June 20 ride 2 work day

Im here showing my full support for ride to work day.... sun is shining for a change here in sunny yorkshire (UK)

cant wait for the ride home... even better..

Good chance of rain here in the afternoon/evening, but oh well I enjoyed my ride in and I will enjoy the ride home :thumbup:
Indiana had flooding and monsoon like showers last night and this morning. Sorry guys - not going out on the bike with water that will reach the engine. Stayed in my Tacoma for the commute - maybe tomorrow.
I had the best luck today.....great ride into work, then it rained all day until about 30 min before I headed out for the day. Great ride home too! :thumbup:
I have been out of town very frequently lately. Today I also had a day trip but I took the bike to work :rockon: it felt sooooo good to ride again.

The weather forecast was wrong today around here :Flip: it did not rain :D but it was VERY HOT!!!!
It was supposed to rain/hail/etc., but I rode anyway..
Didn't do anything, though.. I'll ride in the rain tomorrow to make up for not riding in it today..:thumbup:
For all of those who rode today, thanks! Especially if you had to ride in the rain. And to all the international members, a big thanks as well! It was a USA organized event.