Lane Splitting Is Close to Becoming Legal In Oregon


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Feb 9, 2007
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Not Quite There Yet Lane splitting is a hot topic for many motorcyclists and state legislators right now. More states are considering laws based around the practice. Oregon is currently considering a bill that would legalize lane splitting on the state’s roads. However, Asphalt & Rubber notes that the bill, HB2314, is currently halted with ...
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How about in CT, is it legal here or any plans to make it Legal?
I have to confess I do not sit in traffic and I do Practice lane splitting, I use common sense... :)

these are the guideline from California which I follow in CT...
Travel at a speed that is no more than 10 MPH faster than other traffic – danger increases at higher speed differentials.
It is not advisable to lane split when traffic flow is at 30 mph or faster – danger increases as overall speed increases.
Typically, it is more desirable to split between the #1 and #2 lanes than between other lanes.
Consider the total environment in which you are splitting, including the width of the lanes, size of surrounding vehicles, as well as roadway, weather, and lighting conditions.
Be alert and anticipate possible movements by other road users.
The Four R’s or “Be-Attitudes” of Lane Splitting:
Be Reasonable, be Responsible, be Respectful, be aware of all Roadway and traffic conditions.

Motorists should not take it upon themselves to discourage motorcyclists from lane splitting.
Intentionally blocking or impeding a motorcyclist in a way that could cause harm to the rider is illegal (CVC 22400).
Opening a vehicle door to impede a motorcycle is illegal (CVC 22517).
Never drive while distracted.
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They tried it a couple years ago and it never made it through. Some do it anyway as you might expect.
Lane "filtering" (basically, splitting only while traffic is stopped at a red light) becomes legal here next Tuesday. They've already outlawed it on base, which sadly eliminates its biggest advantage for me (if I leave work during one of the "rush hours", I sit in line for four or five light changes at the gate; filtering would eliminate that (and simultaneously increase ridership on base an amazing amount!)).

I'll let other riders try it out, until this fades away:
Motorists should not take it upon themselves to discourage motorcyclists from lane splitting.