I scratched an itch at last!


Junior Member
Aug 13, 2014
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Deneysville, South Africa
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I had always read rave reviews on our local Think Bike forum about a ride to Clarens and Golden gate in the Eastern Free State bordering on Lesotho.

I wanted to do the trip in December on my Pulsar 220 but the opportunity came up on the last day of May just before the winter cold set in and I was on a much more exciting bike now!

The trip from where I stay comprises of 4 different parts; a boring straight and flat road for two hours, a tight technical twisty section through awesome scenery in the Golden Gate National Park, a fast sweeping section and then the boring trip back. I scratched my itch with two buddies.

First stop Heilbron -

The Golden Gate -

More scenery -

Lunch time in Fouriesburg -

I always boasted that the FZ6 seat was comfortable, but after 400km I must say that it started getting uncomfortable. With fatigue setting in and travelling into the Sun and prevailing wind the trip home became rather challenging!

However, I went to bed that night 600km later with a broad smile on my face and a stiff neck induced by an awesome day and sustained higher speeds.
Beautiful area! Great pics and thanks for sharing Viking Girl! :rockon:
Sounds like a fun ride! What is the weather like out by you? Not too hot?

Here in South Africa the best time to ride is from March to May. December to February is hot, 25 - 35 degrees C, and you sweat in your ATTGATT. This winter, July, I've commuted to work in up to -8 Celsius.

Generally up in the Highveld, about 5000 feet, we have sunny and clear weather. The trip described here was done on a beautiful clear day in 10 - 19 degrees; in my opinion perfect riding weather although some may think its too cool.