Interesting New Law in NC


Southern Rider
Apr 17, 2011
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So, I was looking at the NC laws the other day, and saw the following law. It became effective on December 1, 2011. I think that this law is good, but I am not sure if it is going to be enforced, unless there is a wreck. What do you all think about it?

G.S. 20-154
"'(a1) A person who violates subsection (a) of this section and causes a motorcycle operator to change travel lanes or leave that portion of any public street or highway designated as travel lanes shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be assessed a fine of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00). A person who violates subsection (a) of this section that results
in a crash causing property damage or personal injury to a motorcycle operator or passenger shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be assessed a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00).

Here is the link to the law.
I like it. Although, after I beat out his window with one of those impact batons after he makes me leave my travel lane, he will already be spending more than $200 and I might just want to get out of there.....
Write your representative if you want one too. Or better yet, organize your buddies to get a lot more people to talk to your representatives. Any other Georgia riders on board?
Yeah, I haven't made a lot of progress on finding how to get attention to this issue. I know a couple of groups that would be good to get involved, but I don't know what process to undertake to get a bill introduced. I don't suppose you have a degree in government, or know any legislators?
Yeah, I haven't made a lot of progress on finding how to get attention to this issue. I know a couple of groups that would be good to get involved, but I don't know what process to undertake to get a bill introduced. I don't suppose you have a degree in government, or know any legislators?

Yeah, I bet that most police officers out there do not know about this law, and even if they do I don't think they would do anything if they saw this happen. No, I do not have a degree in government, or know any legislators. I am just an undergrad student majoring in Business with a minor in Criminal Justice, and my girlfriend is in law school. So, I do have an interest in this type of stuff, but I am not sure what you would need to do to get this type of law passed in your area, other than sending letters to your local government.
We have a pretty cool law here in Missouri that goes along with that. (I've been looking at them since I just got in a non-fault wreck with a car that pulled out in front of me). Basically it states that no fault can be assigned at the scene of the accident if a motorcycle is involved, regardless if it's obvious or not who is at fault, and a full investigation must be conducted before fault can be assigned. This arose from police and the general public being prejudiced against motorcyclists and assigning blame just because they were on a bike and it was "most likely the biker's fault".