Is it me, the seat or the bike?


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Dec 1, 2018
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Knoxville, TN
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So I have an 08 FZ6 with a brand new/new (I'll explain below) Corbin seat and after a six hour ride through God's country in the Smoky Mountains (Cherohala Skyway), not only was my crotch numb, but upper back between the shoulder blades just below the top of my spine was an 8/10 on the pain scale. By hour #4, it felt like someone was twisting my muscles with locking pliers and seriously couldn't feel my twig when I stood up to reposition it in my pants. We were in a 10 bike group ride and every 30-45 minutes, we would take a 10 minute break but as the day wore on, the pains came back at faster intervals. I didn't feel anything until an hour or so into the ride but by the end, I was in agony.

I was two-upping with the wife so that may have played a part in how I sat which was pretty much my sack against the tank and, maybe my muscles weren't used to the 3000 foot vertical difference between Knoxville and the Cherohala. We two-up all the time on 1-2 hour mountain runs but not that much of a difference in vertical change. Now I know the Corbin says they use foam that is purposely more rigid that other custom builders and the stock seat and, that after a typical riding season, it should soften up or conform to our butts. Problem is, I'm not sure I can stand (or sit) it much longer. It's been 4 hours and part of "my part" is still a bit numb.

My wife originally had an issue with the first Corbin I ordered as the way they made the rear seat for the FZ6 caused her pain within 30 minutes and then she went numb down there. The shape of her seat was convex and most of her butt/thigh area was not supported at all. So, Corbin took the seat back and I had it reshaped just like the FJ-09 which is flat with a concave shape. It supports her amazingly now and she's good for at least a couple of hours before she gets sore. But just like me, as the hours roll on even with resting breaks, her pain intervals get shorter and shorter.

I know the FZ6 isn't a long hauler but I have a couple of friends half our age (we're in our late 40s) who ride cross-country on an identical FZ6 but with a different Yamaha custom seat. So is it me, the seat or the bike? I'm 5'10" at 195lbs and the wife is 5'1" and 110lbs. One of the guys I rode with jokingly said I should step up to his FJR1300 and after today's ride, I jokingly agreed. He did say to try a bar riser as maybe my riding position is messing with my back which never bothers me with anything else I do.
I’ve owned a few Corbin Saddles over the years and despite the hype, I don’t find them comfortable.

The OEM seat on the FZ is torture. I have the factory gel seat on my FZ and I find it comfortable for as long as I want to ride. I can easily go 120 - 180 miles on it. Gel seats can be hard to find, so keep your eyes out.
I have some sw-motech risers on (1" up, 1" back), and it made a big difference for me in seating position/riding comfort. YMMV. As for seats, I've gone through a few variations. Tried a Spenser of my stock, have a Shad, and then also have a 'Terry's Custom Seats' build, as mentioned by another forum member. I use the Terry seat on any long highway trips. It is more supportive in the front, kind-of makes you sit up/back just a bit more. I can pretty much go all day with that setup (with appropriate breaks every 1.5-2 hours). Have never had numb crotch from the FZ6. Can't really say what will work for you of course, but hopefully you'll find something that works.
I have 1" up, 1 & 3/8" back risers on a full faired FZ, with stock windshield.

I'm 5'8" and have no problem with the wind and as noted above, hadn't noticed any handling differences, just way more comfy to ride...:thumbup:

BTW, I originally tried just 1" risers, they helped but it wasn't enough, too much pressure on the arms leaning forward...

Someone posted that a few years ago here which is similar to your 1" back risers. Did you have any trouble with clutch line? As you know, our clutch line is very rigid and there doesn't seem to be any slack to go back an inch or more.
Someone posted that a few years ago here which is similar to your 1" back risers. Did you have any trouble with clutch line? As you know, our clutch line is very rigid and there doesn't seem to be any slack to go back an inch or more.

As noted above, mine are 1" up AND 1 3/8" back with the stock clutch cable.

No re-routing, nothing. Clutch cable is NOT an issue.

Thanks for the pic. That helps a lot. Do you have a brand/model or even better a link for yours?

Bought 2-4-09 Gen Mar (bar risers). $80.95 at the time

First pic is mine:

You can also get just 1" up risers. I tried those and it wasn't enough for me and sold em. With these, very little weight on the arms, wrist, etc (I don't do the "push up constantly type of riding-too old)

Do a search, you should be able to find something close if not the same.
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Got myself a 1" up 1.25" back riser and it definitely got me more upright but, my parts still get tingly after 30+ minutes of riding. It's gotta be the new Corbin seat that seems to be made of some proprietary foam/concrete mixture. The gas smell issue I posted in another thread is annoying but doesn't affect the ride but this, this is stupidly painful and really a deal breaker for wanting to continue riding at least on this seat/bike. I have my stock seat and that seems better because it's flat verses the humped shape Corbin designs but my wife needs the backrest that only works with the Corbin. Maybe I'll just take the seat to a local motorcycle upholsterer and see what they can do to smooth it out.

