Is there anything more romantic . . .


That Romance Author Lady
Sep 26, 2011
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. . . than zipping out to meet your hubby and go for a ride together?

I think not. :D
So happy for you. sounds very nice. :thumbup:

I cannot even get my wife on the back of my ride, much less convince her to get a bike
Every couple of weeks my wife asks if we are going out for a ride, won't necessarily be that far, but she knows I like a ride, and she likes my company(and of course its mutual), so the opp for a ride to the pub or out for coffee, is always good.
She talks about getting a postie bike, which (i think) is a step up from a scooter.
I just need to get her to be more serious about boots and pants, w/out scaring her with consequences for not wearing them.
So happy for you. sounds very nice. :thumbup:

I cannot even get my wife on the back of my ride, much less convince her to get a bike

When dh said he was getting a bike, I told him, "Then I'm getting one too." He has to work hard to get me on the back of his bike. :eek:

got a single sister? Lucky man!

Nope, I'm one of a kind. :D
I love nothing more than going for a ride with my wonderful husband, Prebstar.

LONG gone are the days where I used to have to be his pillion and now I get to ride with him.

Says the fellow in the "girls'" area of the forum. ;)

Duuuuh uh oh!!

then you haven't found the right woman......:BLAA:

Even if I did find "the right woman" and one who even rides a bike... I would still prefer riding alone... I like to set my own pace... not have to wait or play catch up to someone else... My romantic desires exist outside the world of motorcycling sweet heart...;)
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Even if I did find "the right women" and one who even rides a bike... I would still prefer riding alone... I like to set my own pace... not have to wait or play catch up to someone else... My romantic desires exist outside the world of motorcycling sweet heart...;)

Well, see, hubby and I are evenly matched, so no one has to wait or catch up. He's even the one who wanted intercoms so we could talk while riding (I resisted at first because I'm the one who likes that mental alone time).

If you found the right woman (or women, whatever floats your boat, lol), you might start singing a different tune. ;)

Don't get me wrong, I like riding alone, setting my own pace, etc. It's just that riding with dh combines my two favorite things.
So happy for you. sounds very nice. :thumbup:

I cannot even get my wife on the back of my ride, much less convince her to get a bike

Especially since the *one time* we went on the freeway together and I split lanes. :BLAA: She claims that a van "touched her" but I think she is exaggerating.

Splitting lanes - it's not for everybody. :D