June 2012 Scavenger Hunt

Saturday June 16th 2012. Youth Day in South Africa.

Here's my bike in front of the Hector Pieterson Museum in Soweto.


16 June 1976 was one of the blackest days in South Africa's recent history. On that day in Soweto, schoolchildren were protesting against the use of Afrikaans as the language of education in schools. In those days of Apartheid Afrikaans was seen as the language of the oppressor.

There are varying accounts of what happened on that fateful day but when the protesting children were confronted by police they started throwing rocks, which was returned with tear gas then live fire. Hector Pieterson, then aged 12, was the first child shot by the police. Some reports say that in the ensuing pandemonium more than 20 children died. This event led to the Soweto uprising in which more than 400 people were killed.

The museum is only a couple of blocks from where Hector was shot and was opened in 2002. Today is a national holiday to commemorate the events of 1976 and to honour young people.

More information: Hector Pieterson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Too much work,
Traveling frequently, work related (not on the bike) !!!!
I previously told my brother I'd go with him to the track this weekend - his car.
And this time we drove here (homestead) with two additional passengers, my brother's kids.

I miss my bike but this put a big smile in my face and I thought I'd share it here!!!
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I miss my bike !!!!! For the second year in a row I'll spend father's day with my brother at Homestead ;)

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Sorry for the doulble. last one didn't take my attach. Here is my youth submission. My two young and inspiring motorcycle riders.
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