Do any of you use a sheepskin, beads or gel pad on your FZ6? I would be willing to try some but I've read those sometimes don't work on the twisties which the Smoky Mountains are full of.

Attached is a picture of my bike. The top pics are my bike with the seat that Corbin originally made. That rear seat killed my wife's backside as the shape was convex and provided no support. So I asked Corbin to tweak the seat to look just like their FJ-09 style like you can see in the other two pics below my bike. They did exactly that and she's good to go but now, my part of the seat is really humped and I think that's what's numbing me up.


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Kinda a PIA (no pun intended), but this company modifies seats (Spencers); Spencers Seat Modifications - FAQ

Before throwing in the towel, I'd talk to him about modifying your Corbin, to fit your tail... The guy works wonders...

I had my FZ done by him, (kept the stock dimensions, just needed it a tad softer). His turnaround is usually a day and takes longer to ship than the mod.
He's highly recommended and knows his stuff...

A lot cheaper than a new bike and custom made for YOU..
This is a tough one to get a specific cure or answer for because all of us are so different. That body position triangle can be so critical when it comes to riding comfort and stamina. Depending on your size pegs may make a difference.
This is so subjective when you factor in all the information.
Unfortunately, he doesn't work on Corbin. Went on a two hour ride on my stock seat tonight and no numbness. Guess I'll just take more breaks and give the seat the rest of the season to break in. If it doesn't, I'll just look into anew seat from a different maker.
Do you stand-up on the pegs from time to time? Also, to you move in the saddle during turns (shift to the inside of the turn)? Both of these would help with blood flow during long times in the saddle.
This is a tough one to get a specific cure or answer for because all of us are so different. That body position triangle can be so critical when it comes to riding comfort and stamina. Depending on your size pegs may make a difference.
This is so subjective when you factor in all the information.

Peg location or size?
Do you stand-up on the pegs from time to time? Also, to you move in the saddle during turns (shift to the inside of the turn)? Both of these would help with blood flow during long times in the saddle.

I do stand up on the pegs once I start to get sore but by then it's too late and no, I don't move my butt while cornering because I don't take corners hard. I just push the handle and lean. I'll try doing both of those suggestions on tonight's ride.
I agree with gnyce - if you experiment with a range of adjustments with risers and bar angle it can have real benefits - and keep riding fun.

After several knee surgeries and some back issues I got serious about my core strengthening. This has made dramatic improvements to my riding comfort and recovery times. It requires a serious commitment to exercise - but we got to take care of our gear!
Thread spin - any chance it is vibration causing all of this?

You never said vibes but honestly everything you described for both of you could be vibes that at the right frequency cause exactly what you are complaining about everywhere your bodies contact the machine.

Do you have fairing mounted mirrors and more importantly - can you see out of them over 4500 RPM?

Are fasteners falling off your bike like those around the fairing that screw into plastic? Aside from the vibes on your body parts these are just a few signs that your engines ignition system needs looked at.

To your point, one ride home it got so bad I nearly threw thr bike in the ditch and left it and I only had an hour to go butt it was painful as hell. I think I stood on the pegs most of the way home.

If you can relate to any of this; it may not be the seat, your position or any of that, rather harmonic vibrations through the whole chassis which we can fix!!!
Perhaps what I should have said is if you have pinch points from bad ergonomics, chassis vibrations will make put the hurt on you fast!

Lets us know if any of the above post plays a roll as there is a cure.
Couple things:
I do have some vibration at highway speeds that I can feel on the pegs and in the seat but, the fairing-mounted stock mirrors do not vibrate at any speed where I can't see out of them. I believe the convex shape of driver's section of the Corbin seat is just bothering my pinch points. The foam is stiff and although the shape is pretty curved which you'd think would work for the shape of a crotch, it's just isn't working for me. When I put the stock seat on, I can go for at least an hour or two before I just get sore like anyone else but no numbness at all. The only difference is the shape of the stock seat is near flat and the foam feels softer. I guess it's like finding the pillow that work best for each person. Some like soft while others like real firm.

From research online, these forums and talking to other riders, the other thing I think could be affecting me big time is riding 2-up. I think its giving my body a more strenuous workout and I'm not realizing just how tense I am. Most of the ride, I'm not nervous at all with her on the back. But, in the twisties even at normal speed, the ride and weight shifts are obviously different with her on the back. So I gotta keep reminding myself to relax in the corners and that's just gonna take some time. I'm not trusting my bike's tires and lean angle enough and again, that's just on casual speed on the curved roads.
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