie but a veteran here with over 3,000 posts to his name. Not someone who stops in once in awhile to show his butt (MASSIVE MEMBER??? talk about LOL, jezz) and contribute NOTHING. He's here to tell us we have Gears! Wondered what that lever was on them left. He brought nothing but turmoil to this thread, insulting other members, to "get mopeds, buses", etc as someone doesn't agree with him.. Just childish bull$hit..

No one has to prove ANYTHING to "Massive Member", except maybe himself. Quite amusing actually..:)
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Its really hysterical how you have to insult others when you don't agree. But you know what, that's life, tough $hit!

Your nothing but a punk, your posts show it.. Your age, lack of common sense and childness shows it.. Blah

Might not even be in your 20's, likely early teens, trying show your a$$

lmao! :rolleyes: Now that is funny stuff gramps!
Thanks "Massive Member"!

Why don't you go out and make a cool video of yourself, so you can post it here and we can ALL learn how a punk really rides!!! JK, won't friggin happen.. All talk..

lol, no need to be so cranky in your old age. keep it slow, under 5k and everything will be peachy. i even typed this slow for you so you could read it and so it would be safe.

back to reality and the OP, how is that fz1 doing?
lol, no need to be so cranky in your old age. keep it slow, under 5k and everything will be peachy. i even typed this slow for you so you could read it and so it would be safe.

back to reality and the OP, how is that fz1 doing?
Thats "Chevyfazer" if you could figure how/bother to go to the first page..

Type slower would ya, you punks are in too much of a hurry!
To everyone out there, I'd like to apologize. I had no idea the can of worms I was opening up by asking what I thought was a simple question. The FZ6 is the first bike I've owned with such a high redline (previous bikes were all twins or one-lungers) so it kinda goes against my nature to get up to that territory, plus I tend to ride fairly conservatively anyways. (Yes, I'm a grandpa) Everyone has their own style of riding and just cuz others don't ride the way you do doesn't make them or you right or wrong. We're just different. Enjoy and keep the shiny side up.....
To everyone out there, I'd like to apologize. I had no idea the can of worms I was opening up by asking what I thought was a simple question. The FZ6 is the first bike I've owned with such a high redline (previous bikes were all twins or one-lungers) so it kinda goes against my nature to get up to that territory, plus I tend to ride fairly conservatively anyways. (Yes, I'm a grandpa) Everyone has their own style of riding and just cuz others don't ride the way you do doesn't make them or you right or wrong. We're just different. Enjoy and keep the shiny side up.....

I'm a also a Grampaw.
Let's everyone keep our heads in the right place.
In fact...let's ride!:)

Sent from Moto's Motorola
Thats "Chevyfazer" if you could figure how/bother to go to the first page..

Type slower would ya, you punks are in too much of a hurry!

I think a couple of your false teeth fell out onto the keyboard when you furiously typed that lol.

Nothing wrong with hitting that redline, if there was there would be a yellow line or warning line before the redline on your tach.

I am heading out in a few to redline the bike if anyone wonders what happened to the sun in case it disappears or anything.
Alright, that's just about enough of the name calling!
PLEASE Stop It now or the thread will will closed and a few of you will get a :spank:
On my daily ride to work I keep it under 8k. When I go on a Cruz with my friends we have a lot of straight long roads to no where so we like to race from 0 to 120mph. I love to shift just before I hit red line. The rush is like no other. The funny thing is that I have been riding for so long my friends have never beat me in a race ( 2 R6's and a CBR600r). I am pretty good at taking off and shifting while racing. I used to go to the drag strip back in my younger days. I love my FZ6 because when I feel like pushing it to the red line it responds well. There is nothing wrong with hitting just under the red. Just don't hold it down and let it bounce off the rev.
Your post brings up something I was wondering about. I go back and forth between my FZ6 and my Aprilia Tuono but rarely get the revs up beyond 9-10 grand on either one. How ofter do y'all with FZ6 bikes run the revs up in the 13-15K range and when/why? :confused: Thanks.

All the time. And because its fun.
I'm a also a Grampaw.
Let's everyone keep our heads in the right place.
In fact...let's ride!:)

Sent from Moto's Motorola

*Cliff rolls through the thread with his old lady*

So you never ever break the law huh? If you don't feel free to keep judging others, but if you went 1 over before (still breaking the law) than please just stop.

If I want to go down the interstate redlining in first gear that's really none of your business. Badass or not.

I'll keep posting in this thread, but just won't entertain the troll..

FZ09, I do speed, and I'm not saying I ride 30 in a 30 zone.(btw my post wasn't directed at you so don't be worried, I wasn't trying to mind your business:thumbup:) What I said was I don't redline my bike in town, because I'd be doing 65 and over double the speed limit. I love speed(hence having a bike), but I have learnt from the other 5 riders in my immediate family to not be an idiot.

So, just to clarify what I've said in my last few posts.. respect others by keeping it tame around town(no, you don't have to stay 1 under the speed limit, just use some common sense and be in control), and feel free to let er go out where it's safe to do so.
I think a couple of your false teeth fell out onto the keyboard when you furiously typed that lol.

Nothing wrong with hitting that redline, if there was there would be a yellow line or warning line before the redline on your tach.

I am heading out in a few to redline the bike if anyone wonders what happened to the sun in case it disappears or anything.

That's quite enough. That's 4 posts atleast with nothing but complete AGEISM! Your momma never teach you to respect your elders? I'm all for letting people do what they want. And yes you can loose your license I'm first gear. I my self have a lot of room to talk and I'm not bragging at all. My driving record alone is longer than your autobiography.

Your argument becomes completely invalid when you result to insults.

I recommend one chiclet be removed.
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I'll keep posting in this thread, but just won't entertain the troll..

FZ09, I do speed, and I'm not saying I ride 30 in a 30 zone.(btw my post wasn't directed at you so don't be worried, I wasn't trying to mind your business:thumbup:) What I said was I don't redline my bike in town, because I'd be doing 65 and over double the speed limit. I love speed(hence having a bike), but I have learnt from the other 5 riders in my immediate family to not be an idiot.

So, just to clarify what I've said in my last few posts.. respect others by keeping it tame around town(no, you don't have to stay 1 under the speed limit, just use some common sense and be in control), and feel free to let er go out where it's safe to do so.

I do not recall ever saying I redline the bike in town, that is what YOU read into it lol.

It does not harm the bike at all to redline it while riding. Again common sense dictates that yes if you start the bike and rev it to redline and leave it there until something breaks but of course that is not what is being discussed.

You are a new rider, once you get some miles under your belt you will see that riding the bike in the upper rpm range will not harm it what so ever. It is not that fragile, if it was then you would see bikes broken down all over the road everywhere you went.
I do not recall ever saying I redline the bike in town, that is what YOU read into it lol.

It does not harm the bike at all to redline it while riding. Again common sense dictates that yes if you start the bike and rev it to redline and leave it there until something breaks but of course that is not what is being discussed.

You are a new rider, once you get some miles under your belt you will see that riding the bike in the upper rpm range will not harm it what so ever. It is not that fragile, if it was then you would see bikes broken down all over the road everywhere you went.

I don't care to deal with you anymore. My post was directed to FZ09.
