Lane splitting study


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May 5, 2007
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My sister visited southern California last weekend with her daughter to visit some colleges that my niece is considering to attend. I mentioned to her about the practice of lane splitting so she was forewarned to watch out for the splitters. Before I mentioned it, she had no idea what it was.

Apparently it has caught her attention, she forwarded me this clip that she watched this morning.

Is motorcycle "lane splitting" safe or dangerous? - Videos - CBS News
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I saw this one recently, from Australia, that not only highlights the safety aspects for bikers (I spent a matter of seconds stuck at the back of a motorway queue a year ago, and I still have nightmares about it now), but the benefits for the rest of the traffic flow to.

Link is no good. This is what you meant to post:

[ame=""]Motorcycle Lane Filtering -- Why It Should Be Legal -- Maurice Blackburn Lawyers -- Stop SMIDSY - YouTube[/ame]
There are a lot of bad lane splitters that take chances and are rude but all in all drivers are getting better at coexisting with riders and it seems to work well here.
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Lane splitting is legal here and I agree, slightly faster than the traffic flow is okay. I don't know what was more stupid, the speeding riders or the know it all TV anchors :spank:
Lane splitting is legal here and I agree, slightly faster than the traffic flow is okay. I don't know what was more stupid, the speeding riders or the know it all TV anchors :spank:

Same here, I agree splitting is safe if you ride slightly faster than the traffic flow, this is also part of the rules here (max 10km's faster than the traffic you're splitting) here are the Dutch rules of conduct.

I really think that the TV show was biased in their report, and showed many riders who did ride dangerously, instead of the ones who did it correctly :disapprove:
the guy was right...I commute two of the most traffic, busiest freeways in California 105, 405, 110..etc right in middle of Los Angeles with speed of 25-30mph and telling you it's actually safe and yes when at 25-30mph while cagers do 10-15mph. Except there might be case that some cagers decide to cross double-yellow lines (remember they always go with very low speed 5mph when crossing) and if you think you can take the case FOR A NEW BIKE :rockon: then just push the bike over them for a TOTAL LOSS then you will have your new bike!Blah ....but will you do it at 5mph car crossing yellow lines and you're traveling at 15-20mph to hit them ?:D

You will have plenty time to react, maneuver in any situation WITH THAT speed but not at 50-60mph (which I've seen some guys passing me all the time at 45-55mph and I always pray for them or next 2 mins I saw them laid down :( )

The most I'm scared of is when there is no traffic, people speed up very very fast and bikers are on low visible moving object will be paid with little or no attention at all.
lane splitting is a good thing. it can only be a good thing

i split everything, most of the time. freeway stuff, yup. can't say i adhere perfectly to the "10mph rule" but i'd be surprised if i ever approach 20mph. faster than stopped traffic, i mean. in fact i know i haven't. sounds too fast, i would notice if moving too fast

i must say i never really pay attention to my speedometer when splitting but my speed is what i consider safe and prudent. i let other splitters pass me all the time!

damn hooligans
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I always thought it was pretty dangerous but after reading this thread, (watching the video's), I wouldn't hesitate doing it in almost stopped/slowing traffic. I know down here, there's some hot dogs that would abuse it.

I'd be afraid of the boneheads changing lanes while their still moving (even slow).

Heck we don't have to wear helmets, adopt Austrialia's law, done! :thumbup:

Best part is the HD's probably couldn't do it most of the time Blah
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We can't split here on the east coast but I can tell it would actually be safer to split than not. For one thing it prevents you from being smashed between 2 cars when some A-hat on a cell phone rear ends you. I'd rather risk the chance of some errant lane changer clipping me than being rear-ended.
Ho hum, I split just about every day. It's a MAJOR advantage of riding instead of driving. But, motorcycles also have downsides, like having to gear up, no controlled climate, big luggage space, increased vulnerability to physical injury and more...

Unfortunately, making something legal that is currently illegal is---I don't think---easy. I know marijuana seems to be an exception but, even that took many, many efforts. And since probably less than 20% of motorists ride motorcycles, it doesn't seem like there are enough passionate about it.

Curiously, don't motor officers split lanes everywhere (all US states)? If so, how is that? If a cager causes a wreck with a splitting officer, what happens? Can't the motorist argue that it's illegal and therefore it shouldn't be required that motorists watch out for cops splitting lanes because that would mean cagers would ALWAYS have to watch for a motorcycle cop filtering. And so, then---you would think--- they (the cagers) are ALREADY having to watch out for motorcyclists (cops or not) filtering.

If cops split lanes, then shouldn't all motorcyclists be allowed to split lanes?

