Lane "filtering" comes to Utard


Elite Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Ogden UT
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On May 14th, it will be legal for motorcyclists to "filter" to the front of the line at red stop lights, provided there are two or more lanes going that direction, can ride no more than 15 mph, and the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less (not sure why a speed limit restriction, if its at a red light). We can't ride between cars if they're moving, so its not quite the same thing as California's lane-splitting.
I'm a bit surprised this bill was introduced, much less passed. And I'll be letting others try it at first; its gonna take awhile before cagers, particularly in this state, will get used to others "cutting in front" (my opinion) and I'm afraid there will be a few swerving cars and opened doors before folks get used to it (I hope I'm wrong). I now ride a large beemer, with fat, hard panniers, so I may not be trying this at all. Will be interesting, that's for sure.
You will do it next time the traffic is backed up and going. I suspect unlike Ca drivers the cagers of Utah are going to need time to adjust to bikes coming through.

If you really want to have fun try lane filtering on a GoldWing Blah
No matter where you filter, you will have people that have a problem with it.
It works surprisingly well in SoCal and many in cars are alert and will scoot over a bit for you. There are also mc riders that are asshats and eventually it catches up with them.
California had an unspoken law for many years regarding lane splitting and it wasn't legal but accepted as long as you did it in an acceptable way. You could be written for it at any time. Then California actually made it legal a few years ago, as long as it was performed within legal guidelines.
I think it would be legal in a lot more places if motorcyclist were more responsible.
There will always be a learning curve to these things. I don't see any problem with it as long as there are rules to it that are actually followed and/or enforced. I just see so many people in these youtube videos flying through cars when filtering/splitting and they wonder why cars don't see them.
We got filtering about 2 years back and still some cagers are arrogant, some are gold, Got stuck between a car carrier and a SUV that was hogging a lane- what can you do....passed them and anothe SUV turned in the lane to give space- he gets a big ol' wave!
sometimes, sh1t is good sometimes sh1t is bad - as long as you can be patient with the bad stuff and make the most of the good , you're in front I reckon