To me it's near insane for a motorcyclists to just sit in traffic backups when there's adequate room to maneuver in between cars, busses and trucks. Can't this be compared to racism or something? Why such discrimination against motorcyclists? Okay, then let's demand that ALL cagers wear a helmet!
Ho hum, I split just about every day. It's a MAJOR advantage of riding instead of driving. But, motorcycles also have downsides, like having to gear up, no controlled climate, big luggage space, increased vulnerability to physical injury and more...

Unfortunately, making something legal that is currently illegal is---I don't think---easy. I know marijuana seems to be an exception but, even that took many, many efforts. And since probably less than 20% of motorists ride motorcycles, it doesn't seem like there are enough passionate about it.

Curiously, don't motor officers split lanes everywhere (all US states)? If so, how is that? If a cager causes a wreck with a splitting officer, what happens? Can't the motorist argue that it's illegal and therefore it shouldn't be required that motorists watch out for cops splitting lanes because that would mean cagers would ALWAYS have to watch for a motorcycle cop filtering. And so, then---you would think--- they (the cagers) are ALREADY having to watch out for motorcyclists (cops or not) filtering.

If cops split lanes, then shouldn't all motorcyclists be allowed to split lanes?

To me it's near insane for a motorcyclists to just sit in traffic backups when there's adequate room to maneuver in between cars, busses and trucks. Can't this be compared to racism or something? Why such discrimination against motorcyclists? Okay, then let's demand that ALL cagers wear a helmet!

At my old department, when I was riding motors (HD's), when running emergency code (lights and siren), traffic is supposed to move to the right (and state law). In real life and stopped traffic it doesn't happen much..

When traffic is backed up (say from the wreck), I can legally ride my cop bike, down the side safety lane, lane split, etc to get to the scene. It should be done as safely as possible.

Should a wreck occur, in most cases, the cage is SUPPOSED TO YIELD the right of way to an EMERGENCY VEHICLE (WHILE IN EMERGENCY mode). The emergency vehicle can be found at fault say if they run a red light at excessive speed without slowing, checking for cross traffic, etc.

I personally, made sure trafiic was stopped before I entered an intersection
as I didn't need a wreck (and was useless if I didn't get there). Never laid down the bike (nor total a cop car in 25 + years).

Normal riding about (patrol), lane splitting, (cop bike or not), is NOT ALLOWED.
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I normally lane split in stopped traffic and do it slowly as not to startle people. The last time I did freeway lane splitting it was for about 40 miles (this summer) in on/off rain (rare here) I was surprised how so many drivers moved over to insure I had clearance. I was constantly waving thanks when I was clear. When traffic sped up I just slipped back into the lane. When it slowed I began splitting again. There's a technique to it where you constantly look for a space you'd try for should a car pull over as well as keeping your speed where you have time find a hole or react to minimize possible contact. You are constantly tuned to driver and vehicle signs that might tip you off to a swerve. There is always added risk but it's not as risky as you would think once to develop your senses and rules of how you will do this. I always feel more at risk when stopped and waiting for traffic to stack behind me.

There are basic recommendations for splitting and it work well by those recommendations.

One thing that's negative are people who don't really know how to split and don't follow recommendations. They are rude to drivers and are a negative rep to the motorcycle community as well as a higher statistic for why it's not safe.
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It should be legal in all states to lane split in stopped traffic. traffic that is at a full stop is much easier to pass through safely since cars can't change lanes as quickly from a dead stop. A lot more people would commute on bikes if it were legal and less cars on the road means faster moving traffic for all.
Hey Cliff, try lane splitting with a quiet Hondapotamas. After 10 miles of it in stopped freeway traffic my lovely wife was freaked out. I told her to close her eyes, she would not talk to me for 30 minutes after that.

Safe lane splitting rocks!
Hey Cliff, try lane splitting with a quiet Hondapotamas. After 10 miles of it in stopped freeway traffic my lovely wife was freaked out. I told her to close her eyes, she would not talk to me for 30 minutes after that.

Safe lane splitting rocks!
That's crazy on the Wing! Yeah I'm pretty narrow now but my next ride might have boxes. :)

Sent from Moto's Motorola
Hey Cliff, try lane splitting with a quiet Hondapotamas. After 10 miles of it in stopped freeway traffic my lovely wife was freaked out. I told her to close her eyes, she would not talk to me for 30 minutes after that.

Safe lane splitting rocks!

I bet!!

The Hondapotamus is half as wide as a car with the mirrors!! ;)
That's crazy on the Wing! Yeah I'm pretty narrow now but my next ride might have boxes. :)

Sent from Moto's Motorola
